This site was created and is maintained by Freyashawk, aka Eugenia Martino.
21 February 2014
Daily Order Tasks
The Daily Orders are found on an Order Board on your Farm. Access it daily to find three randomly generated Orders that can consist of Crops, Animal Products, Machine Products, Cooked Dishes from the Kitchen or Smoked Seafood.
At first, I believed that filling the Orders would be counterproductive as it reduced my Stock. As my own Levels increased, however, I discovered I could maintain sufficient Stock for Missions and other needs while still filling the Daily Orders. Every player must judge for himself/herself but my own opinon would be that, as long as you have not completed ALL the ordinary Quests/Missions that are available to every Farmer, it would be a mistake to fill too many Daily Orders. There is a point, however, when a Farmer has completed all the ordinary Quests/Missions. I define 'ordinary' as those Quests that have no time restrictions. When this occurs and there are no longer any Quests to be completed, it is time to begin to take the Daily Orders seriously.
I only have one Farm, unlike some players and therefore cannot know whether or not every player receives the same orders in the Daily Order Quest. Officially, it is stated that the Daily Orders are generated randomly. I have noticed, however, that the same tasks appear again and again and therefore felt that it might be useful to write them down for future reference and to aid other players in preparing the items required in advance.
Here are some of the Daily Orders I have received. They appear in groups of three. If you complete all three, you receive a bonus.
My own Level is 55. I believe this determines the Items that are required from me.
Sell 30 Pumpkins
Sell 1 Smoked Salmon
Sell 4 Sweet and Sour Shrimp
Ingredients: Pineapple x 3, Steamed Opposum Shrimp
Sell 30 Coffee Beans
Sell 30 bundles of Horse Hair
Feed Horse Carrots
Sell 5 servings of Almond Spread
Ingredients: Cheddar Cheese x 12, Almond x 2
N.B. Cheddar Cheese can be requested as a Free Gift. It is a good idea generally to keep a large supply on hand. As you can see, this Recipe requires 12 of them!
Sell 30 Red Bell Peppers
sell 2 smoked Butterfish
sell 4 Warship Sushi
Ingredients: Rice, Brined Seaweed
Sell 35 Tomatoes
Sell 25 bundles of Alpaca Hair
Feed Alpaca Green Lettuce
Sell 2 Crab Roe Warship Sushi
Ingredients: Warship Sushi (Rice, Brined Seaweed), Crab Roe
Sell 30 Cucumbers
Sell 25 Venison Steaks
Feed Deer Beans
Sell 1 Seafood and Pineapple Fried Rice
Ingredients: Sweet and Sour Shrimp (Pineapple x 3, Steamed Opossum Shrimp) x 2, Rice x 3
Sell 30 Love Fruits
Require 30 jars of Honey
Sell 1 Hot Lemon Octopus
Ingredients: Octopus, Lemon
Sell 35 Red Roses
Sell 35 bundles of Angora Hair
Sell 4 Warship Sushi
Ingredients: Rice, Brined Seaweed
Sell 35 Tomatoes
Sell 25 Venison Steaks
Sell 5 Chorizo Frittatas
Ingredients: Beef Salami x 10, Mayonnaise x 2
Require 25 Clovers
Sell 1 Smoked Salmon
sell 2 Crab Roe Warship Sushi
Ingredients: Warship Sushi (Rice, Brined Seaweed), Crab Roe
Sell 35 Tomatoes
Sell 35 bundles of Angora Hair
Feed Angora Rabbit Carrots
Sell 15 Rice Krispies
Ingredients: Rice x 2, Mayonnaise x 2
Sell 30 Red Bell Peppers
Sell 35 Goose Feathers
Feed Goose Lotus Flower
Sell 7 loaves of Oat Fruit Bread
Ingredients: Fruit Butter (Apple Jelly, Cherry x 3), Oat Bread
