
12 September 2014

Time-Restricted Forest Mystery Quest and Marbles Collection Mission

 (Japanese Garden Decoration, part of Special Sale on 12 September)

(Final Reward from Forest Mystery Mission in the form of a Shelter Decoration as well as the Haystack from the Collections Mission)

With the release of a special sale that gives players the opportunity to purchase a wonderful Japanese garden with animated Owl, a new timed sequence of Quests now is available that will last 11 more days.

As usual, there is a Collections Mission as well as traditional Quest sequence.

The Collections Mission is as follows:

Collect Marbles
Try to collect Colourful Marbles when making farm products
70 Green Marbles fromCabbage
50 Blue Marbles from Peacock Feathers
30 Yellow Marbles From Veggie Burger
10 Red Marbles from Pomegranate Tree

The Rewards for completing the Collections Mission are a Quince Tree and a Haystack Decoration.  The Quince Tree can be purchased in the Market for 7 RC, if players are loathe to complete the Collections Missioin.

The traditional quest sequence is as follows:

Forest Mystery Missions:

Forest Mystery I:

Felicia:  Lately, Darryl spends an awful lot of time in the forest and he often forgets about his studies on the farm.  I am wonderfing what he is doing there.  It sounds like an adventure!  Can you help me with the farm tasks, so we can go look for him?

Produce 40 Beef
  Skip for 20 RC

Harvest 4 Maple Syrup
  Skip for 4 RC

Produce 40 Buffalo Milk Cheese
  Skip for 20 RC

Felicia:  Oh, he just came back to the farm.  Hurry up, maybe we can get some information out of him!

Reward: 85 Coins, 10 XP

Forest Mystery II:

Felicia:  Directly asking him where he was won't work. I  think if we give him some of his favourite sweets, we might be able to bribe him!  I really want to know what's going on!

Produce 40 bottles of  Ketchup
  Skip for 20 RC

Prepare 30 Milk Cookies
  Skip for 30 RC

Harvest 40 Cabbages
  Skip for 20 RC

Felicia:  I made cookies and prepared ketchup for his lunch, but he just took the cookies and left!

Reward: 90 Coins, 12 XP

Forest Mystery III

Felicia:  Okay, it's time to spy!  Let's prepare a lunch bag and then we follow him into the forest.  But please don't forget to harvest he almond tree.  Granny will get mad if we forget our tasks!

Prepare 20 Spinach Salad
  Skip for 20 RC

Harvest 4 Almonds
  SKip for 4 RC

Prepare 20 Stuffed Turkey
  Skip for 20 RC

Felicia:  Did you finish everything?  Let's go then!

Reward: 100 Coins, 12 XP

Forest Mystery IV

Felicia;  Oh no!  Now, of all times, Grandma asked me another favour!  As soon as I catch Darryl, I will make him help me!

Prepare 50 Veggie Burgers
  Skip for 25 RC

Place Quince Tree
  (from Collections Mission, or buy for 7 RC)

Prepare 20 Forest Soup
  Skip for 20 RC

Felicia:  Finally we can go!  I hope we can still find him.

Reward: 100 Coins, 14 XP

Forest Mystery V:

Felicia:  Now Darryl is already way ahead of us!  We probably won't be able to find him anymore.  We might as well do some extra tasks on the farm and wait until he's back.

Fertilise your Neighbour Farms 40 Times
  Skip for 40 RC

Prepare 4 Bowls of Braised Vegetables
  Skip for 4 RC

Produce 50 bags of Sugar Popcorn
  Skip for 25 RC

Felicia:  We finished so many tasks on the farm!  And guess what?  Darryl is already sneaking back!

Reward: 110 Coins, 14 XP

Forest Mystery VI:

Felicia:  This time I am better prepared.  I'll put a bag of marbles in Darryl's pocket.  So hopefully they will fall out and lead us the way when we lose him again!

Place a Haystack on your Farm
  (Reward from Collections Mission)
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 50 glasses of Grape Juice
  Skip for 25 RC

Prepare 10 Pomegranate Cookies
  Skip for 10 RC

Felicia:  It worked!  He lost some marbles and we never lost track of him.  I hope we can solve the mystery soon!
Forest Mystery VII:

Felicia:  Finally!  It seems like Darryl is building a shelter to store sweets from the farm.  Hey, we need those products on the farm!

Produce 50 Blueberry Candy
  Skip for 25 RC

Produce 20 Almond Cake
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 6 Bowls of Peche au Caramel
  Skip for 6 RC

Felicia:  Oh no!  I forgot to keep my voice down!  Now Darryl noticed us.

