
30 June 2023

Wishing Island

This is an Activity that is much like others in the past.  Clear obstacles, collecting materials from them and build or tend objects on the map as directed.  Always use the magnifying glass when you are given a task.  Do not try to make your own choices.  It is only by going to the exact object Felicia describes that you make progress.

There are many areas unlocked only by using Golden Tools.  Use your Diamonds to buy these or accept one of the special deals.

The difficult item in terms of collection in this activity is the Paper Crane.  They are few.  There are Paper Crane bushes on a timer.  Wait for the new growth.  Do not waste RC.  I would suggest, however, that the only time you spend Diamonds is on Paper Cranes to complete a task or on Golden Tools.

Note that using Diamonds to obtain materials will not advance the total of items collected.  In other words, if you use diamonds to complete the required number of Oaper Cranes for a build, the ones you bought will not be counted towards any total.

One advantage of unlocking the areas that require golden tools is that they contain more Paper Crane trees.

Work in progress:
I began with 212 Energy, 86 diamonds
1. Clear 1 patch of Magic Grass
2. Cover 1 Pond: 4 stone,  4 grass
3. Build 1 Stone flower bridge: 2 branches, 3 wood, 1 wishing stone
First cover a pit:  2  branches, 2 grass, 2 wood to cover it
4. Clear 1 Rock cluster with mushrooms ( required 24 energy then 18 energy)
5. Cover 1 pond: 2 grass, 4 stone, 3 wishing stone
6. Build 1 wishing mailbox: 4 stone, 1 paper crane, 3 wishing stone
I had only 10 energy left so I went back to open all the boxes at the starting area. Increased to 131 Energy total, 10 in each box
7. Clear 1 pile grey rocks
8. Clear 1 bush (21 energy)
Now there are more gift boxes
126 before opening:
2 boxes giving 20 energy
Now you can build a bridge with gold tools or move towards next goal
9. Build 1 wooden flower brifge:
5 wood, 5 stone, 5 wishing stone
Now you can clear an obstacle to the west of the wishing mail box to obtain 5 gift boxes
These contain 10 energy each.
Now you either can clear Magic Fog to the northwest using golden tools or move north towards the bridge you need to build
Magic Fog: 1 Golden Pickaxe, 1 Golden Saw, 1 Golden Shovel
If you clear the fog, there will be 6 ordinary gift boxes, 5 special gift boxes that contain 20 energy each, two pink boxes containing 10 energy, 2 diamonds each, one super gift box that contains 40 energy? And the best pink that contains 30 energy and 5 diamonds I think.  Go north, clesr stone and grass to find three more gift boxes.contsining a total of 40 energy
10. Build 1 Wishing Msilbox: 5 Stone, 3 Wishing Stone, 5 Paper Crane
11. Clear 1 pile of grey rocks
12. Build 1 Paper Crane Jar: q Grass, 3 Wood, 4 Paper Cranes
To get there, you will go through an area with more gift boxes.
Before, 250 energy, 56 Diamonds.  After 320 Energy, 56 Diamonds
You then must cover a pit: 5 branches, 5 grass, 5 wood
More gift boxes then.  Before, 270 energy, 56 diamonds.  After 320 energy, 56 diamonds
13. Build 1 Wishing Mailbox: 5 stone, 4 Wishing Stone, 4 Paper Crane
To do this, clear a couple of obstacles and then cover a Pond first.
Pond: 5 Wood, 7 Wishing Stone, 7 Paper Crane

Now you can open more gift boxes.
Before: 20 Energy, 61 Diamonds.  After, 141 Energy, 61 Diamonds
Up to this point, the Paper Crane Bush would give 1 Paper Crane.  Four in rain are on a timer now.  When the timer expires, they simply can be harvested again.  No additional reward.
14. Build 1 Paper Crane Jar: 10 Stone, 9 Wishing Stone, 9 Paper Crane
This requires covering a pit and building a bridge first
Cover Pit: 3 branches, 3 grass, 3 wood
Stone Flower Bridge: 5 Wood, 5 Stone, 5 Wishing Stone
15.  Build 1 Wishing Mailbox: 7 Wood, 7 Wishing Stone, 7 Paper Crane