Sell 35 Red Roses
Sell 25 Venison Steaks
Feed Deer Bean
Sell 4 Surf n Turf
Ingredients: Turkey, Dried Scallop x 3
Require 25 Apples
Sell 35 Goose Feathers
Sell 5 Servings of Almond Spread
Ingredients: Cheddar Cheese x 12, Almond x 2
Sell 30 coffee beans
Sell 30 bundles of horse Hair
Sell 15 jars of Honey Syrup
Sell 30 Cucumber
Sell 25 Venison Steaks
Sell 1 Royal Salad
Sell 30 Love Fruits
Sell 3 Smoked Yellow Croakers
Sell 4 Surf n Turf
Require 25 Clovers
Sell 30 Peacock Feathers
Sell 1 Paella
Sell 35 Red Roses
Sell 30 bundles of Horse Hair
Sell 15 Jars of Apple Jelly
Sell 30 Cucumbers
Sell 1 Smoked Salmon
Sell 2 Seafood Salad
Sell 30 pumpkins
Sell 1 smoked salmon
Sell 4 sweet and sour shriimp
Sell 30 coffee beans
Sell 30 bundles of horse hair
Sell 5 servings of almond spread
Sell 30 red bell peppers
sell 2 smoked butterfish
sell 4 warship sushi
Sell 35 tomatoes
Sell 25 bundls of alpaca hair
Sell 2 crab roe warship sushi
Sell 30 cucumbers
sell 25 venison steaks
Sell 1 seafood and pineapple fried rice
Sell 30 love fruits
Require 30 jars of honey
sell 1 hot lemon octopus
sell 35 red roses
sell 35 bundles of angora hair
sell 4 warship sushi
sell 35 tomatoes
sell 25 venison steaks
sell 5 chorizo frittatas
require 25 clovers
sell 1 smoked salmon
sell 2 crab roe warship sushi
sell 35 tomatoes
sell 35 bundles of angora hair
sell 15 rice krispies
sell 30 red bell peppers
sell 35 goose feathers
sell 7 loaves of oat fruit bread
Sell 35 Red Roses
Sell 25 Venison Steaks
Sell 4 Surf n Turf
sell 30 coffee beans
sell 30 bundles of horse hiar
sell 15 jars of honey syrup
Sell 30 Cucumber
Sell 25 Venison Steaks
Sell 1 Royal Salad
Sell 30 Cucumbers
Sell 35 Goose Feathers
Sell 2 Seafood Salad
Sell 30 Peanuts
Sell 1 Smoked Ray Finned Fish
Sell 1 Seafood and Pineapple Fried Rice
Sell 30 Pumpkins
Require 30 Sacks of Wheat Flour
Sell 1 Paella
Sell 30 Coffee Beans
Sell 30 bundles of horse Hair
Sell 4 Surf n Turf
Sell 35 Red Roses
Require 30 Sacks of Wheat Flour
Sell 5 Meatloaves
SellSell 30 Cucumber
Sell 25 Venison Steaks
Sell 1 Royal Salad
Sell 30 Cucumbers
Sell 35 Goose Feathers
Sell 2 Seafood Salad
Sell 30 Peanuts
Sell 1 Smoked Ray Finned Fish
Sell 1 Seafood and Pineapple Fried Rice
Sell 30 Pumpkins
Require 30 Sacks of Wheat Flour
Sell 1 Paella
Sell 30 Coffee Beans
Sell 30 bundles of horse Hair
Sell 4 Surf n Turf
Sell 35 Red Roses
Require 30 Sacks of Wheat Flour
Sell 5 Meatloaves
Sell 30 Pumpkins
Sell 25 Bundles of Alpaca Hair
Sell 1 Hot Lemon Octopus
Sell 30 red bell peppers
sell 3 smoked Tilapia
Sell 3 Wakame Salad
Sell 30 Pumpkins
Sell 1 Smoked Salmon
Sell 3 Shrimp Chili
Sell 30 Coffee Beans
Sell 35 Goose Feathers
Sell 2 Seafood Curry Soup
Sell 30 Peanuts
Sell 30 Peacock Feathers
Sell 15 Jars of Apple Jelly
Require 25 Apples
Sell 1 Smoked Ray Finned Fish
Sell 3 Wakame Salad
Sell 30 Cucumbers
Sell 1 Smoked Salmon
Sell 2 Seafood Salad
Require 25 Clovers
Sell 30 Bundles of Horse Hair
Sell 10 Cheese Apples
Sell 35 Tomatoes
Sell 30 Peacock Feathers
Sell 5 Chorizo Frittatas
Sell 30 Pumpkins
Sell 30 Bundles of Horse Hair
Sell 4 Sweet and Sour Shrimp
Require 25 Clovers
Sell 3 Smoked Tilapia
Sell 5 Meatloaves
Sell 30 Peanuts
Sell 3 Smoked Yellow Croaker
Sell 4 Shrimp Fried Rice
Sell 30 Pumpkins
Sell 35 Goose Feathers
Sell 1 Seafood and Pineapple Fried Rice
Sell 30 Red Bell Peppers
Sell 35 Bundles of Angora Hair
