
29 May 2024

Music Festival Treasure Island

Walkthrough complete.

Essentially, Treasure Island posts are walkthroughs without a lot of explanations.  I mainly try to document material requirements.

There is a new option in this one wherein special sales called Piggy Banks become available only when you reach specific goals.  I find this difficult to justify in a way, as what is unlocked in each instance is a cash purchase.
The first of these was unlocked in puzzling fashion when I had reached only 11 of 15 required goals.  Why?  I have no idea but it was a cash purchase for 700 Energy and 20 Diamonds.  When I finished 15 tasks, I was eligible to collect an additional 800 Energy and 30 Diamonds.
At this point, the 2bd Pivgy Bank becomes available.  With 17 out of 25 tasks, you get 700 Energy and 20 Diamonds if you make the same cash payment again.  At 25, you can collect an additional 800 Energy and 30 Diamonds.

There is a catch here:  You cannot use the Trading Energy Fountain if your Energy exceeds a certain total.  So when you purchase a cash 'deal', you lose the ability to trade for energy until you have used most of the Energy you purchased.
Strategy Tip:  Even if you pay cash, you will find your resources reduced to notbing very quickly.  Always take advantage of the Trading Fountain when your Energy total is low BEFORE you collect gift boxes or pay for more resources.

Please note this Activity is extremely long.  Once you complete the first Map, there is a new one that is the same size.

It may be helpful to list the materials with the Energy requirements for each:
Microphone: 43
Large Speaker: 69, 36: 3 Notes
Record Box: 73, 49, 25
Tape Box: 33, 17: 3 Tapes
Largest Tap Player: 48, 33, 17: 6 Tapes

The Phonograph is the Workshop.  Note that there is a second Phonograph behind the Music Stage on the 2nd Islabd.  It requires very little to build it in the form of materials.

The main goal is to collect Stars to obtain all the rewards.  The significant Reward really is the Magic Wand Machine.  I have noticed, however, that the final Reward in these Treasure Island activities will be included as a theme decoration in the next Farm Beauty Contest.

In this case, however, the 'Final Reward' really is not that at all. There is a second map equal in size to the first and the true final reward is a 2nd Float for the Parade that delivers 15 Power on a timer.  I am not there yet but will continue to document.

The Magic Wand Machine you receive as a Star Reward requires Oak Wood and produces the following Wands:
Peacock Magic Wand
Goose Feather Magic Wand
Lucky Star Magic Wand
Phoenix Feather Magic Wand
Elderberry Magic Wand
Spooky Eye Magic Wand

There is another new option in the form of the Elephant Buglar that is a Lucky Wheel that gives no real rewards apart from the small amount of Energy given for rhe completion of any task.  It has a total point requirement and 25 Energy is required for every spin until you reach the required total in every instance.  It is used simply as a task.

