
26 October 2018

Research Laboratory, all Research Topics and Lab Storehouse

(The screenshots above show farms with two different active topics: Treeology and Zoology respectively.  Whenever you change your active topic, the little walkway in the centre of the Research Laboratory area will change as well to reflect the current specialisation.  As you can see, Treeology shows trees in pots.  Zoology shows statues of Cows.)


As of September 2019:

Change in Use of Research Topics:

You theoretically can use all four Topics at the same time, BUT this requires a new high level at the Research Lab of Level 31.  If you HAD all four researched, you may find your Lab Storehouse/Seed Room unbuilt after update and all four Topics locked with no access to Lab Stove House Recipes initially.  What you have to do is tap on each Topic.  Remember however that the requirements now are the new Level 31 to have all four... so tap on the three you like best if you have not reached that Level.   I stupidly simply tapped on them in order, and now am told I cannot unlock my favourite Topic, which was Mechology, until I have reached Research Level 31.

At Level 13 in the Research Lab, you can unlock a second Topic.  At Level 22, you can unlock a third.  At Level 31, you can unlock the fourth.  It is important to know that even at a Level below 13, you can choose to unlock the Topic of your choice.  I find Mechology the most useful and would think it even more useful for players who have not done much in terms of the Lab or even collecting items in the game.

Final Note:  I was one of the first to get the update and at that time, it came without any instructions with respect to the new system.  Although Support initially told me they could not rectify the situation wherein I simply had tapped on the Topics in order, unaware that I would be losing Mechology in favour of Cropology, ultimately, they granted my request to lock Cropology instead, restoring my access to Mechology.  So Support can be VERY positive!

Note about Upgrades:  I want to thank my Freyashawk Community for their contributions where upgrades for the four Lab Topic items are concerned.  Filling in the gaps really has been a Community effort.

New Research Levels:

You now can upgrade further than Level 5 for some Techs.

To upgrade Farmium Recharge to Level 6, you need the following:

30000 Coins
12 Deer Hair
15 Chili Con Carne (Bronze)
25 Guava Lip Balm

Lab Warehouse

I had the maximum previously but the number automatically increased for me to 400.  Fortunately I anticipated this, and have been requesting Lab Storehouse Windows from my buddies regularly.

To increase to Level 16, giving 450 slots:

210 Lab Storehouse Windows
24 Tenderloin
14 Toast
24 Large Lab Storehouse Shelf (1 RC each)

To increase to Level 17, giving 500 slots:

220 Lab Storehouse Windows (Request Buddy or 1 RC each)
24 Large Lab Storehouse Shelf (1 RC each)
24 Surinam Cherries
15 Gluten

Note on 15 July:  I apologise for the disarray and lack of coherence where this post is concerned.  I really need to create an entirely new post for this subject.  Meanwhile, I am trying to fill any gaps in update information for items associated with the Lab Topics.

Last Updated on 9 May with some Bronze Star versions of Mechology and Zoology Recipes that are requirements for the upgrade of Techs in these Topics.   The original Topics of Cropology and Treeology required higher Star levels of their Stove House Tech recipes for their upgrades but Mechology and Zoology require only Bronze Star versions.   Please note that my versions of Stove House recipes are based on having the least amount of fuss to produce a successful dish and using the least amount of time to do it.  I realise that there are many farmers who have not upgraded the Stove House to give 5 chambers, and thus efficient use of time may be more important than other considerations.  If you have any interest in upgrading all the techs for all four Topics, you will be cooking these annoying dishes constantly!

Research Laboratory Buildings

If you look at either of the screenshots above. you will see three separate buildings.  All of these are linked to the Research Laboratory.

Seed Bank, aka Rare Material Bank

The building to the far left originally was known as the Seed Bank.  With the introduction of 'materials' produced by Animals and Machines, its name has changed to the 'Rare Material Bank'.  It originally contained two separate chambers, represented by icons at the top of the menu you would access by tapping on the building.   Rare Crop Seeds were stored in the first chamber.  Rare Tree Seeds were stored in the second chamber.  Now there are four separate chambers.  The third contains the rare Materials produced by Animals when your active topic is Zoology.  The fourth contains the rare Materials produced by Machines when your active topic is Mechology.

Note here that there are specific limits for each item that is stored in the Rare Material Bank.  They may differ from item to item.  For example, you can store a total of 60 Four Leaf Clover Seeds but only 50 Heart Watermelon Seeds.  For the Materials created by use of Zoology or Mechology techs, however, the total never varies.  You can store up to 50 of any Zoology or Mechology Material.

What occurs when you have reached your limit for any item is basically that you will be unable to collect any more of that specific item until you use some of it so it is a good idea to keep an eye on your totals.

At the top right of the Menu for the Rare Material Bank, you will see an icon of Essences with the current total of Essences that you have.  Essences donated by visiting Buddies will be shown as +1 or whatever the number of donations you have currently.