Sell 4 Sweet and Sour Shrimp
Sell 30 Cucumbers
Sell 30 Peacock Feathers
Sell 15 Jars of Apple Jelly
Require 25 Clovers
Sell 35 Goose Feathers
Sell 7 Gorgonsola Baked Apples
Sell 30 Cucumbers
Sell 30 Peacock Feathers
Sell 1 Seafood and Pineapple Fried Rice
Sell 30 Coffee Beans
Sell 30 Bundles of Angora Hair
Sell 15 Rice Krispies
Sell 30 Pumpkins
Sell 30 Peacock Feathers
Sell 2 Seafood Chili
Require 25 Apples
Sell 25 Venison Steaks
Sell 4 Surf n Turf
If you study the list, you will see that it is not the complete group of three that appears again and again, but the individual tasks. For example, you may find Almond Spread is required as a Recipe again and again and that Goose Feathers are another common task.
It is possible that the Orders you receive will be based on your Level of experience in the game. That would make sense, as it would be a little unfair to expect players to fill orders that consist of items they have not been able to unlock yet. Nonetheless, I hope this page will be useful.
Smoked Fish of various types are included often in the Daily Orders. As these take a fair amunt of time to produce, it is a good idea to keep some of each type in your Barn for possible future use. Many Seafood Dishes are required. The Ingredients usually include items produced in the Seafood House. Again, it is a good idea to produce as many items as possible in advance.
Tips about Growing Crops for Daily Orders:
You will see the same Crops again and again in the Daily Orders List, either as Crops to be sold in their raw form, as Ingredients in Recipes or as food for an Animal who creates a Product in the List. The following are commonly needed:
Red Bell Pepper: Red Bell Pepper takes 14 hours to mature. It often is found in the Daily Orders as a Crop that is needed in its raw form.
Pumpkin: Pumpkin takes 15 hours to mature. It is found in the Daily Orders in its raw form.
Peanut: Peanut takes 18 hours to mature. It is found in the Daily Orders in its raw form.
Bean: Bean takes 14 hours to mature. You need to feed this to a Deer to produce Venison Steaks
Rice takes 14 hours to mature. it is found as an Ingredient in many of the Recipes required for the Daily Orders. It is fed to a Turkey as well to produce Turkey meat.
Carrot: Carrot takes 8 Hours to mature. You need to feed this to a Horse to produce Horse Hair and to an Angora Rabbit to produce Angora Hair.
You will see a large number of Seafood items in the Daily Orders List, usually either as Smoked Fish of one sort of another or as an Ingredient in a Recipe. Smoked Fish requires a Smoke House. To produce many of the seafood ingredients that are not smoked, you will need a Seafood House. That is where Seaweed is transformed into Brined Seaweed, for example or where Crab Roe can be produced. Fishing is a random business at best. If you intend to fill all the Daily Orders, you should fish regularly in order to make certain you have all possible ingredients that may be required.
Once upon a time, the OP Sheep, a mechanical Sheep that delivered OP every day for a number of days, was the final Reward. Now the Reward List has been extended considerably. Rewards include Fertilisers, Watering Cans, Rain, Thunderstorms, Rainbow Rain, Power and Gasoline as well as surprise (wrapped Gifts) Rewards.
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