
27 June 2021

Fairy Tale Time Quest

This is a Lighthouse Quest, divided into four parts, each having four sets of three tasks each.

Once you initiate a new part, you have five days to complete that.  Only one special quest in theory can be completed at a time, but sometimes this is not the case.

Note from Fretashawk: Kaye logged all of the untimed quests for me, but I am having a terrible time now with my eyes.  It is a struggle.  It may have to wait for surgical procedures.

Harvest 80 Rye
Collect 30 Honey
Harvest 80 Oat

Produce 80 Rye Flour
Collect Beef
Harvest 16 Cinnamon

Produce 80 Oat Flour
Harvest 80 Wheat
Harvest 80 Cane

Harvest 16 Maple Syrup
Fish with the Bone Fishhook 15 times
Prepare 16 Churros

Reward: Special Mission Gift Box

Produce 80 Wheat Flour
Prepare 16 Condensed Milk
Prepare 16 Smoked Menhaden
   You should be able to use Goldfinger or Out of Nowhere Techs

Produce 80 Sugar
Prepare 16 Milk Cookies
Prepare 16 Tiramisu

Harvest 80 Lilies
Produce 80 Wheat Bread
Prepare 16 Wheat Flour

Prepare 16 Soft Dough
Prepare 16 Hamburger Steak
Produce 80 Turkey

Reward: Cozy Sofa for Darryl's House

25 June 2021

Surprise Trip Quest and Barcelona Tiles Collection Mission

A new 11 day Quest was released in tandem with a Collection Mission.  Remember always that once the Collection Mission expires, it cannot be performed and the Reward becomes a premium item in the Market.  The quest sequence on the other hand, usually can be accessed from the Lighthouse.  Quests are divided into four parts.  Only completed quarters (each consisting of three tasks, will be credited in the Lighthouse).  Anything less than a full quarter will have to be performed again.  So complete 1 through 4, 5 through 8 and so on if you cannot complete the entire sequence before tge expiration. 

Many thanks to wonderful and multi-takented Kaye for her invaluable help always.

Barcelona Tiles Collection Mission

70 from Lavender
50 from Wheat Flour
30 from Blue Rose Petals
10 from Cinnamon

N.B.  You will need the premium Flower Petal Maker Machine to complete the Collection Mission

Reward:   Calçots Plant*
This is a Collectable.  You will receive some product when you place the plant.  OP can be used to speed production whether on Farm or stored in Collectable House

Surprise Trip Quest

Harvest 40 Wheat
Collect 20 Honey*
  *I store filled Beehives in the Warehouse always so I do not have to plant Clover for a task that requires Honey

Harvest 8 Almonds

Harvest 40 Tomatoes
Produce 40 Ketchup
Harvest 8 Lemons

Harvest 40 Oats
Produce 40 Oat Flour
Harvest 8 Peaches

Harvest 40 Red Roses
Produce 40 Red Rose Bouquets
Harvest 8 Pears

Special Reward: Mission Gift Box

Harvest 50 Grapes
Produce 50 Wine 
Prepare 8 Romesdcu Dipping Sauce

Harvest 50 Rye
Produce 50 Rye Flour
Prepare 8 Cake Flour

Harvest 50 Strawberries
Collect 15 Buttercream*
  *This is a Collectable
Prepare 8 Cactus Ice Cream

Harvest 50 Tulips
Place the Calçot Plant on your Farm
  Reward from Collection Mission 
Prepare 8 Roasted Calçots

Special Reward: Watermelon Pet House Ears

Harvest 60 Sunflowers
Produce 30 Strawberry Juice
Prepare 8 Rose Punch

Harvest 60 Violets
Fish 8 times with the Treble Hook*
  *The new default number of casts is 15 so no need to 'miss' a cast to perform this task quickly 
Prepare 8 Wine Cakes

Harvest 60 Mint. (Island)
Produce 8 Smoked Mackerel *
  *Goldfinger and Out of Nowhere Techs should be applicable here
Prepare 8 Cactus Ice Cream Wine Cakes

Produce 60 Wool
Harvest 8 Praline
Prepare 8 Soft Dough

Special Reward: Island Mission Gift Box

Produce 60 Wool Yarn (Island)
Harvest 12 Cedar Wood (Island)
Prepare 8 Batter

Produce 60 Minty Morocco (Island)
Collect 60 Lavender Essential Oil (Island)
Prepare 8 Praline Cake

Craft 6 Wooden Aroma Bottles  (Island)
Craft 6 Lavender Aroma Bottles
Prepare 8 Valentine Desserts

Cook 4 Dipping Noodles with Seafood Sauce*
  *Stove House
Tend Flowers in Botanical Garden 15 times
Prepare 8 Calçots with Romescu

Final Reward: Gaudi Mosaic Decoration

Collection Set: Flower Petal Maker, Calçot Plant, Gaudi Mosaic Decoration

Register all three before the timer expires to receive a bonus Reward in the form of a Friendship Flower Package as well as usual rewards of 88 Green Mystrons and 1 RC.   Unfortunately, these new Packages do not always contain an actual Friendship Flower.  I just opened one, and it contains some Fertiliser and other Farm Aids but no Gallery Friendship Flower

11 June 2021

Sweet Father's Day Quest and Bandana Collection Mission

A new 11 day quest in tandem with a Collection Mission.  The reward for the Collection Mission is a Beautyberry Shrub. 

