
13 March 2015

Time-restricted Seaside Fashion Show Quest

Note on the morning of yet another Friday the 13th!  All tasks and rewards are included at this point but I intend to add notes about the ingredients and process for completing each Task as well as the Kitchen Recipes as time permits.

Seaside Fashion Show Quest and Purse Collections Mission

A new time-restricted Quest and Collections Mission has been released in Family Farm Seaside.  It is a Fashion Show theme and is two-fold.  A Collections Mission operates in tandem with a traditional Quest sequence as is usually the case:  The new format in terms of Rewards for the traditional Quest sequence continues as you will receive a special Reward each time you complete four Parts in the sequence.  The first Reward is a Special Mission Gift Bag after completing Seaside Fashion Show IV, a Decoration for the Seaside Farm in the form of a cleanable Music Box for completing Seaside Fashion Show VIII and a cleanable Decoration for the Island Farm  in the form of a Wooden Gazebo Decoration for completing the final Seaside Fashion Show XII tasks.

Tecnically, one needs to have access to the Island in order to be able to complete the last four Parts of the traditional Fashion Show Quest sequence.  It is not only access to the Island that is required but sufficient progress there to be able to have an Essential Oil Machine.  It is possible to pay RC to skip specific Tasks.  Whether or not this is worth doing for a player with no access to the Island yet or insufficient progress to perform all the Island tasks is something only each individual player can judge.

Recently, I created a second Farm in order to be able to add information to my Guide as well as determining how difficult Quests and Missions would be for a fairly low-level player.  I With a lifelong interest in dolls and international festivals, I was eager to obtain the Japanese Doll Set at the end of the last time-restricted Quest for my second farm.  (Yes, slightly obsessive and insane!)  I was at Level 28 when the quest was released.  I was able to increase my Level and I had to complete the Puzzle pieces as well before I could even unlock the Island.  I found I was running out of time and had to buy my way out of the Island tasks.  Without a Pie Machine, I would not have been able to perform them anyway.    Had the Reward been different, I would not have bothered on the second farm.

This new Quest sequence follows the same form in requiring Island access to complete the final four Parts.  Not every task or even every Part has Island tasks but if you wish to obtain the Wooden Gazebo, you either have to have access to the Island or pay substantial amounts of RC to 'skip' specific tasks.  Furthermore, it appears to me that some of the final Parts are brutal in their requirements.  On my first Farm, I should be able to complete them but as a Level 30 farmer on the new Farm, i doubt it will be possible.

New Recipes have been added to the Kitchen Menu, as is always the case where these time-restricted Quests are concerned.  New Items have been added as well to the Beauty Shop and tasks require that the Player craft all three of these.  A new item in the dorm of the Drift Bottle has been added to the Free Gifts Menu.  You will need 10 of these to complete one of the tasks in the traditional Quest sequence.  Basically, I would advice farmers NOT to sell any of the items that they make in the course of completing the Quest tasks as they may be needed later in the sequence.

The first element of the new Mission is a Collections Mission as follows:

Collect Purses

Collect 70 Blue Purses from Blueberries

Collect 50 Pink Purses from Pitaya Jam

Collect 30 Purple Purses from Grape Juice

Collect 10 Red Purses from Wild Rose Tree

Reward: Rainbow Tree

The Rainbow Tree can be purchased as well in the Market for 10 RC.  Is the sharp price increase intended to pursuade players to complete the Collections Mission instead?

Seaside Fashion Show Quest

Felicia:  We've worked so hard over the last few days!  It's time for some entertainment!  Let's come up with some ideas while doing our last chores!

Harvest 6 Cherries
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 40 Glasses of Grape Juice
  Skip for 20 RC
  N.B.  This is one of the items that produces Purses.

Produce 40 bundles of Wool
  Skip for 20 RC

Felicia:  Any ideas?

Reward: 1000 Coins, 160 XP

Seaside Fashon Show II

Felicia:  hey!  Something just hit me! Let's invite all of our neighbours and organise a fashion show on our farm!  What do you think?  Not bad, eh?  Let's prepare some snacks first!  What would they like to eat?

