
18 December 2013

Jubilation for Farmers who Celebrate Christmas: Christmas Trees and Angel Candle in the Market

New Christmas Decorations including two Christmas Trees have appeared in the Marketplace.  A Tree trimmed with Decorations that can be produced in the Ornament Machine in the original Family Farm game can be purchased for 10000 Coins.  Another Tree, actually the Festive Shaker produced in the Workshop in the original game, can be purchased for 3 RC.  Finally, the gorgeous Angel Candle that can be produced in the Beauty Shop in the original Family Farm game can be purchased for 5 RC in Family Farm Seaside.

The screenshots displayed below show the items in both games as well as the Decorations Menu in the Marketplace in Seaside.

In the original Family Farm, the trimmed Tree is a Quest, allowing one to trade items created in the Ornament Machine and elsewhere for Decorations to trim the Tree.  When the Tree is complete, one obtains another Reward in the form of special Christmas Animals.

The second Tree is one of the 'Festive Shakers' that can be crafted in the Workshop in the original Family Farm.

The Angel Candle is crafted in the Beauty Shop as previously stated.  It is one of my favourite decorations.

The other new Decoration that has appeared in the Market is a Christmas Cake that can be purchased for 12000 Coins.

In January 2014, a new option in the form of Cleaning for specified Decorations was added to the game.  The Christmas Trees as well as the Angel Candle are eligible for Cleaning, an action that gives a 'Gift Bag' containing a random Item that can vary from Gasoline to OP or Power.

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