
20 August 2021

'80s Party Quest and Cassette Collection Mission

Vision still a little compromised.  I had the eye procedures,, but I apologise for two typographical errors, as my ability to read comes and goes a bit still. 

Note from Freyashawk:  Thanks to all the farmers who are sending their votes.  I may actually have a chance this time round if people continue to send their votes.  I have been very much in contact with Support about making certain they eliminate cheaters and hackers and give the rewards to the valid winners.  I hope the winners received their trophies at least!

Tips:  The reward for the Collection Mission will become a premium item once the time limit us reached.  You can access the Quest from the Lighthouse usually, but not the Collection Mission.  Try therefore to complete the Collection Mission at least.  It does require a premium Animal in the form of the Guinea Pig, buy thus is where you always should be using your RC.  The premium Animals and Machines you can buy in the Market tend to be required again and again nowadays.

Finally, may I make a little plea for compassion towards other farmers in this game?  The developers have created a ridiculous expectation that neighbours will make 300 to 310 visits per day.  If you stop to think about it, as long as your neighbour always has crops on the Farm and decorations to clean, YOU benefit by visiting that farmer.  Why demand reciprocation?  I have noticed that the most enthusiastic super farmers sometimes quickly grow weary of the game and quit whike the more casual farmer continues to play.  I am not quick to delete either.  A Level 6 inactive Buddy provides me with good rewards still and perhaps will return one day.  We are human beings, and we really ought to find good company and some fun in this game rather than more stress in a world that has an overabundance of that recently.

Cassette Collection Mission

70 from Lavender
50 from Wheat Flour
30 from Guinea Pig Hair
10 from Lemons (Tree)

Reward: Lucuma Tree

'80s Part Quest

Harvest 40 Blue Roses
Produce 40 Beef
Harvest 8 Almonds

Harvest 40 Cane
Produce 40 Sugar
Harvest 8 Oranges

Harvest 40 Rice
Produce 40 Turkeys 
Harvest 8 Lychees

Harvest 40 Timothy Grass
Produce 30 Honey*
  *I keep filled Beehives in the Warehouse for tasks like these.  I can place them on the Farm when the task appears and collect instantly.
Harvest 8 Peaches 

Special Reward: Mission Gift Box

Harvest 50 Rye
Produce 50 Rye Flour
Prepare 8 Batter

Harvest 50 Oats
Produce 50 Oat Flour
Prepare 8 Cake Flour

Harvest 50 Sunflowers
Collect 15 Candy Corn (Collectable.  OP can be used to speed whether in Collectable House or on farm)
Prepare 8 Marzipan Ghosts

Harvest 50 Red Bell Peppers
Place the Lucuma Tree on your Farm
Prepare 8 Lucuma Mousse

Special Reward: Coconut Pet House Ears

Harvest 60 Carrots 
Craft 6 Wooden Cylinders (Island)
Prepare 8 Candy Corn Cupcakes

Harvest 60 Mint (Island)
Harvest 60 Tea Plants (Island)
Prepare 8 Flower Salads

Harvest 60 Garlic (Island)
Process 12 Gulfweeds
Prepare 8 Cream Cheese

Harvest 6 Red Sandalwoid (Island)*
  *Use Electric Saw
Harvest 8 Red Bananas
Prepare 8 Fried Honey Red Bananas

Special Reward: Island Mission Gift Box

Craft 6 Wooden Panels (Island)
Produce 60 Minty Morocco (Island)
Prepare 8 Mini Red Velvet Cakes

Produce 60 Dried Lemons (Island)
Craft 6 Clay Facial Masks 
Prepare 8 Spooky Halloween Cupcakes

Craft 6 Flower Tables (Island)
Craft 10 Rose Facial Masks
Prepare 8 Red Banana Velvet Bread

Cook 4 Pilafs in the Stovehouse
Tend Flowers in Botanical Garden 12 times
Prepare 8 Exotic Cheesecakes

Final Reward: A Rubik's Cube Sculpture Decoration

09 August 2021

Insect Garden, Seaside Pass and Farm Beauty Contest

Some new options in the game appear to be confusing for some players.