Note that to the north, there is a Wooden Flower Bridge requiring 3 of each if the golden tools to build

15. Clear 1 Bush: (21 Energy)
16.  Cover 1 Pit: 5 Wood, 7 Wishing Stars, 7 Paper Cranes

You will see fog everywhere.  By clesring 1 obstacle, some fog disperses, allowing you to see what is ahead

17.  Tend 1 Wishing Tree: 8 Wishing Stone, 5 Wind Chimes, 8 Paper Cranes
Near there, 2 new types of  boxes that contain wind chimes
There is a Mary's Cow to the north of this Wishing Tree
My game keeps crashing.
To reach the Mary, you must go all the way round and chop down many trees and remove other obstacles
Before: 227 Energy, 161 Diamonds.
After 427 Energy, 211 Diamonds

When you restore the Wishing Tree, a flower mat appears in the water, allowing you to cross to the next area
18. Clear 1 Tall Rock with Mushrooms (Requires 3 blows)

19. Build 1 Wishing Mailbox: 51 Stone, 8 Wishing Stars, 8 Paper Cranes
Cover 1 Pond: 39 Stone, 14 Wishing Stars, 14 Paper Cranes
Now opening all gift boxes in this area:
Before, 0 Energy, 211 Diamonds
After: 90 Energy, 211 Diamonds.
Opening all gift boxes in the previous area where the Wishing Tree was tended.
Before: 90 Energy, 211 Diamonds
After 331 Energy, 211 Diamonds
There is Magic Fog up there.  Clearing it requires 1 Golden Tool of every kind.
After clearing, opening all boxes here as well.  Before, 331, Energy, 211 Diamonds.
Screen froze completely!
After 751 Energy, 233 Diamonds.
There is another area with a thorn barrier that requires Golden Tools.  I have none now.
Clear one obstacle then: 
20. Build 1 Paper Crane Jar: 55 Wood, 18 Wishing Stone, 18 Paper Crane

N.B. I never opened the gift boxes in one of the first areas unlocked by building a Wooden Flower Bridge.  It is in the North.  Opening now.
Before: 12 Energy, 233 Diamonds
520 Energy, 245 Diamonds

Now hunting for gift boxes.  In far east, a little area clearsd by removing a Wishing Stone Boulder with two blows.
Before 54, 245
After: 84, 245
Clearing thorn obstacle now: 1 Golden pickaxe

Gift Boxes containing possibly 100 Energy
21.  Tend 1 Wishing Tree: 19 Wishing Stones, 7 Wind Chimes, 19 Paper Cranes
To reach this, you must cover a Pit: 8 Stone, 12 Wishing Stones, 12 Paper Cranes

Go south from the area where you need to build the Jar, remove a couple of obstacles and find gift boxes and Paper Crane Trees you need.
Before 229 Energy, 245 Diamonds
After: 249 Energy, 245 Diamonds
At the farthest point to the West, to the left of the Wishing Tree you now must tend is a little grass that, when removed, gives access to more gift boxes.
Before, 25 Energy, 290 Diamonds.
After, 325 Energy, 290 Diamonds.
Move north to see Magic Fog, a cloud of butterflies.  To clear, you will need 3 Golden Pickaxe, 3 Golden Shovel
If you clear this, open gift boxes.
Before, 2325 Energy, 360 Diamonds
After: 3000 Energy (approximately), 388 Diamonds.  My girl hacked at Wishing Stone rocks twice by accident and thst used about 60 Energy.
A bonus here is that there are four Paper Crane trees
22.  Build 1 Staircase: 12 Stone, 8 Wishing Stone, 8 Paper Crane
Access to gift boxes now.
Gain 60 Energy (Fog covers some in the south.  Clear Grass and fog disappears)