Tutorial: 9 Energy to clear 1 grass
Cover 1 Pond:  1 Record, 3 Grass
(25 energy to obtain 1 Record)
The numbered tasks begin here:
1. Help 1 Band Member Duck: 2 Wood, 2 Records
To reach, clear purple bush for 21 energy
2.  Build 1 Piano Bridge: 3 Branch, 3 Stone, 4 Tapes
Blue Gift bag: Rubber duck
Pink Gift bag: toy train
3. Help 1 Band Member Duck:  3 Record, 5 Tape
4. Clear 1 Bush: 21 Energy
5. Help 1 Band Member Duck:  2 Records, 3 Notes
To reach: You must
Cover 1 Pond: 3 Stone, 5 Notes
6. Fill 1 Pit: 10 grass, 5 Record,  6 Tapes
7.  Build 1 Music Stage: 4 Records, 6 Tapes, 4 Notes
Blue bag: Rubber Duck
8.  Build 1 Piano Bridge: 4 Branch, 5 Record,  2 Notes
9. Help 1 Band Member Duck: 8 Records, 5 Grass
10. Clear 1 Bush: 
11. Help 1 Band Member Duck: 8 Records, 8 Notes
To reach this, you need to Build 1 Pond:  10 Wood, 7 Notes
And clear 1 Bush
12. Build 1 Piano Bridge: 4 Branch, 8 Record, 3 Note
13. Build 1 Music Stage: 8 Records, 8 Tapes, 8 Notes
14. Clear 1 Grass (18 Energy)
15.  Build 1 Phonograph: 5 Wood, 4 Record, 2 Notes
N.B.  The Phonograph is the Magic Workshop where you create Sheet Music
Sheet Music: 2 Notes, 2 Grass
For 3 Diamonds, unlock a second slot
For 5 Diamonds, a third slot
To reach this, you must Cover 1 Pond: 6 Stone, 11 Notes
and  Clear 1 Bush: 21 Energy
You find the 1st Mary's Surprise in the area of the Pbonograph, far left
Before: 216, 193
After: 416, 243
16. Build 1 Piano Bridge: 8 Stone, 6 Records, 6 Tapes
Note: When you reach 15/15, you collect an additional 800 Energy and 30 Diamonds from the Piggy Bank purchase
17.  Build 1 Music Stage: 10 Records, 12 Tapes, 4 Sheet Music
18. Build 1 Piano Bridge: 8 Stone, 6 Records, 6 Tapes
1 blue gift bag: rubber duck
19. Help 1 Old Fashioned Cat: 6 Records, 6 Sheet Music
To reach her, Clear 1 Bush: 21 Energy, then: 
Clear 1 Grass: 18 Energy
20. Clear 1 Grass: 18 Energy
To reach this, you must:
Clear 1 Bush: 21 Energy
And then:
Cover 1 Water Pit: 4 Wood, 2 Records, 2 Sheet Music
21.  Help 1 Old Fashioned Cat: 6 Records, 6 Sheet Music
22. Cover 1 Water Pit: 4 Wood, 4 Record, 3 Sheet Music
23. Build 1 Music Stage: 10 Records, 8 Tapes, 8 Sheet Music
24.  Clear 1 Bush: 21 Energy
25. Help 1 Old Fashioned Cat: 10 Records, 10 Tapes, 10 Sheet Music
To reach her, you must Cover 1 Pit: 8 Grass, 6 Records, 3 Sheet Music 
26. Build 1 Piano Bridge: 8 Stone, 8 Record, 6 Tape
27. Help 1 Old Fashioned Cat: 12 Record, 8 Tape, 6 Sheet Music
28.  Play with 1 Elephant Buglar:  this is a Lucky Wheel costing 25 Energy per turn.  You must keep playing until total reaches 300
29.  Play with 1 Elephant Buglar:
This total required is 350.  It cost me 110 Energy to reach 350.   
To reach the Buglar you must
Clear 1 Bush: 21 Energy.
30. Build 1 Music Stage: 10 Records, 8 Tape, 8 Sheet Music
31.  Clear 1 Grass: 18 Energy
32. Help 1 Old-Fashioned Cat: 16 Records, 12 Tapes, 10 Sheet Music
33. Clear 1 Bush: 21 Energy
34.  Build 1 Music Stage: 16 Records, 16 Tapes, 16 Sheet Music
You find the 2nd Mary's Surprise here.
Before: 186, 171
After: 386, 221
35. Go to the next Island
(Tap on the Music Stage to go to the next island, tap again to return)

2nd Island

As soon as you reach the new map, you will see a Phonograph behind the Music Stage.  To build it, you need: 5 Wood, 4 Records, 2 Notes
Wnd slot costs 3 Diamonds,
3rd slot costs 5 Diamonds