Insect Garden

We are finding our way here still, but the insect garden is next to the Botanicak Garden and linked to it.  To some extent, the flowers growing in your Botanical Garden determine the insects that will be attracted to your Insect Garden.

There is a timer for these as well.  Certain rare insects only will appear on set days.  I do not think these days are the same for every one, although I need more time to confirm this.  I believe the week is a matter of consecutive days.  The rarest insect of all, the Dreamy Papilio, only appears on Day 7. Its favourite flower is the Mega Rose.

Now there are two different markets connected to the Botanical Garxen as well.  One sells Garden tools and ordinary Level 1 flowers as previously, but a welcome change is that you can buy ALL Garden tools at one time.   The limit of 99 has been eliminated as well. Appearance no longer is random.   If needed, you can buy all of them every day.

The other Market accepts Insect Coins, earned by catching insects with a net.  There are two different nets by the way.  One is crafted in the island Hardware Store using 1 Wooden Cylinder and 1 Cotton Cloth.  The other can be purchased for 1 RC.

The different insects have different values in Insect Coins.  You can use these coins to purchase Level 1 Friendship Flowers or two new Levell 1 Flowers in the form of the Helios Flame Sunflower and the Coryphantha Cactus Flower.  Each costs 400 Insect Coins.

In theory, you can catch one insect in a buddy's garden each day.  Whether or not a buddy's insect garden is open for you to catch an insect may be determined by that buddy's actions.  I have tested this now more than once.  When I visit a buddy OK did not catch all insects in his/her garden that day, I am able to catch one.  If that Buddy has caught the quota, the garden is shut.   You may consider leaving a couple of rare insects in your garden for your Buddies once you have the rewards you need.

To discover what day it is in your Insect calendar, look at the insects currently in your garden.  For example, the Chafer appears only on the even numbered days.  The Blue Morpho on  1, 2, 6 and 7.  The Leaf Moth on Days 1, 3 and 5.  Sk by seeing which ones are present, you often can work out where you are in terms of Day 7 when the elusive Dreamy Papilio appears.

Seaside Pass

The Seaside Pass is similar in some ways to the Daily Quests and sometimes performance of a task is rewarded by both.

There are two rows for the Seaside Pass.  If you opt to purchase the premium Decoration for Seaside (currently a Flamingo), you will unlock the second row of tasks and rewards as well as adding points.

Without the premium decoration, you still can earn both daily rewards and seasonal rewards, but you are limited to those on the first row.

Note that one daily task is to claim votes in the Farm Beauty Contest. Another is to dig 10 Chests.  Claim Daily Quest Silver Box. Claim Dedicated Farmer Bonus once.  Complete 3 Orders on the Order Board.  Some of these overlap with Daily Quest tasks.

There are other rewards apart from farm Aids.  On the free row, there is a Summer Flamingo Avatar. On the premium row, there is a Summer Flowers Avatar Frame.  Note that the premium Decoration gives 100 bonus points that can be counted towards rewards.  You can opt to  
exchange TC for Points to earn rewards faster,  but I believe the Seaside Pass premium row is unlocked purchasing the decoration. 

Farm Beauty Contest

There are farmers who still do not understand how this works, even at high levels.  

Really, the most important reward is given when you reach a total of 4000 votes.  There is no reason why even lower level farmers should not be able to achieve this using o ly the votes given by the four characters who assess your Farm every day. 

The important requirements are having a variety of Crops, Trees, Animals, Machines, a few but not that many farm Expansions, four pets fully outfitted and on the Farm (not in the Pet House), a decent total of Landscape Points, and as decent number of Theme decorations.  Theme items are shown in a little red book in the Farm Beauty Contest Menu.

By completing and placing the new base in any Farm Beauty Contest, you usually will increase votes for theme by 9 votes per day. Premium decorations often give 6 or 9 more votes per day as opposed to the 3 votes given to non premium decorations.

