
12 June 2013

When to Spend RC on Missions, Quests and Expansions

Farm Expansions are a necessity both in the original Family Farm and in Seaside if you have any intention of completing Quests and Missions.  You will not have sufficient space on your original Farm to grow the Crops needed or to place the many Trees, Animals and Machines required to complete these Goals.
To some extent, you can make do with a smaller Farm by building a Warehouse and placing all Animals and Machines not being used for current Missions or Quests into storage.  You can build a Well and place Sprinklers on all your plots to speed growth by 25%.  Of course, you do have to possess sufficient land to PLACE the Warehouse and the Well.  The Warehouse takes considerable space.

Moreover, the new Kitchen option requires the construction of another large Building in the form of the Kitchen.  With the original Farm, it is unlikely you will have sufficient space for the Warehouse and the Kitchen.

Players tend to be divided between those who are willing to splash out by purchasing premium Cash and those who feel that it should be possible to play the game with the resources one is given.  One can earn RC, albeit slowly.   One can earn premium Items sometimes in the form of Rewards for Quests and Missions completed.  Basically, though, if you wish to be able to complete ALL the Missions and Quests in a timely manner and increase your Level fairly quickly, you probably will need to invest in premium Cash.

Where Expansions are concerned, it is possible to complete the requirements for the first two or three without 'cheating' by paying RC to skip a Requirement.  If, however, you need the space and do not have the means to complete all three Requirements in the near future, which requirement should you skip?

Never Skip a Requirement to complete a Building.  Buildings usually are too useful to justify 'skipping' them by paying premium Cash.  For example, the 18 x 18 Expansion requires the Player to complete a Warehouse.  It is more important to do that than to save 200,000 Coins.  Furthermore, Coins can be spent on other improvements.  

Where the larger Expansions are concerned, I believe that the requirement that can be skipped is that of attaining a specific Level.  It takes more and more time to reach a higher Level as you advance in the game.  If you need more space, skip the Level Requirement, paying RC to do so.

The Coin price for the Expansion will increase with every Expansion.  Again, it is better to skip that Requirement often by paying RC if you are nowhere near the Goal than to spend all your Coins on the Expansion.  

NEVER skip the Requirement to make a certain number of a specified Item.  With a little diligence and determination, you always should be able to make the required number of Goods to complete that requirement for an Expansion.  The Goods then can be used or sold.  Skipping the Requirement by paying RC only cheats your own Farm in the end.

Where Quests and Missions are concerned, one must distinguish between those that are time-limited and those that are open-ended in terms of completion.  If you like the ultimate Reward for any time-limited Quest or Mission, you may have to decide whether or not it is worth an investment in real money, especially if you came to the Mission/Quest Sequence late in the game.

For Quests and Missions that are not time-limited, it usually is best to be patient and complete every Quest in the Sequence.

Often there will be a Task that requires an Item that must be purchased with Premium Cash or RC.  In such a case, it is better to BUY the required Item than to 'Skip' the Requirement.  Most of the Items that can be found in Seaside are used again and again in Quests and Missions.  'Skipping' any Quest Sequence that involves an Item that requires an RC investment is a temporary solution at best.

If you are impatient, it is far better to purchase Farm Aids to speed the growth of required Crops or Tree Harvests than to 'Skip' the Quest Sequence.  Skippoing a Task never is possible for less than 4 RC and often requires far more.  One can purchase 25 Super Fertiliser for 3 RC or 25 Super Watering Cans for 6 RC.  Only a single use is required to completely ripen any Crop or Tree.

When you first plant any Crop or have harvested any Tree, you will be required to use 4 Ordinary Fertiliser or 4 Ordinary Watering Cans to bring it to maturity.  If, however, your Crops or Trees are almost ready for harvest, it may be possible to bring them to maturity with a single use of ordinary Fertiliser or an ordinary Watering Can.   25 ordinary Fertiliser cost 1 RC and  25 ordinary Watering Cans cost 2 RC.

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