
28 April 2023

Space Travel Quest and Spaceship Collection Mission

Note that I published a full Walkthrough for the Fairy Island Activity below this post.
Although it apoears easier than earlier activities at first, it becomes brutally expensive as it progresses both in time and cost.  It is doubtful, however, that you will be able to obtain the Flower Puff Pastry Machine ever if you do not esrn it in the Activity.

Spaceship Collection Mission
Collect 70 from Pineapples
Collect 50 from Milk
Collect 30 from Pineapple Waffles
Collect 10 from Lemon Tree

Reward: Galaxy Syrup Tree

Harvest 40 Wheat
Produce 40 Wheat Flour
Harvest 8 Lychees

Harvest 40 Rye
Produce 40 Rye Flour
Harvest 8 Cinnamon

Harvest 40 Oat
Produce 40 Oat Flour
Prepare 8 Batter

Harvest 40 Pitaya
Produce 40 Pineapple Jam
Prepare 8 Cake Flour

Reward: Mission Gift Box

Harvest 50 Red Bell Pepper
Produce 50 Cheddar Cheese
Prepare 8 Cheese Salad

Harvest 50 Ginger
Produce 50 Chili Sauce
Prepare 8 Adobo Sauce

Harvest 50 Leeks
Collect 15 Black Beans
Prepare 8 Canned Black Beans

Harvest 50 Sweet Potato
Place the Galaxy Syrup Tree on your farm
Prepare 8 Galaxy Meringue

Reward: Astronaut Pet House Base

Harvest 60 Cane
Produce 60 Sugar
Prepare 8 Vegan Chili

Harvest 60 Beans
Produce 60 Wool
Prepare 8 Custard

Harvest 60 Mushrooms
Produce 60 Venison
Prepare 8 Ice Cream Bars

Harvest 60 Lilies
Harvest 8 Jacaranda Flowers
Prepare 8 Venison Shanks

Reward: Island Mission Gift Box

Produce 60 Lily Essential Oil (Island)
Produce 60 Wool Yarn (Island)
Prepare 8 Mashed Yams

Harvest 8 Cedar (Island)
Produce 60 Dried Lemons (Island)
Prepare 8 Venison and Yams

Produce 6 Wooden Bottles (Island)
Prepare 8 Mushroom Salads
Produce 6 Lily Aroma Bottles in the Beauty Shop

Cook 4 Spaceship Cakes in the Stove House
Tend 15 flowers in the Botanical Garden
Prepare 8 Galaxy Ice Cream

Final Reward: Astronaut Bear Club Decoration

21 April 2023

Fairy Island Activity

Initially, I believed this Activity to be more farmer friendly than its predecessors, allowing one to make far better progress without spending cash.  I apologise for leading farners down the 'primrose path' of disappointment with that statement.  The Activity begins with success, but becomes as brutal and unforgiving as its predecessors when one reaches 700 Stars.  The amount of materials required becomes absurd and it is simply exhausting to make them in the Workshop.

Note that you do not need to complete all tasks or all that earns Stars to obtain the final Reward.  The game does state that any Energy and Diamonds earned beyond what is required will be available for use in the next Activity of this sort.

I am including a full walkthrough below.  As I did not plan to write a walkthrough originally, I am working from two different farms.  Bear with me!  The full walkthrough is at the end of the post.

Unfortunately, I now have spent most of my RC to create this Walkthrough and still have some way to go.  I simply cannot afford to spend more cash now, so it will take a little longer.  As one progresses, one needs to expend more Energy.  400 Energy does not do much at this point!

Note that I give my own Energy and Diamond totals before and after opening gift boxes rather than doing the maths each time.

Follow the prompts to achieve the best results rather than removing obstacles randomly.

Tip: Always tap the search option in the prompt to fibd yoir way to the precise obstacle you must remove or object you need to build!!!   I made the error in previous games of thinking independently.  Follow orders!!!

In the bottom left is the menu for the Rewards earned with Stars.  Try to complete those tasks in tandem with the prompts if possible.

I found my first Mary's Gift without being forced to search. It actually was partly visible.  It is to the right of a Fairy Stage.
Before, 244 Energy, 137 Diamonds.  After, 444 Energy, 187 Diamonds.
I found my second Mary's Surprise Gift by accessing the little peninsula that resembles an arrow.
Before opening, I had 203 Energy, 3 Diamonds.  After, 403 Energy, 53 Diamonds

Note from Freyashawk: I am losing votes in the Farm Beauty Contest each month mainly from farmers who no longer can access the voting menu.  As the game expands, the menu on older devices crashes.  If you still find my work useful, please vote for HM. Freyashawk.