23.  Clear 1 Rectangular Rocks (30 Energy, 12 Energy)
24.   Build 1 Paper Crane Jar: 10 Wood, 15 Wishing Stones, 15 Paper Cranes
You first must cover a pit: 10 Stone, 18 Wishing Stones, 18 Paper Cranes
To the west is a Magic Fog that requires 2 Golden Tools of each type or 60 Dismonds to clear.  There are three Paper Crane Trees in that area
Gift boxes contain:
Before 1566 Energy 328 Diamonds
After: 2026, 346
25: Tend 1 Wishing Tree: 15 Wishing Stones, 10 Wind Chimes, 15 Paper Cranes)
The only way to reach it is by covering a Pond. (6 Stone, 10 Wishing Stones, 10 Paper Cranes) 
There is no other way through.
26.  Build 1 Staircase: 5 Stones, 8 Wishing Stones, 8 Paper Cranes
There are gift boxes now.
681 Energy 295 Diamonds
891 Energy 295 Diamonds
After you go down the staircase, more gift boxes
429 Energy, 295 Diamonds
449 Energy, 295 Diamomds
27.  Cover 1 Pit: 6 Stone, 10 Wishing Stones, 10 Paper Cranes
To the left of the 2nd staircase is the 2nd Mary's Gift.  You must cut down the trees to reach it.
200 Energy, 50 Diamonds
There is Magic Fog here to disperse with 3 Golden Tools of each type, 90 Diamonds to skip
In that area are Paper Cranes Trees and gift boxes
Before. 2321 Energy, 345 Diamomds
2901 , 375
28.  Build I wishing Mailbox: 10 Stones, 20 Wishing Stones, 20 Paper Cranes
Clear some fog, then find it.  Two gift boxes here:
20 Energy in boxes
Another area of fog requiring 3 golden tools of each type or 90 diamonds
2309 285
2769 301
28.  Clear 1 Tall Rock with Mushrooms
29.  Build 1 Paper Crane Jar:
10 Wood, 13 Wishing Stone, 13 Paper Crane
To the left, destroy an obstacle for more gift boxes
2271 339
2351 339
30.  Clear 1 Bush
To reach this, cover the Pond
20 Grass, 5 Wishing Stones, 6 Paper Cranes
There are gift boxes now
1968 321
2008 321
31.  Cover 1 Pit: 10 Branches,  9 Wishing Stones, 9 Paper Cranes
32.  Clear 1 Grey Tall Rock (54 Energy, 30 Energy, 12 Energy)
33.  Tend 1 Wishing Tree: 15 Wishing Stone, 6 Wind Chime, 15 Paper Cranes
When you tend the tree, another mat of floating flowers will appear to allow you to cross to the next area
34.  Clear 1 Bush
35.  Build 1 Paper Crane Jar:
8 Wood, 14 Wishing Stones, 14 Paper Cranes 
Here are gift boxes
Before: 1166 228
After: 1246 228
You need 2 of each type of Golden Tool or 60 Diamonds to build a bridge but 4 regenerating trees are there as well as many gift boxes so worth the price
Before: 1226 228
After: 1836  258
36.  Cover 1 Pond: 10 Grass, 10 Wishing Stones, 10 Paper Cranes
To reach this, remove obstacles
You will find gift boxes
1172 Energy, 258 Diamonds
1122 Energy 258 Dismonds
My game reloaded and I lost progress and Energy.
I now see the gift boxes near the unfinished Wishing Mailbox again
37. Build 1 Wishing Mailbox: 10 Stones, 22 Wishing Stones, 22 Paper Cranes
Before: 399 Energy, 258 Diamonds
After: 489 Energy, 258 Diamonds
Below another Fog requiring 1 of each Golden Tools or 30 Diamomds
Both Gift Boxes and regenerating Paper Crane Trees so worth it