36. Build 1 Piano Bridge: 4 Stone, 10 Records, 8 Tapes
37. Help 1 Duck Drummer: 6 Tape, 6 Microphone, 6 Sheet Music
38. Clear 1 Bush: 21 Energy
39. Help 1 Mariachi Bear: 10 Records, 14 Microphones, 12 Sheet Music
To reach him, you must Build 1 Pond: 10 Record, 12 Microphone, 8 Sheet Music
30 Diamonds to detonate dynamite to get 9 records, 7 Microphones
40.  Clear 1 Bush: 21 Energy
41.  Build 1 Music Stage: 16 Tape, 14 Microphone, 16 Sheet Music
42. Build 1 Piano Bridge: 4 Stone, 14 Records, 16 Sheet Music
43.  Help 1 Duck Drummer: 8 Tapes, 14 Microphones, 6 Sheet Music
44. Cover 1 Pond: 12 Records, 12 Notes, 14 Sheet Music
45. Play with 1 Elephant Buglar: total required is 400
Before: 433, 233
After: 283, 233
There are obstacles to clear in order to gain access.  It is a maze really.
Microphone: 43 Energy
Large Record Box: 73, then 49, then 25 Energy
Speaker: 69, then 36
 Bush: 21
Tape Box: 48, then 33, then 17
Cover 1 Pit: 20 Grass, 30 Records, 30 Tapes
There is  Magic Fog requiring 2 sets of Golden Tools to the left or west
Before: 20, 223
After: 910, 233
45.  Build 1 Concert Hall: 18 Tapes, 20 Microphones,  16 Sheet Music
Behind the Concert Hall is the 3rd Mary's Surprise.  To reach  it , clear 1 Bush for 21 and Stone for 30, then 12
Mary's Surprise :
Before 8, 253
After: 209, 303
46.  Build 1 Piano Bridge: 4 Stone, 6 Records, 2 Sheet Music
47. Help 1 Celebrity Bear: 6 Tapes, 2 Microphones, 4 Sheet Music
48.  Clear 1 Bush: 21
49. Help 1 Cat Violinist: 6 Tapes, 2 Microphones, 4 Sheet Music
To reach this, you must go through a Maze and
Cover 1 Water Pit: 8 Grass, 6 Records, 2 Sheet Music
Clear 1 Bush: 18 Energy

There is a Magic Fog in this area that requires 3 sets of Golden Tools
Before 15, 311
After: 906, 321
50. Build 1 Piano Bridge: 6 Stone, 6 Records, 8 Sheet Music
51.  Build 1 Music Stage: 7 Records, 10 Tapes, 6 Sheet Music
To reach this, you must Cover 1 Water Pit: 8 Grass, 6 Records, 3 Sheet Music
52. Play with 1 Elephant Buglar: the total required is 450.
Before: 113 Energy
At 8 Energy, I had reached only 410, so I needed 25 more Energy for a final spin
53. Help 1 Cat Violinist: 8 Tape, 6 Microphone, 4 Sheet Music
To reach it, you must Clear 1 Bush: 21
54. Build 1 Piano Bridge: 4 Stone, 8 Records, 2 Sheet Music
55. Play with 1 Elephant Buglar: this one requires 500 points, required 8 spins  (200 Energy)
To reach him, you must go through a maze: cost me 271 Energy
There is dynamite here for 30 Diamonds that gives Tapes
63 before, 108 after
56.  Help 1 Cow Mariquera: 4 Records, 2 Microphones, 4 Sheet Music
57. Clear 1 Grass: 18
58.  Build 1 Music Stage: 10 Records, 10 Tapes, 10 Sheet Music
To reach this, you must Cover 1 Pit: 8 Grass, 6 Records, 3 Sheet Music
Dynamite here for Records and Tape 
Before 3 and 108 tapes; after 27, 111
There is a Magic Fog to the right of the Dynamite that 
requires 3 sets of Magic Tools
Before: 49, 261
After: 904, 275
59. Clear 1 Bush: 21
60. Build 1 Piano Bridge: 4 Stone, 4 Tapes, 4 Sheet Music
61. Build 1 Music Float: Stage 1: 2 Stone, 10 Records, 15 Tapes
Stage 2: 8 Stones, 12 Revords, 14 Microphones
Stage 3: 8 Stone, 8 Microphones, 12 sheet Music
Stage 4: 14 Records, 10 Microphones, 8 Sheet Music