Special Rewards:  The special rewards you may not be able to obtain in future include the Puff Pastry Cake Machine that makes thw following:
Blue Rose Puff Pastry Cake
Red Rose Puff Pastry Cake
Agave Puff Pastry Cake
Lily Puff Pastry Cake
Iris Puff Pastry Cake
Plumeria Puff Pastry Cake

New to this Activity are:

Trading Energy:  on the map itself, a crystal above a flower.  Here you can trade Seaside resources for Energy.  Trades are on a timer.  I believe it takes 4 hours to yield the results irrespective of level.

The Trading Energy begins with a 30 Energy capacity.  To upgrade it to Level 2 costs 10 Diamonds.  If you are a low level farmer, it may be best to stay at Level 1 as you may not gave sufficient resources in Seaside for many trades.  
1 Fertiliser trades for 2 Energy
1 Watering can trades for 4 Energy.
Super Fertiliser trades for 6
Super Watering Can trades for 12.
On my little 2nd farm, I have 544 Energy and 312 Diamonds, so I probably will use 10 to upgrade.  Note that the timer is 4 hours at both levels.

(From another farm: 
At the very start, farmer has 152 Energy and 10 Diamonds.  After building the first bridge, open all boxes.  You should have 272 Energy, 10 Diamonds.  Clear 1 Magic Bush and open boxes. 271 Energy, 10 Diamonds to 391 Energy and 10 Diamonds.  You now can use your golden tools if you wish to build the bridge to the south.)

On the Map, there is a Magic Workshop.  This is new.  Build it to create materials you will need:
Magic Flower Wreath
Heart Fruit Sculpture
Mushroom on a Stump

You can use Diamonds to add a slot if you wish to produce faster.  I believe the 2nd slot cost 3 Diamonds.  The third costs 5 Diamonds.
Meanwhile, I used 60 Diamonds to build a bridge that required golden tools.  In the area I accessed, I was able to collect the following:
I went there with 275 Energy and 267 Diamonds.  After opening boxes, 880 Energy and 277 Diamonds.   I think this is a better use of Diamonds than speeding up the timers.  I did use Diamonds as well to add a second slot to the Workshop.
I used 90 Diamonds to build a bridge that required 3 of each Golden Tool. 
Before, 27 Energy, 192 Diamonds.  After opening gift boxes, 623 Energy, 227 Diamonds.
I also decided to trade my existing RC for Diamonds instead of spending cash I cannot spare this month.  If you go to the top of the screen, there is an option to trade RC for Diamonds.
60 Diamonds to build a third bridge with golden tools, two of each sort.  I had 258 Energy, 3 Diamonds and after opening the boxes had 733 Energy, 18 Diamonds.

There is another area that requires Golden Tools to clear Magic Fog.  30 Diamonds for 1 tool of each type.  I had 79 Energy. 8 Diamonds.  After, 449 Energy, 38 Diamonds.
(Second farm: 173 252,  after 543 282)

Note that you are given one set of golden tools in your imventory.  You can build a bridge in the middle of the south of the map.  What you receive:
Before: 800 Energy, 322 Diamonds
After: 1060 Energy, 327 Diamonds

Another bridge in the south requires 3 golden tools of each type or 90 Diamonds.
Going there, I had 180 Energy and 3 Diamonds. After opening boxes, 775 Energy, 38 Diamonds 
From there, south there is Magic Fog requiring 2 tools of each type or 60 Diamomds.

Magic Fog requiring 2 tools of each kind or 60 Diamonds in far East of Map:
Before, I think I had 31 Energy 3 Diamonds.  After 450 and 23.  I could be mistaken.  Very tired now!

In the area with the Trade fountain, gift boxes contain:
With 35 Energy, 272 Diamonds initially, after opening, 155 Energy, 272 Diamonds

NB:  The location of the Mary's Surprise Gifts was different for every farm in previous Activities but I have found two in the same locations on two different farms.