Special Tasks:
You will need to fish with the Dolphin Hook and tend flowers in the Botanical Garden.  You will need the new premium Animal,  Zebra, to complete the Collection Mission.

Many thanks to Kaye for her quick work in logging the tasks.

Bandana Collection Mission

70 from Wheat
50 from Eggs
30 from Zebra Print
10 from Lemons

Reward: Beautyberry Shrub 

Sweet Father's Day Quest

Harvest 40 Cane
Produce 40 Sugar
Harvest 8 Cherries

Harvest 40 Onions
Produce 40 Wheat Flour
Harvest 8 Lychees

Harvest 40 Tomatoes
Collect 20 Honey*
  *Tip:  I keep filled Beehives in the Warehouse, and simply place and collect.   Otherwise, you have to plant clover 
Prepare 8 Batter

Harvest 40 Rye
Produce 40 Rye Flour
Harvest 8 Olives

Special Reward: Mission Gift Box 

Harvest 50 Green Lettuce
Produce 50 Wheat Bread
Prepare 8 Spring Salads

Harvest 50 Oat
Produce 50 Oat Flour
Prepare 8 Honey Cake

Harvest 50 Strawberries 
Collect 15 Mizuna Leaves*
  *Tip: This is a Collectable.  You can use OP whether on Farm or in Collectable House.  Amounts are random always 
Prepare 8 Rainbow Salads

Harvest 50 Tulips
Place the Beautyberry Shrub on your Farm
  Reward from Collection Mission
Prepare 8 Beautyberry Sorbets 

Special Reward: Watermelon Pet House Base

Harvest 60 Watermelons 
Produce 60 Wool
Prepare 8 Crepes

Harvest 60 Violets (Island)
Produce 60 Tulip Bouquets
Prepare 8 Egg Pancakes

Harvest 60 Garlic (Island)
Harvest 15 Tea Tree Leaves (Island)
Prepare 8 Beef Broth

Harvest 8 Cedar Wood (Island)
Harvest 8 Blackthorn Berries
Prepare 8 Blackthorn Jelly

Special Reward: Island Mission Gift Box

Produce 60 Wool Yarn (Island)
Produce 12 Tea Tree Essential Oil (Island)
Prepare 8 Vegetarian Spring Rolls

Fish with Dolphin Hook 10 times*
  * Tip: Default number of casts has been increased to 15
Process 8 Abalone in the Seafood House
Prepare 8 Tractor Tyre Donuts

Produce 6 Wooden Aroma Bottles (Island)
Craft 6 Tea Tree Aroma Bottles in Beauty Shop
Prepare 8 Blackthorn Cakes

Cook 4 Strawberry Gazpacho in the Stove Housd
Take Care of Flowers in the Botanical Garden 15 times
Prepare 8 Sweet Beautyberry Sorbet Sandwich

Final Reward: Cowboy Boots Pot Decoration

02 June 2021

Darryl's Adventure 800 to 900

Please note that all earlier tasks are published on this site.  I have added a label for Darryl's Adventure to each one, so any site search should bring up all the posts.

I wanted to thank wonderful Kaye for sending me the task list.  She is one of our administrators and an amazing contributor in terms especially of untimed quests.

Note about Neighbours: Players should not feel any obligation to visit up to 310 Neighbours daily.  When a farmer visits you,  he or she obtains rewards.  When you have Blue Box cleanable decorations on your Seasise or Islsnd Farm, any visitors will receive significant benefits from THEIR visits.  The game developers have placed unnecessary stress on farmers to make these visits.  This is a game.  It should be a pleasure, not a duty, and your Neighbours should be glad that you have crops, trees, and cleanable Decoratikns on your Farm rather than complaining if you cannot reciprocate.  The Buddg system likewise has become almost sadistic in terms of perceived duties.  Again, a Buddy who visits you obtains rewards.  If you play regularly and respond to daily requests,  have Pets and Fish they can borrow, that should suffice.   Many of us suffer from real life medical conditions or the pressure or jobs and families or any other number of difficulties.  Being a good Buddy or Neighbour means being supportive.   I have made sk many good and caring friends in Seaside over the years.  Do not allow this game to destroy rather than give joy to your neighbours.

I have been updating this site for over 8 years.  It is unpaid work.  I do not allow Goigle to advertise on my sites,  so it has been strictly and solely work done to aid farmers in better enjoyment of Seaside.  Unlike some people, I never solicit Goigke cards or Friendship Flowers.  If you receive requests for payment from some one purporting to be me, they will be fraudulent.  My accounts were hacked.  Cataracts have advanced to the point where numbers are unclear.  I am typing these into the site because Kaye sent me the tasks, and I would not see her efforts wasted. It is increasingly difficult for me.  Recently I installed the app for Blogger to try to make the site more secure for me.  It has a very basic set of options, and editing is difficult. 