When you complete the Float, tap on it to send it to Seaside, then tap on the Parade arch to enter it in the Parade.
The final Piano Bridge is to the right of the Float area, northeast and requires 4 sets of Golden Tools or 120 Diamonds.
Before: 6, 185
After: 1186, 201

Earlier: There is a Piano Bridge to the right  that requires 1 Set of Golden Tools
Before: 36, 303
After: 286, 311

How much Energy and Diamomds are on the two maps NOT in areas requiring Golden Tools?
Before: 190, 201
On 1st Island only After: 3466, 201
On 2nd Island, before 3466, 201
After: 5811, 201
Actually, missed some boxes on the 1st Island so at the end:  5931 Energy, 201 Diamonds
Energy and Diamonds can be stored for use in the next Treasure Island
Also, the following: all Toys, all Golden Tools, Grass, Branch, Wood, Stones
* * * * *

Golden Tool Areas:
There are a number of Piano Bridges that require Golden Tools.

In the far west, a bridge that requires 2 sets of Golden Tools.
The amount gained, based on what I had before and after opening all the boxes is:
Before: 42 Energy, 57 Diamonds
After: 613 Energy, 65 Diamonds

In the southwest, at the very bottom of the map, a bridge that requires 1 set of Golden Tools
Before: 18, 191
After: 313, 193

Above the Music Stage that was built where the ground on the map first becomes brown, there is red grass to be cleared at the top of the area for 18 Energy.  Clearing this gives you access to a bridge that requires 2 sets of Golden Tools
A bomb made of dynamite  here costs 30 Diamonds that will give you many Records

Before: 13 Energy, 5 Diamonds
After: 593 Energy, 13 Diamonds

In the far southeast, a Bridge requiring 3 sets of Golden Tools
Before: 24 Energy, 148 Diamonds.  After: 919 Energy, 156 Diamonds

2nd Island Golden Tool areas

To the right of the Mariachi Bear, Magic Fog requiring 2 Sets of Golden Tools
Before: 15, 113
After: 595, 121
1 Toy Train: 30 Energy
6 Rubber Duckies: 2 RC
4 Teddy Bears: 1 Golden Pickaxe
4 Pink Rockinghorses: 1 Golden Saw
2 Ship Models: 2 Gokden Spades
All Trades: 5 RC

Star Tasks and Rewards:

Clear 1 Record Box: 10
Cover 1 Pond: 15
Build 1 Piano Bridge: 15
Help 3 Band Member Ducks: 20
Cover 3 Ponds: 20
Build 1 Music Stage: 20
Have 30 Tapes: 25
Clear 20 Bushes: 25
Clear 20 Grass: 25
Cover 4 Ponds: 25
Build 3 Piano Bridges: 25
Build 2 Music Stages: 25
Clear 30 Bushes: 25
Clear 30 Grass: 25
Have 30 Records: 25
Have 30 Notes: 25
Build 3 Music Stages: 30
Build 3 Piano Bridges: 25
Cover 5 Ponds. 30
Have 50 Records: 25
Have 50 Tapes. 25
Have 50 Notes: 25
Cover 6 Ponds: 30 
Build 6 Piano Bridges: 30
Have 100 Records: 30
Have 100 Notes: 30
Have 100 Tapes: 30
Help 2 Old Fashioned Cats: 35
Build 4 Magic Stages: 30
Build 8 Piano Bridges:30
Help 3 Old Fashioned Cats: 45
Build 9 Piano Bridges: 35
Have 200 Notes: 35
Build 12 Piano Bridges: 35
Have 200 Records: 35
Have 200 Tapes: 35
Find 1 Mary's Surprise. 30
Finx 2 Mary's Surprise: 30
Find 3 Mary's Surprise: 30
Dispel 1 Magic Fog: 35
Dispel 4 Magic Fog: 40
Help 2 Duck Drummers: 40
Build 1 Concert Hall: 200
Have 300 Records: 100
Have 300 Tapes: 100
Have 300 Notes: 100
Build 18 Piano Bridges:150