All Fairy Island Star Tasks:
Not in Order!
Pick one cluster of Young Magic Mushrooms
Build 1 Wooden Bridge
Build 1 Magic Workshop
Cover 1 Mushroom Pit
Set up 1 Fairy Stage
Dispel 1 patch of Magic Fog
Clear 10 Flowering Bushes
Clear 10 patches of Magic Grass
Cover 2 Mushroom Pits
Build 3 Wooden Flower Bridges
Clear 20 Flowering Bushes
Clear 30 patches of Magic Grass
Have 30 Heart Fruits
Build 5 Wooden Bridges
Set up 2 Fairy Stages
Find 1 Mary's Surprise Gift
Build 8 Wooden Flower Bridges
Have 30 Magic Mushrooms
Dispel 3 patches of Magic Fog
Have 30 Magic Flowers
Cover 5 Mushroom Pits
Dispel 5 Patches of Magic Fog
Clear 50 Flowering Bushes
Clear 50 patches of Magic Fog
Clear 50 patches of Magic Grass
Have 50 Magic Mushrooms
Have 50 Heart Fruits
Have 50 Magic Flowers
Cover 8 Mushroom Pits
Dispel 8 patches of Magic Fog
Set up 3 Fairy Stages
Have 100 Magic Mushrooms
Have 100 Heart Fruits
Have 100 Magic Flowers
Find 2 Mary's Surprise Gifts
Cover 12 Mushroom Pits
Build 13 Wooden Flower Bridges
Set up 4 Fairy Stages
Have 200 Magic Mushrooms
Have 200 Heart Fruits
Have 200 Magic Flowers
Find 3 Mary's Surprise Gifts
Have 300 Magic Mushrooms
Have 300 Heart Fruits
Have 300 Magic Flowers
Build 20 Wooden Flower Bridges
Build 1 Fairy Fountain
Build 2 Fairy Fountains
Build 1 Fairyland Theatre

50 Star Chest:100 Energy, 5 Diamonds
100 Star Chest: 200 Energy, 5 Diamonds)
200 Star Chest: 200 Energy, 1 Little Fairy Avatar
350 Star Chest: 200 Energy, 10 Diamonds
500 Star Chest: Cupid Sculpture, 20 Diamonds
700 Star Chest: 300 Energy, 15 Diamonds
900 Star Chest: Fairyland Avatar Frame, 300 Energy, 15 Diamonds
1100 Chest: Flower Puff Pastry Cake Machine, 300 Energy, 20 Diamonds
1300 Chest: Fairyland Theatre, Animated Little Fairy Avatar, 20 Diamonds

Magic Workshop:
3rd slot: 5 Diamonds

1.  Clear pile of Grey Rocks
2. Build 1 Stone Flower Bridge
  (2 Grass, 2 Stone, 1 Magic Mushroom)
3. Clear 1 Magic Bush
4. Clear 1 Thorny Bush
  To do this, you need to build a 2nd Wooden Flower Bridge (2 Grass, 2 Stone, 1 Magic Mushroom)
At this point, you should have 907 Energy!
5. Cover 1 Mushroom Pit (10 Grass, 5 Stone, 1 Heart Flower)
6. Build 1 Magic Workshop (5 Branch, 2 Heart Fruit, 1 Magic Mushroom)
7. Cover 1 Mushroom Pit 
  To do this, you must build the 3rd Wooden Flower Bridge. (1 Magic Flower Wreath*)
When you build the bridge, you can collect gift boxes.  I had 625 Energy, added 150 morr
  To Cover the Mushroom Pit (2 Wood, 2 Magic Mushrooms)
8. Clear 1 pile of Rocks with Mushrooms
  To do this, clear obstacles first
9. Set up 1 Fairy Stage (10 Stone, 2 Heart Fruit, 2 Heart Fruit Sculpture*)
*Workshop item
10. Clear 1 Rock Cluster with Mushrooms (
  To do this, you must build another Wooden Flower Bridge (3 Wood, 1 Mushroom on a Stump*)
When you build the bridge, open boxes.  Energy 536,  312 Diamonds.  After, 656 Energy.