Reward: 110 Coins, 15 XP

Forest Mystery VIII:

Felicia:  He saw me and got really angry.  But actually he's the one to blame, because he stole all the sweets!  He better come with a good explanation for this... And hopefully some spare sweets to calm me down.

Prepare 20 Candied Apples
  Skip for 20 RC

Collect 20 Candy Bags from Neighbours
  Skip for 20 RC

Collect 6 Jars of Nectar
  Skip for 6 RC

Felicia:  Yummy, these candies are really good!  But now I feel bad.  Darryl just wanted to help some friends!

Reward: 120 Coins, 18 XP

Forest Mystery IX

Felicia:  It turns out that he was saving all the sweets for friends who dont have a lot.  Stealing from the rich farm to give to the poor... Well, it doesn't hurt our farm.  Maybe we should help!

Prepare 6 Bowls of Autumn Special
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 60 Cheeseburgers
  Skip for 30 RC

Produce 60 Grape Candies
  Skip for 30 RC

Felicia:  I feel better now, and Darryl is no longer upset.

Reward: 120 Coins, 16 XP

Forest Mystery X

Felicia:  But still, stealing is stealing and he should've asked.  Granny is upset with us and she said we should give some presents to the other farmers to apologise.  But I also want to help Darryl's friends, so can we please also make some candies?

Complete the Orders on the Order Board

Produce 60 Apple Candies
  Skip for 30 RC

Prepare 60 Glasses of Orange Smoothie
  Skip for 30 RC

Felicia:  In the end, every one learned lessons.  We also have candies for the whole year!  Thanks for your help!

Reward: 120 Coins, 16 XP

FINAL REWARD:  Shelter, Decoration that yields Purple Cleaning Bag

For my money, the BEST Reward is the Japanese Garden which must be purchased in the Special Sale... do not delay!

New Kitchen Recipes

As is usually the case, new Recipes have been released that are used in the Mission:

Braised Vegetables:  72 Coins, 1 XP
  Ingredients:  Beef x 2, Quince

Forest Soup: 377 Coins, 1 XP
  Ingredients:  Cabbage KimChi, Braised Stew

Autumn Special: 509 Coins, 1 XP
  Ingredients:  Braised Vegetables, Forest Soup

Strategies for Mission

Ordinarily, I would advise players to complete the Collections Mission first as the Rewards are needed to complete the traditional Quest sequence.  Here, however, although the Rewards ARE needed, some of the traditional Quest tasks are the same as the Items required to produce the Marbles in the Collections Mission.

For example, in Forest Mystery II, you need to harvest 40 Cabbage.  Cabbage is one of the items that produces Marbles.  You need 70 Green Marbles that appear randomly when Cabbage is harvested.  Why complete the Collections Mission for the Marbles then before Forest Mystery II?

Likewise, you need to produce 50 Veggie Burgers in Forest Mystery IV.  Veggie Burgers are the Item that randomly yields the Yellow Marbles.   You need 30 Yellow Marbles to complete the Collections Mission.  You will need a Quince Tree on your Farm to complete Farm Mystery IV, but why not produce the 50 Veggie Burgers FIRST?

With no more than a cursory glance at the list of Tasks, I can see that an awful lot of Sugar will be required in the course of completing the traditional Quest sequence.  You will need Sugar for every sort of 'Candy' made in the Candy Machine as well as for the Sugar Popcorn.

Apart from the immense load of Cabbages you will need to grow for the Collections Mission, you will need a fair number of Tomatoes, both for the Veggie Burgers and for the 50 Ketchup required in Forest Mystery II.  Another Crop that will be needed in some quantity is Rice, both for the Peacock that produces the Blue Marbles randomly in Peacock Feather harvests and for the Turkey to make the Turkey Meat required for the Suffed Turkey Recipe.

Use your Baker to make Wheat Bread in quantity.  You will need it both for the random number of Veggie Burgers required to produce Yellow Marbles and for the Cheeseburgers required as one of the traditional Quest tasks.

Story of Forest Mystery

Offhand, I do not see any direct cultural basis for the plot of this time-restricted Mission.  It is more like the regular Missions than other time-restricted Quests in that sense.  There appears to be some tie to the legend of Robin Hood in that Felicia is dressed like Robin Hood and makes a reference to stealing from the rich to give to the poor.  The 'sweets' or 'candy' appears to be connected to Hallowe'en, albeit in a tenuous fashion.

Let us hope they will have another time-restricted Mission closer to Hallowe'en and one this time that involves the very ancient Festival of Samhain, when the dead were honoured.  Last year's Hallowe'en Mission involved monsters more than ancient traditions, so it would not be a repeat of that.  I very much enjoy all the cultural missions from various parts of the globe and would like to see that trend continue.

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