Star Totals:
50 Energy: 100 Energy, 5 Diamonds
100 Stars: 200 Energy, 5 Diamonds
200 Stars: 200 Energy, Old Fashioned Cat Avatar
350 Stars, 200 Energy, 10 Diamonds
500 Stars: 10 Diamonds, 1 Phonograph
700 Stars: 300 Energy, 15 Diamonds
900 Stars: 300 Energy, 15 Diamonds, Music Festival Avatar Frame
1100 Stars: 450 Energy, 20 Diamonds, 1 Magic Wand Machine
1300 Stars: 20 Diamonds, Animated Old-Fashioned Cat Avatar, Concert Hall

24 May 2024

Summer Road Trip Quest and Suitcase Collection Mission

Note from Freyashawk:  Dear friends, I thank you for every vote you sent in the Farm Beauty Contest and although I never reached the top 10, I know every vote I received was from a real farmer who appreciates my work.  I am grateful after all these years to know it still matters.

My dear Leo, one of my Himalayan cats, who is 18 (and was born in my lap because his mother did not understand what was happening to her!) is dying slowly.  If you understand the deep love we have for our faithful animal companions, please send your healing wishes, prayers or hopes that he goes gently without fear at the end.  He is one of the gentlrst and sweetest.  I only look at him and he will purr, even now.

Suitcase Collection Mission:

70 from Pasture
50 from Milk (You will need Clover!)
30 from Grilled Chicken Taco
10 from Peach
Reward: Dill Plant
Harvest 40 Rice
Collect 40 Turkeys
Harvest 8 Lemons

Harvest 40 Tomatoes
Produce 40 Ketchup
Harvest 8 Coconuts

Harvest 40 Cane
Produce 40 Sugar
Prepare 8 Coconut Milk

Harvest 40 Carrots
Produce 40 Beef
Prepare 8 Grilled Flank Steaks

Reward: Mission Gift Box

Harvest 50 Wheat
Produce 50 Wheat Flour
Prepare 8 Butter

Harveat 50 Oat
Produce 50 Buffalo Milk
Prepare 8 Sour Cream

Harvest 50 Potatoes
Collect 15 Rutabagas
Prepare 8 Neeps and Tatties

Harvest 50 Red Bell Peppers
Place a Dill Plant on the farm (Collection Reward)
Prepare 8 Dill Sauce

Reward: Mouse Pet House Base

Harvest 60 Onions
Produce 60 Wheat Bread
Prepare 8 Bell Pepper Salad

Harvest 60 Cauliflower
Produce 60 Cheese Burgers
Prepare 8 Meatloaf

Harvest 60 Chardonnay
Produce 60 Champagne
Prepare 8 Haggis

Harvest 60 Pineberries*
Harvest 8 White Mulberry
Prepare 8 Champagne and White Mulberry Granita

Reward: Island Mission Gift Box

Harvest 20 Chestnuts*
Produce 20 Chestnut Flour*
Prepare 8 Haggis, Neeps and Tatties

Produce 60 Dried Pineberries*
Produce 60 Pineberry Bread*
Prepare 8 Baked Cauliflower

Collect 60 Mohair*
Produce 60 Mohair Yarn*
Prepare 8 Hasselback Potatoes

Cook 4 Shrimp Cerviches in the Stove House
Tend Flowers in Botanical Garden 15 times
Prepare 8 Hasselbacks with Dill Sauce

Final Reward: Traveling Mouse Decoration

10 May 2024

Happy Mother's Day Quest and Greeting Card Collection Mission

Happy Mother's Day!
There are so many dates for this festival depending on your culture and geographical location.  It was celebrated with the appearance of this new Moon in Nepal.  In the United States, celebration will take place on Sunday.  Mothering Sunday in England was celebrated some time ago.
In the Roman Catholic Church, the month of May is dedicated to the greatest of mothers in this tradition: the Holy Virgin, the 'Madonna'.
'Mother Nature' has many names and roles, but she too deserves recognition I think.