11. Cover 1 Pond (3 Wood, 5 Heart Fruit, 1 Magic Mushroom)
12. Clear 1 Young Heart Fruit Bush
  To do this, you must build a Wooden Flower Bridge (2 Heart Fruit Sculptures)
  Open boxes.  Had 302 Energy, 312 Diamonds.  After, 442 Energy, 312 Diamonds.
13.  Set up 1 Fairy Stage (5 Magic Flowers, 5 Heart Fruits, 2 Magic Mushrooms)
  Open boxes. 435 Energy, 312 Diamonds.  After, 475 Energy, 312 Diamonds.
14. Dispel 1 patch of Magic Fog (1 Magic Mushroom, 5 Magic Flower Wreath, 1 Mushroom on a Stump)
15. Clear 1 Delicate Magic Flower Cluster 
There are boxes to open here.
975 Energy to 1035 Energy
16. Clear 1 Flowering Bush
  To do this, you must clear obstacles and build a bridge first
  Wooden Flower Bridge (2 Magic Flowers, 2 Magic Mushrooms, 2 Heart Fruit Sculpture)
17. Clear 1 Flowering Heart Fruit Bush 
  Clear obstacles to reach it in a far corner
18. Dispel 1 patch of Magic Fog  (5 Heart Fruit, 5 Magic Mushrooms, 2 Magic Flower Wreath)
19. Pick 1 Cluster of Young Magic Mushrooms
  To reach this, you must clear a Mushroom Pit (2 Magic Flowers, 3 Magic Mushrooms, 5 Heart Flower Sculptures)
20. Build 1 Stone Flower Bridge (2 Heart Fruit, 2 Mushroom on a Stump)
  Open boxes.  Before, 607 Energy, 272 Diamonds.  After, 727 272
21.  Dispel 1 patch of Magic Fog (10 Grass, 10 Wood, 5 Mushroom on a Stump)
22.  Clear 1 Flowering Heart Fruit Bush
  You must clear one Grass to reach it.
23. Dispel 1 patch of Magic Fog (10 Magic Flowers, 10 Heart Fruit, 5 Magic Mushrooms)
  To reach it, you must build a Wooden Flower Bridge (2 Heart Fruit, 5 Magic Mushrooms)
24. Build 1 Stone Flower Bridge (4 Branch, 2 Magic Flowers, 2 Mushroom on a Stump)
25.  Cover 1 Pond (20 Grass, 5 Magic Mushrooms, 4 Heart Fruit Sculpture)

The Magic Flower Wreath is one of three items made in the Workshop.

Magic Flower Wreath: 2 Grass, 1 Magic Flower, 1 min.
Heart Fruit Sculpture: 1 Stone, 2 Heart Fruits, 2 min
Mushroom on a Stump: 2 Wood, 2 Magic Mushroom, 3 min.

Later tasks:

26. Build 1 Wooden Flower Bridge (5 Branch, 5 Stone, 5 Heart Fruit)
  You must clear obstacles first.
27. Cover 1 Mushroom Pit (10 Magic Flowers, 5 Heart Fruit, 5 Magic Mushrooms)
  To reach this, clear obstacles including gift boxes.  I had 159 Energy.  After, a total of 219 Energy.
28. Build 1 Fairy Fountain (10 Magic Flowers, 5 Heart Fruit Sculpture, 10 Mushroom on a Stump)
  This requires quite a journey. You first open boxes.  I had 250 Energy.  After, 310.  You need to clear a Pond (15 Wood, 15 Stone, 10 Magic Wreath)  
After clearing the Pond, you can open boxes if you clear obstacles. I had 374 Energy, 8 Diamonds.  After, 434 Energy, 8 Diamonds.
29. Dispel 1 Patch of Magic Fog (10 Heart Fruit, 10 Magic Mushroom, 5 Magic Flower Wreath)
30.  Build 1 Wooden Flower Bridge (2 Magic Flower Wreath, 2 Heart Fruit Sculpture, 2 Mushroom on a Stump)
Open boxes first.  I had 396 Energy, 38 Diamonds.  After had 456 Energy, 38 Diamonds
31. Cover 1 Pond  (5 Heart Fruit, 5 Magic Flower Wreath, 5 Mushroom on a Stump)
  Clear obstacle and open boxes first.  329  38 to 409 Energy 38 Diamonds
32.  Set up 1 Fairy Stage (20 Magic Flowers, 20 Heart Fruit, 15 Mushroom on a Stump)
  First open boxes
  101 Energy, 38 Diamonds, after only more Energy, ?
33. Dispell one patch of Magic Fog (15 Wood, 15 Magic Flowers, 15 Heart Fruit Sculptures)
  To do this, you must first build a Mushroom Pit (20 Wood, 5 Magic Flower Wreath, 5 Mushroom on a Stump) to access an entire new area.  After you dispel the Fog, you can open boxes.
Before, I had 295 Energy, 3 Diamonds.  After, 375 Energy, 3 Diamonds
34.  Cover 1 Pond (15 Branch, 5 Mushroom on a Stump, 5 Heart Fruit Sculpture)
  You first must clear one obstacle
35. Build 1 Wooden Flower Bridge (15 Stone, 5 Heart Fruit, 5 Magic Flower Wreath)
  First open boxes
  Before, 150 Energy, 3 Diamonds.  After 210 Energy, 3 Diamonds
36.  Cover 1 Mushroom Pit (10 Branch, 10 Magic Flowers, 5 Mushroom on a Stump)
  You must remove obstacles first
37.  Set up 1 Fairy Stage (20 Magic Flower Wreath, 15 Heart Fruit Sculpture, 15 Mushroom on a Stump)
  Remove obstacles and open boxes
  Before, 3 Energy, 3 Diamonds.  After, 143 Energy, 3 Diamonds
38.  Build 1 Fairy Fountain (20 Magic Flower Wreath, 20 Heart Fruit Sculpture, 20 Mushroom on a Stump)
  To do this, you must clear obstacles and then Dispel 1 Magic Fog (20 Grass, 15 Magic Flower Wreath)
Now you must clear obstacles and open boxes.
Before, 269 Energy, 3 Diamonds.  After opening 4 boxes, 409 Energy, 3 Diamonds
The 3rd Mary's Surprise Gift is in an area I still cannot reach.
One can build a Pond to open the next area even without completing the Fairy Fountain:
Pond (15 Grass, 10 Magic Flower Wreath, 10 Mushroom on a Stump)
N.B.  At this point, there is only the final Reward when I reach 1300 Stars.  There is no Energy or Diamonds to be gained by completing any more tasks, only Stars.  There is one more Mary's Surprise Gift, but no boxes in the next area as far as I can tell.
I chose to cover the Pond.  The rask to build the Fountain remains active but I can open gift boxes now.  
Before: 119 Energy, 3 Diamonds, after: 279 Energy, 3 Diamonds.  Not significant really, but I am one step closer to the area with the 3rd Mary's Surprise Gift.

The requirements for the Fountain are daunting.  There is one more area to access using Golden Tools.  One needs 1 of each, or 30 Diamonds.  I convert RC to Diamomds and cover the Pond.  Before, 49 Energy, 13 Diamonds. After I open all boxes, 329 Energy, 18 Diamonds.  It will be some time before I can build the Fountain.
39.  Clear 1 Mature Heart Fruit Bush
Required :88, 44, 22 Energy .  Now you can see the 3rd Mary's Surprise Gift to the far left.  You will need to clear obstacles to reach it.
132, 99, 66
I now had 176 Energy, 6 Diamonds
Mary Gift raised it to 376 Energy, 56 Diamonds
40.  Dispel 1 Patch of Magic Fog (20 Heart Fruits, 15 Magic Flower Wreath. 10 Mushroom on a Stump)

When I reached the Fog, I could collect enough Rewards for the final Prizes at 1300 Stars.
After clearing the Magic Fog, one can open boxes in a new area after clearing some grass.   I had 65 Energy, 76 Diamonds.  After, 205 Energy, 76 Diamonds.
41. Build 1 Stone Flower Bridge (5 Magic Flower Wreath, 5 Heart Fruit Sculpture, 2 Mushroom on a Stump)
I had to use most of my Energy to reach the bridge.
Note, I still get 15 Energy for completing a task.
42. Pick 1 cluster of Mature Magic Mushrooms (132 Energy required for first cut, 99 Energy second cut, 66 Energy for third)
Energy situation: I upgraded the fountain to Level 3 giving 70 Energy every 4 hours.  What this means is that if you have no Energy saved, you cannot perform this task in one session. 