Tip for Essences

You collect Essences each day whenever you invite a Guest Group but only when the Guests leave.  For the purpose of collecting Essences only, you can invite any Group and then send them away instantly, filling no orders at all.  Thus, you can earn 20 Essence from any 1 Star Group and 50 Essence from any 2 Star Group even if you have no interest in filling Guest orders or collecting the other possible rewards from these visits.  You can invite one 3 Star Group every week.

Research Laboratory Building

This is the central building in the group of three.  It essentially has the Menu for all Techs that you can unlock and upgrade.  To access any Tech Menu, tap on the icon for that tech.

At the top of the Menu, you will see your Research Lab Points total and level on the left and your current Farmium total on the right.  The maximum Level now is 12 and maximum Research Lab Point total is 5040.  You need to reach that total precisely to raise your Level to 12.

Maximum Farmium depends on the basic Research tech of Farmium Containers.  Effects of unlocking and upgrading this are given below.

Under these two bars are two Tech departments.  The upper one has icons for the four Basic Research options:

Flight of the Bumblebee, Gold Finger, Farmium Recharge, and Farmium Containers.  The maximum Level for any of these is Level 5.

The second department is devoted to your current Research Topic.  Unfortunately, you only will be able to access information about the CURRENT Topic.  Any techs unlocked and upgraded for other Topics will not be visible or accessible to you.  This is a defect in my opinion.

For any Topic, the icons will appear in the order in which they can be unlocked.  The first icon always will be that of the Active Tech for that Topic.  In other words, for Cropology, it will be Frugal Powder; for Treeology, it will be the Tree Zapper; for Zoology, it will be Wild Hunger, and for Mechology, it will be Out of Nowhere.  The maximum Level of upgrade for any of these Active Techs is Level 5.

In all four Topics, the other Techs you can unlock and upgrade are Passive Techs.  With the exception of one Passive Tech available for each of the four Topics known as Molecular Gastronomy and indicated by the icon of a Book, all other Passive Techs deal with specific rare Products that can be grown or made.  Molecular Gastronomy for any Topic can be upgraded to Levels that exceed Level 5 as each Level unlocks a new Recipe in the Stove House.  The number of upgrades that are possible are equal to the number of rare products that the Topic in question can produce.

Lab Storehouse

This is the building to the right of the other two.  It is similar to your Barn, but stores a wide variety of 'rare' items.  It has two separate tabs.

The first tab will show all of the rare Products you have harvested or produced using the four Topics, including rare Crops, Tree Fruits, Meat and Machine Products, all of which are needed for special dishes in the Stove House.  Note here that these items are the FINAL result of your Topic techs.  In other words, in the case of Zoology and Mechology, the Lab Storehouse is where you will find the items that are produced AFTER they are processed in the Rare Materials Bank.  Other items you will find here are the actual Stove House dishes produced using the rare Research Lab products as well as, curiously enough, items used to forge accessories for Pets in the Factory.  Pet items include the two types of scrolls and Pet Books.

The second tab is reserved for actual Pet Skill Books.

Unfortunately, this wide variety of items will fill your Storehouse to capacity very quickly.  Recently, maximum slots were increased but any one who is active in the Research Lab will find that he/she never has enough slots... even at Level 12.

To sell rare items from the Lab Storehouse, you either can place them in the E-Mart at a price you choose or sell directly from the Lab Storehouse at a price determined by the game.  It is unfortunate that the developers did not see fit to create a separate Storehouse for Pet items.  Ultimately, many of the rare Topic items stored will be needed for Tech upgrades so being forced to sell them can result in bitter regret.

Note about Revisions to this post

Last updated on 10 July with more upgrade details and strategy tips.

Updated on 10 November with introductions to all four Topics, explaining how the Active Tech works for each.

Moving a little slowly here, but I have much information to add from my notes still...  Originally, members of my group submitted material about the 'new' Cropology and Treeology options.  Unfortunately, I never organised it properly and there are many duplicates and a lack of cohesion especially where Treeology is concerned.  Bear with me please.  I intend to have it completed in the same format as the new Topics.

Basic Research

There are two separate components to the Research Laboratory.  One is 'Basic Research' that is open and available to ALL farmers, irrespective of their choice of 'Topic'.  The other is the specific Topic that is chosen at any point in time.  There are four of these Topics, each of which produces its own rare spectrum of items.

Basic Research Techs do depend on your progress in the Research Laboratory and have specific requirements for being unlocked as well as upgraded.  These all are listed below.

The Basic Research consists of the following techs:

Flight of the Bumblebee
  Active Tech: Immediately pollinates a specific total of Clover depending on level of upgrade

Gold Finger
  Active Tech:  Allows immediate collection of products without using any ingredients from specific animals and machines, depending on its level.  At Level 5, you can collect 3 products from ANY Machines and Animals, but some rare Gadget products require ingredients.

Farmium Recharge
  Passive Tech: Recharges your Farmium.  At maximum Level 5, Farmium recharges 1 point every 5 minutes until it reaches its maximum.

Farmium Containers
  Passive Tech: At Level 5, increases your maximum Farmium to 300.

A recent upgrade added another Level to Farmium Upgrade in the form of Level 6.