I somehow feel that the celebration of the birthday of any child is the real Mother's Day for that child's mother.  It is an experience, a miracle, no mother ever forgets.  Mother's Day actually is the day when the child can reciprocate by acknowledging the gift of life and devotion that defines the role of Mother.
Good, bad or indifferent, the bond between parent and child may be more significant than any other.
May all Mothers and their Children find blessings in remembering this bond.
In my own life, my animals and other pets are my children as well.  They depend entirely upon me and their love really does reflect the love of a child for a mother.  So it can be a day to celebrate those relationships as well.

Note from Freyashawk:
Greeting to all who use this site.  I really have tried to do more recently in terms of logging activities and quests.  My efforts were rewarded when farmers voted me into the top 10 again, but this Farm Beauty Contest, my rank is lower than it has been for awhile.  Please do consider voting for HM. Freyashawk.  I never request money, gift cards or Friendship Flowers.  I ask for nothing but your votes.  I cannot achieve rank without neighbour votes.  Any farmer can reach 6000 votes if investment is made in the game.  No one can achieve rank honestly without the votes of others.  Many thanks.  I know it is childish to seek validation but the site does represent years of time, energy and my own investment in the game when needed to log an activity or quest.  And this site is available to every one.   
It actually is important mainly to be able to gauge whether or not it still makes sense to update it.  I no longer see any tracker that would tell me how many users access it.   Many thanks in advance.

Greeting Card Collection
70 from Corn
50 from Eggs 
30 from Cheese Toast
10 from Apples

Reward: Pink Pepper Tree

Mother's Day Quest

Harvest 40 Wheat
Produce 40 Wheat Flour
Harvest 8 Oranges

Harvest 40 Tomatoes
Produce 40 Ketchup
Harvest 8 Maple Syrup

Harvest 40 Rice
Produce 40 Turkeys
Prepare 8 Roast Turkeys

Harvest 40 Sunflowers
Produce 40 Turkey Sausages
Prepare 8 Flower Salad

Reward: Mission Gift Box

Harvest 50 Carrots
Produce 50 Beef
Prepare 8 Sliced Sausages

Harvest 50 Leeks
Produce 50 Buffalo Cheese
Prepare 8 Sausage Casseroles

Harvest 50 Red Bell Peppers
Collect 15 Oregano
Prepare 8 Roast Chicken with Oregano

Harvest 50 Sweet Potatoes
Place a Pink Pepper Tree on the farm (Reward from Collection Mission)
Prepare 8 Pink Peppercorn Salmon Terrine

Reward: Mother's Rocking Chair for Darryl's House

Harvest 60 Oats
Produce 60 Oat Flour
Prepare 8 Mashed Yams

Harvest 60 Rye
Produce 60 Rye Flour
Prepare 8 Cake Flour

Harvest 60 Cane
Produce 60 Sugar
Prepare 8 Condensed Milk

Harvest 60 Cotton Balls
Harvest 8 Lucumas
Prepare 8 Lucuma Mousse

Reward: Island Mission Gift Box

Harvest 60 Garlic*
Produce 60 Cotton Cloths*
Prepare 8 Exotic Cheesecakes

Produce 60 Garlic Bread*
Ptoduce 60 Linen*
Prepare 8 Camp Pot Roast

Harvest 8 Oak Wood*
Craft 6 Oil Painting Frames in the Workshop*
Prepare 8 Pickled Cucumbers

Cook 4 Pilafs in the Stove House
Tend flowers in Botanic Garden 15 times
Prepare 8 Mother's Day Lunches

Final Reward:  Koala Mother and Baby Decoration