43.  Build 1 Fairyland Theatre
(15 Magic Flowers, 15 Heart Flowers, 15 Magic Mushrooms)
Must clear obsracles first

The Puff Pastry Cake Machine makes:
Blue Rose Puff Pastry Cake
Red Rose Puff Pastry Cake
Agave Puff Pastry Cake
Lily puff Pastry Cake
Iris Puff Pastry Cake
Plumeria Puff Pastry Cake

Other Menu options:

At the top of the screen, you can exchange Diamonds for Energy or RC for Diamonds.
On the bottom right of the screen, there is an icon of a chest that shows your Inventory and next to that, a shopping cart.  Use the shopping cart to access two tabs.  One is for Energy and the second for Diamonds.  The Diamonds here can be purchased with real cash.  There are time-limited 'deals' on the top right of your screen.
Your worst enemy in this activity is impatience.  You have until the 5th of May.  Do not be too quick to opt out of the timers.

The cost of obstacles:
(Not official names)
88 Energy for large Heart Flower bush
22 medium heart bush
132 for Large mushroom
99 medium mushroom
45 Magic bush
21 flowering bush (yellow flowers)
15 small magic bush
31 medium red tree

15 April 2023

Bubble Tea Shop Quest and Tea Cup Collection Mission

Teacup Collection Mission:
70 from Blueberries
50 from Turkey
10 from  Chicken Noodle Soup
10 from Coconut
Reward: Fermentation Basket

Bubble Tea Shop Quest

Harvest 40 Rye
Produce 40 Rye Flour
Harvest 8 Cinnamon

Harvest 40 Oat
Produce 40 Oat Flour
Harvest 8 Lemons

Harvest 40 Cane
Produce 40 Sugar
Prepare 8 Butter

Harvest 40 White Grapes
Produce 40 White Wine
Prepare 8 Cake Flour
Reward: Mission Gift Box

Harvest 50 Sweet Potatoes
Produce 50 Buffalo Milk
Prepare 8 Sour Cream

Harvest 50 Dandelions
Collect 20 Honey
Prepare 8 Dandelion Honey Tea

Harvest 50 Green Lettuce
Collect 15 Cumin
Prepare 8 Cumin Powder

Harvest 50 Onions
Place Fermentation Basket on your Farm
Prepare 8 Black Tea

Reward: Spring Window for Darryl's House

Harvest 60 Beans
 Have Pets dig 15 Chests
Prepare 8 Chickpea Salad

Harvest 60 Potatoes
Produce 60 Dandelion Bouquets
Prepare 8 Falafel

Harvest 60 Violets (Island)
Harvest 8 Olives
Prepare 8 Spring Salad

Produce 60 Violet Essential Oils (Island)
Harvest 8 Magnolia Flowers
Prepare 8 Pickled Magnolia Flowers

Reward: Island Mission Gift Box

Harvest 60 Cassava (Island)
Produce 60 Cassava Flour (Island)
Prepare 8 Magnolia Salad

Harvest 8 Cedar Wood (Island)
Produce 60 Mohair (Island)
Prepare 8 Potato Pancakes

Produce 60 Mohair Yarn (Island)
Make 6 Scarecrow Toys (Island)
Prepare 8 Boba Pearls

Make 4 Lemon Blueberry Cakes in the Stove House
Tend Botanical Garden 15 times
Prepare 8 Bubble Tea

Final Reward: Kitty Drinking Bubble Tea

03 April 2023

Penny's Magic Cauldron Solutions April

Maple Syrup, Carrot
Tomato, Cherry
Oat Flour, Horse Hair
White Rose, Venison Steak
Gulfweed, Rye Flour, Blue Rose
Wheat Flour, Cherry, Mangosteen
Tilapia, Rye Flour, Milk
Red Rose, Yellow Croaker, Horse Hair
Gulfweed, Oat Flour, Wheat Flour
Wheat Flour, Wakame, White Rose
Green Bean, Gisela Cherry, Mutton
Carrot, Milk, Message in a Bottle
Blue Rose, Lemon, Rye Flour
Rice Flour. Gisela Cherry, Milk, Coral
White Rose, Mutton, Yellow Croaker, Mangosteen
Red Rose, Lemon, Cheddar Cheese, Wakame
Wool, Mutton, Coral, Cheddar Cheese
Tomato, Buffalo Milk Cheese, Birch Tree Syrup, Tilapia
Wool, Rice Flour, Buffalo Milk, Birch Tree Syrup
Green Bean, Buffalo Milk, Maple Syrup, Yellow Croaker
Buffalo Milk Cheese, Message in a Bottle, Coral, Venison Steak

Reward: Easter Forest Base*
*When placed, it has the value of 9 votes total per day for Theme