There are players who believe there is no point in registering if they cannot reach maximum votes.  That is absurd. There are Farm aids as well as Coins that are given at lesser totals, and this is where you earn purple mystrons. The decoration given at 4000 votes is cleanable.  Furthermore, by voting each day, you earn a gift box that contains rewards.such as OP, purple Mystrons and coins. 

I do not know if requirements have changed at all, but lower levels farmers confirm you do not need even the 30 x 30 expansion to receive maximum votes for 'big farms'.  Do register as many items in your Gallery as possible to receive 18/18 for Gallery.  A farmer with only 2284 Landscape Points confirmed she receives maximum votes of 24/24 for 'beautiful paths with high Landscape Points'. 

I have written many posts in the past about the Farm Beauty Contest and how to maximise your own character votes.  The totals may have changed, but with 16 different Crops, 16 different Trees, 12 different Animals and 12 different Machines on your Farm, you should receive maximum for those categories.
Beehives and  Butterfly Houses count as Animals.

There actually are two different Beauty Contests.  One is for the votes that give the Decoration at 4000 and an avatar and a couple of RC at 6000, but the other is for rank.  Only the top 100 farmers in the world are ranked.  With 2000 votes above 6000, you will not be in the top 100.  To rank in the top 10, you need between 12,000 and 13,000 votes.

I know I have requested that farmers who use this site vote for HM. Freyashawk.  This is for rank, for trying to be in the top 10 to give visibility to this site.  I never ask for votes for any other farm.  

In this current Contest, they gave increased the theme total.  Thus actually helps the farmer, because the total of votes needed to attain the rewards has not changed.   All it means is that they are counting more thene items on your Farm.

You do not need more than 200 votes per day to attain 4000.  You do not need more than 300 to attain the final rewards at 6000.  In fact, it is possible than the actual total is less for both as there is one extra voting period. 

Remember always that the screenshot you submit determines your Farm's value in votes.  If you forget to place your new completed base or take all four pets out of the Pet House,  submit a new photo.   Otherwise do not meddle with it.  Often it will disappear if there is a new update.  Do not worry.  It still counts.  Do not take a new one!

Note that theme decorations are included in the Lucky Wheel for each contest.Contest.  There are four that can be found for the us Contest. Some theme items can be purchased in the Market.  That means you can use RC instead of cash to buy them.  As far as new premium items are concerned, they usually are worth more votes than other theme items and will be used in future contests.  They tend to give better gift boxes when cleaned as well.  

Finally, I hate to have to make this clear, but I never made a penny from this game and never shall.  I make no money from Google,  have never asked for gift cards or friendship flowers even.  If any one claims to be me and asks fir remuneration of any kind, that person is an imposter.  I only request votes.  If any one does try to claim to be me to obtain financial advantages, please report that to me at once!

06 August 2021

Winter in the Savanna Quest and Binocular Collection Mission

Note from Freyashawk:  I just had my second cataract procedure two days ago, but I am a stubborn woman, and was determined to publish this post for the players who need help or who appreciate my site.  I would ask for your votes for HM. Freyashawk if you feel the site is a worthy labour, but more than that, please tell other farmers it exists and that all timed quests always are published as quickly as possible.  I intend to become more active again in writing posts here.  I receive no rewards from Google or any one else.   I do not ask for Google cards or even Friendship Flowers.  Only your votes, and that only because Freyashawk is a name associated with guides for decades, and I want players to be able to see that I still am committed to this project of helping other people enjoy the game.  Please do not mock me for typographical errors.  I am doing the best I can with these new eyes of mine.

Farm Beauty Contest:

Even veteran farmers do not appear to understand the change in the character votes.  Theme votes from 3 of the 4 characters now have a maximum of 36, but the number of total votes required to earn the maximum reward remains 6000 votes.  The new total therefore cannot devalue your farm's rating in terms of attaining the decoration Reward for 4000 votes and the avatar Reward for 6000 votes.  What it actually means is that more decorations have been included in the theme book.  This is good for farmers. 