Before: 489 228
After: 729 236

Now you should have enough Paper Crane trees that regenerate not to be obliged to use Diamonds or wait forever!
38. Cover 1 Pit: 10 Branches, 15 Wishing Stones, 15 Paper Cranes
Now there are gift boxes to open. 
Before: 535 Energy, 296 Diamonds
After 585 Energy, 296 Diamonds
Remove one obstacle to reach more boxes to the right
Before 564 Energy, 296 Diamonds
After: 594 Energy, 296 Diamonds
39. Build 1 Paper Crane Jar: 8 Wood, 8 Wishing Stones, 8 Paper Cranes
To reach this remove one boulder (30 Energy, 12 Energy)
Two gift boxes
Before 459 Energy
After 479 Energy
40. Clear 1 Bush (21 Energy)
41. Tend 1 Wishing Tree: 22 Wishing Stones, 9 Wind Chimes, 22 Paper Cranes
Two gift boxes
Before: 32 Energy
After: 52 Energy
Now another flower mat appears to cross the water
42.  Clear 1 Rock Cluster with Mushrooms ( 24 Energy, q8 Energy)
Now gift boxes to open:
Before: 383 Energy, 176 Diamonds
After: 593 176
Also 4 Paper Crane Trees here
The 3rd Mary's Surprise is hrre in the top right corner but you cannot reach it from here even by clearing obstacles

43.  Cover 1 Pond: 10 Branches, 10 Wishing Stones, 10 Paper Cranes
44. Build 1 Paper Crane Jar: 8 Wood, 14 Wishing Stones, 14 Paper Cranes
You must clear three reach the area and a stone obsracle to reach the jar and some gift boxes
Before: 26 Eneegy, 176 Diamonds
After: 97 Energy, 176 Diamonds
45.  Build 1 Wishing Mailbox: 10 Stone. 22 Wishing Stones, 22 Paper Cranes
Remove one little bush.  There are gift boxes here
Before 123 136
After: 183 136
46.  Clear 1 Tall Grey Rock (54 Energy, 30 Energy, 12 Energy)
Now there are gift boxes
Before: 100 Energy, 106 Diamonds
After: 220 Energy, 106 Diamonds
47.  Build 1 Paper Crane Jar: 8 Wood, 15 Wishing Stones, 15 Paper Cranes
You have to cover  Pit first: 10 Branches, 10 Wishing Stones,
10 Paper Cranes
You must smash a rock (30 Energy, 12 Energy) that clears fog and allows you to reach the Paper Crane Jar.
Gift boxes here:
Before 158 Energy, 106 Diamonds
After 138, 106
Clear some trees to reach the 3rd Mary's Surprise Cow
Before: 307 66
After: 507 116
48. Tend 1 Wishing Tree:  20 Wishing Stones, 12 Wind Chimes, 20 Paper Cranes
Destroy one grass to reach this
Gift Boxes:
35 Energy, 116 Diamonds
55 Energy, 116
When the Wishing Tree is tended, another flower mat will appear aceoss the water for access to a new island.

49.  Clear 1 Tall Rock with Mushrooms (30 Energy, then 24, then 18
Mist disappears and gift boxes available
351 Energy, 56 Diamonds
38l Energy, 56 Diamonds
50. Build 1 Wishing Mailbox: 10 Stone, 25 Wishing Stones, 25 Paper Cranes
You can remoce a rock though for access to morw gift boxes before building
Before 339 Energy, 56 Diamonds
You cannot access many yet.
399 56
Remove one grass abd you can open more
390, 56
490 56

Wishing Island Task List 

Clear 1 Wishing Boulder 20 stars. (30 Energy, then 24 Energy, then 18 Energy)
Cover 1 Pit 20 Stars
Build 1 Wooden Flower Bridge 20 Stars
Build 1 Wishing Mailbox 20 Stars
Build 1 Paper Crane Jar 20 Stars
Dispel 1 patch of Magic Fog 20 Stars
Clear 10 Flowering Bushes 20 Stars
Clear 10 patches of Magic Fog
20 Stars
Cover 2 Ponds 25 Stars
Build 3 Wooden Flower Bridges: 25 Stars
Have 30 Wishing Stones 25 Stars
Have 30 Paper Cranes 25 Stars
Cover 6 Ponds 30 Stars
Build 4 Wishing Mailboxes 30 Stars
Have 50 Wishing Stones 30 Stars
Have 50 Paper Cranes 30 Stars
Find 1 Mary's Surprise Gift 30 Stars
Cover 8 Ponds 35 Stars
Have 100 Wishing Stones 35 Stars
Have 100 Paper Cranes 35 Stars
Dispel 3 patches of Magic Grass 25 Stars
Tend 2 Wishing Trees 30 Stars
Clear 30 Flowering Bushes 25 Stars
Clear 30 patches of Magic Grass: 25 Stars
Clear 30 Flowering Bushes 25 stars
Dispel 5 Magic Fog 30 Stars
Build 4 Paper Crane Jars 30 Stars
Dispel 7 Magic Fog 55 Stars
Find 2 Mary's Surprise Cows 35 Stars
Clear 30 Magic Grass 25 Stars
Clear 12 Ponds 40 Stars
Tend 4 Wishing Trees 40 Stars
Have 200 Wishing Stones 50 Stars
Have 200 Paper Cranes 50 Stars
Build 2 Staircases 40 Stars
Have 300 Wishing Stars 100 Stars
Have 30 Wind Chimes 25 Stars
Cover 16 Ponds 150 Stars
Clrlear 50 Flowering Bushes 30 Stars
Clear 50 Magic Grass 30 Stars
(Now I have 1300 Stars to receive all Rewards)
Have 300 Paper Cranes 100 Stars
Find 3 Mary's Surprise Gifts 50 Stars
Have 50 Wind Chimes 30 Stars
Tend 6 Wishing Trees 40 Stars