Darryl's Adventure 800-900

801. Produce 60 Goat Cheese
802. Collect 60 Eggs
803. Prepare 6 June berry Dots
804. Harvest 60 Golden Kiwifruits
805. Produce 60 Golden Kiwicruit Wine
806. Collect 6 Capers
807. Harvest 60 Cane
808. Produce 60 Sugar
809. Prepare 6 Sugar Cubes
810. Collect 60 Milk
811.  Collect 12 Salt from the Salt Pond
812. Produce 5 Smoked Butterfish
813. Collect 60 Honey
814. Prepare 6 Summer Sweets
815. Harvest 8 Jasmine
816.  Collect 8 Herb
817. Harvest 60 Sugar Beets
818. Produce 60 Caramel
819. Collect 12 Nectar
820. Prepare 6 Caramel Honey Sauce
821. Harvest 60 Fern Flowers
822. Harvest 8 Sakura Flowers
823. Craft 8 Flower Rings
824. Harvest 60 Wheat 
825. Collect 60 Brussel Sprouts 
Reward: Sakura Picnic Box

826. Produce 60 Wheat Flour
827. Produce 60 Caramelised Brussel Sprouts
828. Process 5 Sea Lettuce in Seafood House
829. Harvest 8 Jackfruit 
830. Harvest 60 Green Lettuce
831. Produce 60 Beef
832. Produce 60 Beef Wraps
833. Harvest 60 Spinach
834. Harvest 10 Dark Chocolate
835. Process 5 Wakame in Seafood House
836. Prepare 6 Wakame Salad
837. Harvest 60 Raspberries 
838. Prepare 60 Raspberry Jam
839. Harvest 60 Lotus Flowers
840. Collect 60 Goose Feathers
841. Harvest 10 White Chocolate
842. Collect 60 Duck Eggs
843. Produce 60 Mayonnaise
844. Prepare 6 Seafood Salad
845. Collect 6 Chia Seeds
846. Harvest 60 Coffee Beans
847. Produce 10 White Mocha
848. Produce 60 Wool
849. Process 5 Janthina Sea Snails in Seafood House
850. Harvest 6 Cashew
Reward: Spring Timd Avatar Frame 

851. Prepare 6 Royal Salad
852. Harvest 60 Oat 
853. Harvest 12 Pear
854. Collect 8 Syrup
855. Harvest 60 Rice
856. Produce 60 Turkeys
857. Collect 20 Lag Bolts from Hardware Store 
858. Harvest 12 Cedar Wood 
859. Harvest 60 Alfalfa 
860. Craft 8 Woiden Aroma Bottles
861. Collect 60 Mohair
862. Produce 60 Mohaur Yarn
863. Craft 5 Lavender Aroma Bottles
864. Harvest 60 Tomatoes
865. Produce 60 Ketchup
866. Produce 6 Fried Seasoned Chicken
867. Harvest 20 Cheatnut
868. Produce 40 Chestnut Flour
869. Produce 60 Beef
870. Collect 15 Nails from Hafdware Store 
871. Produce 60 Beef Salami
872. Harvest  60 Barley
873. Produce 60 Barley Flour
874. Craft 3 Wrenches in the Hardware Store
875. Produce 60 Beef Hotdogs 

Reward: Sakura Swing

876. Harvest 12 Oak Wood
877. Craft 20 Wooden Cylinders 
878. Harvest 60 Daisies
879. Produce 60 Daisy Essential Oil
880. Harvest 10 Bamboo Shoots
881. Collect 20 Bamboo Baskets 
882. Craft 6 Wooden Chairs 
883. Harvest 60 Cassava
884. Produce 60 Cassava Flour
885. Harvest 60 Cactus
886. Produce 60 Camel Hair
887. Process 5 Starfish in the Seafood House
888. Harvest 60 Lavender
889. Produce 60 Lavender Bouquets
890. Harvest 10 Rex Sandalwood 
891. Harvest 60 Love Fruits 
892. Produce 6p Love Fruit Pies 
893. Craft 5 Starfish Mirrors
894. Harvest 8 Tea Tree Leaves
895. Produce 20 Tea Tree Essential Oil
896. Craft 5 Makeup Boxes
897. Harvest 60 Cranberries
898. Produce 60 Cranberry Pies 
899. Harvest 12 Mistletoe
900. Collect 20 Reindeer Fur
Reward: Darryl Spring Outing Avatar

01 June 2021

Penny's Magic Cauldron Riddle Solutions

I do not know how to use the app to delete or add photos, but all solutions should be here.
The following are all duplicates, but there appears to be no option to delete selected images in posts when using the app.  I am sorry this post is not more elegant.  I have no desire to sign in on my computer,  as no one has been able to give me expert aid against a fairly invasive and sophisticated team of hackers,  not to mention the extended gaslighting attempts.  At least the general public perforce is becoming more aware of the dangers of sharing personal memories on social media.  When some one, even an old friend, asks about the name of the street where you lived as a child, or your favourite pet, favourite teacher, best to bite your tongue  because this is what is known as data mining.  Fortunately,  security questions are being supplanted by biometrics and two step authentication, but sad to say, those overly trips down memory lane may be designed to rob you.