Binocular Collection Mission

70 Green from Corn
50 Blue from Buffalo Milk
30 Pink from Oreo Sundae
10 Yellow from Maple Tree

Reward: Tumeric Planter
  N.B. This is a Collectable.  When placed on the Farm, you should receive products instantly.

Winter in the Savanna Quest

Harvest 40 Cane
Produce 40 Sugar
Harvest 8 Cherries

Harvest 40 Wheat
Produce 40 Wheat Flour
Harvest 8 Cinnamon

Harvest 40 Tomatoes
Produce 40 Beef
Harvest 8 Peaches

Harvest 40 Pitaya
Produce 40 Pitaya Jam
Prepare 8 Soft Dough

Special Reward: Mission Gift Box

Harvest 50 Red Bell Peppers
Produce 50 Chilli Sauce
Prepare 8 Butter

Harvest 50 Tulips
Produce 50 Tulip Bouquets
Prepare 8 Pirog Pies

Harvest 50 Passion Fruits
Collect 15 Pink Powder
Prepare 8 Bibotie

Harvest 60 Lotus Flowers
Place the Tumwric Planter on your Farm
Prepare 8 South African Yellow Rice

Special Reward: Coconut Pet House Base

Harvest 60 Mushrooms
Produce 60 Wool
Prepare 8  Cereal

Harvest 60 Chamomile*
Dig 15 Chests on your paths
Prepare 8 White Bird Chocolates

Harvest 60 Kiwi Fruits*
Produce 60 Wool Yarn*
Prepare 8 Sour Cream

Produce 60 Dried Kiwi Fruits*
Harvest 8 Guelder Rose Berries
Prepare 8 Pink Cream

Special Reward: Island Mission Gift Box

Produce 60 Goose Hats*
Produce 60 Chamomile Essential Oil*
Prepare 8 Guelder Rose Jelly

Produce 60 Kiwi Fruit Bread*
Harvest 8 pieces of Cedar Wood*(Island)
  N.B. Use Electric Saw
Prepare 8 Guelder Rose Pirog Pies

 Craft 6 Wooden Aroma Bottles*
 Craft 6 Chamomile Aroma Bottles
Prepare 8 Pink Cakes

Cook 4 Faatah in the Stovehouse 
Tend Flowers in Botanical Garden 15 times*
Prepare 8 South African Meals

Final Reward: Lookout Post Decoration 


02 August 2021

Penny's Magic Cauldron Riddle Solutions August

When I could use a Mac, I posted screenshots of these, but the app is more primitive, and posting photographs is a nightmare logistically.   I took the screenshits of all the solutions, and sent them to Kaye, who translated them into text.

You can solve three riddles per day without paying.  Each additional riddle costs 1 RC, and you automatically are given the solution.  The base will be a theme item in the next Beauty Contest.  Note that this base placed on your Farm will give you a total of 9 votes per day for them from your own characters. 

Final Reward: Dark Castle Base

These are the rssults:
1. Grape, Goose Feather
2. Ginger, Gulfweed 
3. Wheat Flour, Wool
4. White Chocolate, Orange Juice
5. White Grape, Peach, Oat Flour
6. Pineapple, Horse Hair, Message in a Bottle
7. Crayfish, Cinnamon, Celery Juice
8. Green Bean, Chocolate, Rye Flour
9. Peach, Ginger, Grape Juice
10.  White Grape, Crayfish. Cherry
11. Green Bean, Egg, Tilapia
12. Menhaden, Peach, Rye Flour
13. Wool, Grape Juice,  Buffalo Milk
14.  Chardonnay Grape, Tilapia, Turkey, Cinnamon
15. White Chocolate, Turkey, Gisela Cherry, Message in a Bottle
16. Sea Lettuce, Oat Flour,  Buffalo Milk, Horse Hair
17. Goose Feather, Pineapple, Celery Juice, Chardonnay
18.  Egg, Cherry, Ginger, Orange Juice 
19. Goose Feather, Chocolate, Grape, Wheat Flour
20. Egg, Gisela Cherry, White Chocolate, Sea Lettuce
21. Gulfweed, Pineapple, Rye Flour. Menhaden