50 Star Chest 100 Energy, 5 Diamonds
100 Star Chest: 200 Energy, 5 Diamonds
200 Star Chest: 200 Energy, Wind Chimes Avatar
350 Star Chest: 200 Energy, 10 Diamonds
500 Star Chest: 10 Diamonds, Paper Crane in a Glass Dome Decoration
700 Star Chest: 300 Ebergy, 15 Diamonds
900 Star Chest: 300 Energy, 15 Diamonds, Wishing Island Avatar Frame
1100 Star Chest: 450 Energy, 20 Diamonds, Fruit Wine Machine
Final Reward: Paper Crane Carriage

23 June 2023

Zoo Tour Quest and Zoo Ticket Collection Mission

Zoo Ticket Collection Mission

70 from Corn
50 from Beef 
30 from Grape Cheese Shavex Ice
10 from Gisela Cherry

Reward: Ackee Tree

Zoo Tour Quest

Harvest 40 Oat
Produce 40 Oat Flour
Harvest 8 Lemons

Harvest 40 Grapes
Produce 40 Duck Eggs
Harvest 8 Lychees

Harvest 40 Wheat
Produce 40 Wheat Flour
Prepare 8 Batter

Harvest 40 Rye
Produce 40 Rye Flour
Prepare 8 Cake Flour

Reward: Mission Gift Box

Harvest 50 Tomatoes
Produce 50 Ketchup
Prepare 8 Pasta

Harvest 50 Lotus Flowers
Produce 50 Beef Salami
Prepare 8 Fried Lotus

Harvest 50 Rice
Collect 15 Lotus Roots
Prepare 8 Lotus Root with Sticky Rice

Harvest 50 Green Lettuce
Place the Ackee Tree on your Farm (Reward from Collection Mission)
Prepare 8 Lotus Pond Afternoon Snacks 

Reward: Elephant Pet House Base

Harvest 60 Lucky Stars
Produce 60 Turkeys
Prepare 8 Johnny Cakes

Harvest 60 Mushrooms
Produce 60 Turkey Sausages
Prepare 8 Sliced Sausages

Harvest 60 Violets
Produce 60 Mayonnaise
Prepare 8 Egg Salads

Produce 60 Violet Essential Oil
Harvest 8 Pine Nuts
Prepare 8 Red Pesto

Reward: Island Mission Gift Box

Harvest 8 Cedar Wood
Fish 8 Times with Dolphin Hook
Prepare 8 Ackee and Saltfish

Produce 60 Wool
Produce 60 Wool Yarn
Prepare 8 Flavoured Pasta

Craft 6 Wooden Aroma Bottles
Crsft 6 Violet Aroma Bottles
Prepare 8 Pasta with Red Pesto

Cook 4 Obentos in the Stove House
Take care of flowers in Botanical Garden 15 times
Prepare 8 Ackee and Saltfish with Johnny Cakes

Final Reward: Baby Hippo Decoration

10 June 2023

Unlock the Port

8 Seafood Salad
6 Starfish Mirrors
8 Caviar Toast
20 Fish Tacos

You now unlock a map of the World where you can trade designated items.