Prepare 8 Candied Apples
  Skip for 8 RC

Produce 40 Oat Bread
  Skip for 20 RC

Prepare  10 Coffee Biscuits
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 1000 Coins, 160 XP

Felicia:  I also prepared some bread and cookies, just in case!

Seaside Fashion Show III

Felicia:  A fashion show can't be a success without some beautiful ornaments. Hmm... Let's get some flowrs first!  And later I'll show you how to dress up!  So, stay tuned!

Harvest 40 Red Roses
  Skip for 20 RC

Harvest 40 Daisies
  Skip for 20 RC

Harvest 40 Lavender
  Skip for 20 RC

Felicia:  Pfff, it took some time, but it was worth it!

Reward: 1000 Coins, 170 XP

Seaside Fashion Show IV

Felicia:  Oh, snacks are ready!  Next... let's do the drinks!  In the meantime, let's ask Darryl to give the guests a call!  After all, who would say 'no' to such a gentleman, right?

Prepare 10 jugs of Lemon Champagne
  Skip for 10 RC

Prepare 10 jars of Apple Milkshakes
  Skip for 10 RC

Collect 20 Mobile Phones from Neighbours
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 1000 Coins, 170 XP

Felicia:  Neighbours can always lend a helping hand.  Thanks!

End of First Section:  Reward is a Special Missions Gift Box containing 6 Super Fertiliser, 6 Super Watering Can, 6 Power

Seaside Fashion Show V

Felicia:  Since I will be the hostess of the show, I need to look the part.  Grandma always said that real beauty is all about living healthily!  Let's mix some tasty fruits into healthy juices and teas!

Harvest 6 Grapefruits
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 20 Orange Juice
  Skip for 10 RC

Prepare 6 Grapefruit Tea
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 1000 Coins, 180 XP

Felicia:  That was so refreshing!

Seaside Fashion Show VI

Felicia:  Not long until the show starts, so I should begin preparing the rest of the dishes.  Good thing Darryl is here to help!  We should prepare a lot of dishes, who knows how many guests will attend?

Prepare 12 Blueberry Krispie Bars
  Skip for 12 RC

 N.B.  Each requires 1 Rice Krispies and 2 Blueberry Jam

Prepare 6 Lemon Fish
  Skip for 6 RC

  N.B.  Each requires 1 Butterfish and 1 Lemon

Prepare 10 plates of  Almond Omelets
  Skip for 10 RC

  N.B.  Each requires 1 Chorizo Frittata and 1 Almond Spread

Felicia:  Unbelievable!  We prepared all the dishes by ourselves!  And guess what?  The taste is pretty good, if I should say so myself!

Reward: 1000 Coins, 180 XP

Seaside Fashion Show VII

Felicia:  Do you remember the flowers we harvested before?  Let's put some here as decorations, and then use the remainder in the Beauty Shop to make something to go with the ornament!

Place Rainbow Tree on your Farm
  (Reward from Collections Mission or purchase for 10 RC)

Craft 10 Blue Hearts
  Skip for 10 RC

  N.B.  The Blue Heart is one of three new items that have been added to the Beauty Shop menu.  Each Blue Heart requires 5 Blue Roses, 3 Fern Flowers and 1 Glass (request as a free gift from a Neighbour).

Collect 20 Tiaras from Neighbours
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 1000 Coins, 190 XP

Felicia:  Wow, it looks beautiful!  The guests will be really amazed!

Seaside Fashion Show VIII

Felicia:  Our guests are coming soon!  I need some time to dress up!  Meanwhile, Darryl can prepare some fresh fruits for our guests.  After such a long journey, they must be starving!

Prepare 6 Rainbow Cakes
  Skip for 6 RC

Harvest 50 Strawberries
  Skip for 25 RC

Harvest 50 Blueberries
  Skip for 25 RC

Felicia:  I was right!  All the fruits were gone in a second!

Reward: 1000 Coins, 190 XP

Special Reward:  Cleanable Music Box Decoration for Seaside Farm, yields Purple Gift Box

Seaside Fashion Show IX

Felicia:  Well, I did not expect to have so many guests here!  Well done, Darryl!  Our chairs are running out!  Let's go into the Workshop and craft some more Wooden Chairs!