This is an unfinished post.  I am just working this out.


Now even Support acknowledged this is confusing.  With only two ports unlocked, simply fill the trades demanded at BOTH ports and the ship will set sail for two hours.  You must fill the demands in order, doing the first row before the second, but the ship can set sail with only the first row filled at both ports.  It is the second row orders, however, that randomly give the special items as rewards thst are required to fill the third row orders.  Note, however, that the third row rewards never are anything special.  They are Seaside aids like Power.  What the third row does give is more Coins thsn the first or second
I do not recommend paying RC for that.  The Port is a slow, long term option in the game.  Do not allow it to stress you out.  If you cannot fill tje orders displayed, you can refresh to change them for a small amount of TC.

You start with New York and Rio de Janeiro unlocked.  By performing the required trade voyages and paying out Maritime Coins, you can unlock Cairo and then...

Rio de Janeiro is unlocked as well as a destination.  You will see three trades possible at each location.   The trades you execute determine your rewards.

The final third row requires special items only obtained through executing second row trades.  Without these items, you can pay RC to complete the order.  The only significant reward from the third row is more Maritime Coins than given by the first two rows.  This is not worth spending RC.  The significant order always is the second row and it only RANDOMLY gives a special item as a reward.

The third row in New York trades required the Bear Soccer Players you earn randomly by filling the second row of Orders in Rio.   Filling my second row New York orders today gave me two Statuette of Liberty.  Claiming the reward from the book gave me 100 Maritime Coins.  Those statues can be used later I expect to complete Orders for another port.  Later, I received 10 of the Bear Soccer Players from Rio.  I was able to use those in New York.  Now, however, the third row in both ports requires the Boomerang from Melbourne.

Support has not explained any of it to my satisfaction, but I will keep on.  The ship will be launched automatically when you activate the destination.

Essentially, the action is as follows:
With two ports and three trades for each, fill as many of the orders as you can at both.  They must be filled in order.  First row, the second, then third.  It is seldom you will have the special items required for the third trade at this point.  Do what you can and the journey will be activated.  It lasts almost 2 hours.  Keep trading and travelling until you can unlock Melbourne.
It really is not worthwhile to pay RC to execute the third trade.

The rest of the ports are unlocked as follows:

36 Trade Voyages
9600 Maritime Coins

18 Trade Voyages
4800 Maritime Coins

9 Trade Voyages
2400 Maritime Coins

67 Trade Voyages
18000 Maritime Coins

You then have to unlock and furnish cabins by purchasing furniture, a bit like Darryl's House.

Note that in four voyages, I only earned 340 Maritime Coins.  Stupidly, I allowed the tutorial to dictate the expenditure of the Coins given initially.  I now have a Modern Sofa I really do not want!

The reason I write this is to show that the whole business will be a slow process.  I have 4 Voyages and 340 Maritime Coins.  I believe it is not be having them that anything us unlocked but by spending them to unlock a new option.
Unlike Darryl's Adventure, it does not appear that any Rewards have any effect on the main Seaside game apart from giving small rewards in the form of Power and such..

The furnishing of the ship cabins reminds me a little of the Room Renovations activity, except that there is no time limit.

You do need to make the trade items for the first and second row orders in Seaside.

09 June 2023

Water Park Quest and Water Pistol Collection Mission

70 from Pineapples
50 from Milk
30 from Pineapple Bar (Dessert Bar Machine)
10 from Cinnamon

Reward: Black Tupelo Tree

Harvest 40 Cane
Produce 40 Sugar
Harvest 8 Oranges

Harvest 40 Wheat
Produce 40 Wheat Flour
Harvest 8 Almonds

Harvest 40 White Grapes
Produce 40 White Wine
Prepare 8 Butter

Harvest 40 Daisies
Produce 40 Pineapple Jam
Prepare 8 Condensed Milk

Reward: Mission Gift Box

Harvest 50 Pumpkins
Produce 50 Pumpkin Sauce
Prepare 8 Milk Cookies

Harvest 50 Sweet Potatoes
Collect 20 Honey
Prepare 8 Honey Syrup

Harvest 50 Potatoes
Collect 15 Poblano Peppers
Prepare 8 RoastedPoblsno Peppers

Harvest 50 Rice
Place the Black Tupelo Tree on your Farm (Collection Reward or buy it)
Prepare 8 Potato Pancakes