Craft 4 Wooden Chairs
  Skip for 4 RC

  This requires use of the Workshop on the Island.  Each requires 4 Wooden Cylinders (Oak) and 1 Wooden Plank (Cedar) to make.

Craft 4 Scarecrow Toys
  Skip for 4 RC

  This requires use of the Workshop on the Island.  Each requires 2 Mohair Yarn and 1 Cedar Wood to complete.

Craft 10 Oil Painting Frames
  Skip for 10 RC

  This requires use of the Workshop on the Island.  Each requires 2 Linen and 2 Oak Wood to complete.

Felicia:  I also made some toys while I was at it.  Souvenirs for our guests!

Reward: 1000 Coins, 200 XP

Seaside Fashion Show X

Felicia:  Great!  Everything is ready now.  It's showtime!  I cannot wait to see the girls in all those beautiful dresses.  Hmm... I should have Darryl prepare some flowers and gifts for our models as a thank you!

Produce 60 Tulip Bouquets
  Skip for 30 RC

Produce 60 White Rose Bouquets
  Skip for 30 RC

Produce 60 Toy Horses
  Skip for 30 RC

Reward: 1000 Coins, 200 XP

Felicia:  I think they'll really like these gifts!

Seaside Fashion Show XI

Felicia:  Wow, that felt amazing!  The crowd went wild seeing those beautiful ladies in so many different dresses!  I think I did a pretty good job hosting this event.  Time to go back to the farm and see if Darryl needs any help.

Fertilise Neighbours' Farms 40 times
  Skip for 40 RC

Complete 4 Helicopter Orders
  Skip for 4 RC

Craft 10 Drift Bottle Necklaces
  Skip for 10 RC

  N.B.  The Drift Bottle Necklace is one of three new items that have been added to the Beauty Shop Menu.  Each Drift Bottle Necklace requires 1 Blue Heart, 2 White Cord Necklaces (another new Beauty Shop Item) and 1 Drift Bottle.  Make certain if you can that you craft the White Cord Necklaces in advance as you will need a total of 20 to complete this task!  Do not sell the Blue Hearts that you crafted earlier as they will be needed as well!
Incidentally, each Drift Bottle Necklace takes 35 minutes to complete.

Recipe for White Cord Necklace:  1 Angora Hair, 1 Wool, 2 Daisies

Felicia:  Darryl is such a hard worker!  Where would I be without him?

Reward: 1000 Coins, 210 XP

Seaside Fashion Show XII

Felicia:  Everybody is preparing to leave.  let's hand out their gifts and wish them a good journey!  Wait, where are the gifts?  Oh, gosh!  I sold them when I was at the farm!  Guys, I'll be back in a minute, please wait!

Prepare 6 Rainbow Delights
  Skip for 6 RC

Craft 6 Starfish Mirrors
  Skip for 6 RC

  N.B.  The Starfish Mirror is made in the Beauty Shop and each requires 2 Lavender Bouquets, 1 Dried Starfish and 1 Glass (free Gift from Neighbours)

Craft 6 Camomile Aroma Bottles
  Skip for 6 RC

  This is a three-part project.  Wooden Aroma Bottles are crafted in the Workshop using 2 Wool Yarn and 1 Cedar Wood.  You need to produce Camomile Essensial Oil for each in your Essential Oil Machine on the Island.  You then need to transport both Oil and Bottles to  the original Seaside Farm to make the Camomile Aroma Bottles in the Beauty Shop.
Each requires 1 Wooden Aroma Bottle, 1 Camomile Essential Oil and 1 Distilled Water.

Felicia:  Gift time!  Thanks for joining, every one!  See you soon!

Reward: 1000 Coins, 210 XP

Final Special Reward:  Cleanable Wooden Gazebo Decoration for Island Farm

Gallery Registrations

Do not forget to register the new items in the Gallery in order to be able to register the Collection as follows:

Music Box
  2 Medals, 10 Green Mystrons

Wooden Gazebo
  5 Medals, 30 Green Mystrons

Rainbow Tree
  8 Medals, 2 Super Watering Cans

Seaside Fashion Show Collection
  Includes:  Rainbow Tree, Music Box, Wooden Gazebo
  5 Medals, 88 Green Mystrons, 1 RC

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