Reward: Duckling Carpet

Harvest 60 Passion Fruits
Produce 60 Daisy Bouquets
Prepare 8 Passion Fruit Punch

Harvest 60 Cauliflowers
Produce 60 Buffalo Milk
Prepare 8 Mixed Rice Filling

Harvest 60 Strawberries
Dig 15 chests on your paths
Prepare 8 Stuffed Poblano Peppers

Harvest 60 Zucchinis
Harvest 8 Wattle Seeds
Prepare 8 Wattleseed Cookies
Reward: Island Mission Gift Box

Harvest 8 Oak Wood
Craft 8 Wooden Cylinders
Prepare 8 Seaside Afternokn Snacks

Harvest 8 Red Sandalwood
Craft 8 Wooden Panels
Prepare 8 Black Tupelo Fruit Salads

Produce 60 Dried Zucchini
Craft 6 Flower Tables (Each requires 6 Wooden Cylinders and 1 Wooden Panel)  (who has Wooden Cylinders nowadays with endless need for Butterfly Nets?  Skip for 6 RC))
Prepare 8 Homemade Frozen Yogurt

Cook 4 Norwegian Wheat Porridge in the Stove House
Tend flowers in Botanical Garden 15 times
Prepare 8 Tupelo Frozen Yogurt Bark

Final Reward:  Swim Ring Bear Decoration

01 June 2023

Penny's Magic Cauldron June 2023

I used RC to complete these.  Sometimes the items are hard to name.  Hope all are correctly listed.  The base when placed should be worth 9 theme votes daily if you are not at maximum for theme.

2 June: Incidentally, there was no timer for the Beauty Contest last night and no boom for theme items.  I think it is outrageous to spring a contest upon us today.  What is the rush?  I almost did not register because I have a cat who is ill and have bern distracted by that.  Players had two periods only to solve riddles for the new base without paying.  There is something really unseemly about the haste to force us to obtsin new bases and ptemium decorations.  Not to mention a new Activity today.
One more point.  I very much appreciate the support of the farmers who vote for HM. Freyashawk again and again but I am not certain this site is needed as it once was.  I missed being in the top q0 in the last contest by about 200 votes.  If one more farmer had sent six Votes daily, I would have had the required total.  I always told myself the votes were a measure of the usefulness of the site.  People on Facebook ask to join my Seaside group but do not know about or use the site.  This site is the point of the group, and is freely available to any one, always without advertising.
I hope readers will complain to Support about the lack of notice for this Contest. All of the pressure for timed options in the gane now decreases the element of fun!

1.  Orange, Raspberry
2. Raspberry, Beef
3. Angora Hair, White Wine
4.  Coconut, Grape
5.  Tequila, Hairtail, Chardonnay
6.  Ghost Mushroom, Alpaca Hair, Peach
7. Turkey, Flatfish, Golden Kiwifruit Wine
8.  Apple, Hairtail, White Grape
9. Crayfish, Grapefruit, Sugar
10.  Pear, Peach, Wool
11.  Peacock Feather, Blue Swimmer Crab, Turkey
12.  Peacock Feather, Wine, Scallop
13.  Butterfish, Wine, Maple Sugar
14.  Coconut, Oreo Cookies, Flatfish, Angora Hair
15.  Coconut, Crayfish, Maple Sugar, Alpaca Hair
16. Raspberry, Sugar, Blue Swimmer Crab, Wool
17. Pear, Butterfish, Chardonnay, Tequila
18.  Ghost Mushroom, Peach, Scallop, Golden Kiwifruit Wine
19. White Grape, Beef, White Wine, Grapefruit
20. Orange, Peacock Feather, Grape, Butterfish
21.  Apple, Turkey, Blue Swimmer Crab, Maple Sugar

Reward: Dreamy Cloud Base