To upgrade to Level 6:

20000 Coins
25 Cotton Candy
15 Coffee Biscuits
10 Chili con Carne (Bronze)

This increases capacity to 340.

Purchasing Farmium

Recently, an option to purchase extra Farmium was released.  You will not see the option unless your Farmium is depleted.  If you are at maximum capacity, that is all that will be displayed.  If not, however, you may find a plus sign next to the Farmium Bar.  Tap on that to obtain the option to buy
100 Farmium.  The price for the first 100 is 1000 Coins.  For a second 100, it costs 100 TC.   For a third 100, you will pay 3 RC.

Explaining Research Topics

There are four different topics now.  Each has its own modus operandi so never expect that a new topic will operate in the same fashion as any other in terms of obtaining the rare products associated with each.

Cropology:  This topic will give you rare seeds that can be planted and then harvested to be used in Stove House Recipes.  If you have Cropology active, you need to go to the special tech 'tray' Menu at the bottom of your screen where you always can find Flight of the Bumblebee and Gold Finger.  The active Topic Tech will be the third icon.  For Cropology, it is Frugal Powder.

Frugal Powder is spread on ordinary plots on your farm.  Only a specific list of Crops ever gives rare seeds and each must be unlocked in a specific order.  You do not obtain these Seeds from every Crop you plant on a plot that has been sprinkled with the Frugal Powder, but your chances of obtaining them increase if you increase the Level, not of the Frugal Powder but of the rare Crop Seed you have unlocked.

Increasing the level of Frugal Powder only decreases the cost of planting.  It is best perhaps if I give an example here.  The second rare Crop Seed you can unlock is Glass Gem Corn.  At Level 1, if you plant ordinary Corn seeds on any plot that has been sprinkled with Frugal Powder, your chance of obtaining a rare Glass Gem Seed from this is 10%.  By increasing the Level of Glass Gem Seed tech, you increase your chances of obtaining a Glass Gem Seed from any plot where Corn has been planted, provided always that Frugal Powder has been sprinkled first on the plot.  Thus, Frugal Powder is a necessary component of the production of any rare Seed in Cropology but it is the Level of the Rare Seed Tech you are trying to obtain that determines your chances of obtaining it.


This operates very differently from Cropology in that the icon is a Zapper that has to be activated and used on ordinary Trees to obtain the rare Tree Seeds that can be planted to produce a rare Treeology Fruit.  Unlike the Cropology seeds, where one rare Seed will produce one rare Crop when harvested, you need 5 rare Seeds in Treeology to produce one rare Tree that, when harvested, will give a rare Fruit.  Again, however, it is by increasing the level of the specific rare Tree that you can harvest that determines the number of rare seeds for new Trees it will produce, not any increase in the Tree Zapper level.


This is a topic that allows you to obtain the ordinary products from various animals without feeding them but beyond this, use of the Active 'Wild Hunger' Tech will give you randomly 'material' from the designated Animals that, once processed, can be used for new rare dishes in the Stove House.

The 'Wild Hunger' Tech has a curious and for me, slightly annoying operation.  When you tap on the tech in the tray, all Animals that can be activated by use of this tech will begin to radiate waves.  Tap on one that you have unlocked and it will begin to produce but, unlike other Active Techs in other topics, it takes time and cannot be speeded.  It simply goes on and on, popping out the product and the occasional random 'material' until it has exhausted all of its uses.  You then have to return to the tray, tap on it again and then activate the animal once more.  Very time-consuming.  On the other hand, you can activate more than one Animal at the same time and you do not have to use any ingredients.  For a low level player, Zoology may prove to be the most useful Research Topic.

Note about Quests and Research Topics

You now can use both Zoology techs and Mechology techs to produce items for Quests.  When a task requires a specific amount of Beef, for example, you can produce it without ingredients by using the Tenderloin tech in Zoology.  Mechology will give you a smaller number of the item you actually need, but still will count for a task in a Quest.


This is one of my favourite topics, simply because it creates surprise products.  The active tech, appropriately enough, is named 'Out of Nowhere'.  As with other topics, there is a specific list of Machines on which it can be used and each must be unlocked in order.  Unlike the other topics, the upgrade of the 'Out of Nowhere' tech will give you more, 'better' and different random products while it is the upgrade of the specific Techs that are unlocked, such as Gluten, Whey and so on that give a better chance of obtaining the rare item known as a 'material' that, when processed, can be used in the Stove House for new Recipes.  For this reason, if no other, it is my favourite topic.

Note that the developers now have removed these Challenges:

In November 2018: There are multiple issues with this entire subject.  First of all, there now are four separate topics in the Research Laboratory and even players who are raising the level of their Lab Storehouse to maximum capacity are hard-pressed for storage.  They therefore are forced to sell off items they actually NEED, especially in view of the new Community Challenges that include two separate topic Dishes each week.  Further, the level of dish that has to be unlocked for these Challenges is increasing.  This week, they are requiring Level 2 Dishes.  Next week, who knows?

If you wish to unlock new Recipes, you always need three special items that cannot be purchased with RC or TC but have specific Mystron prices:

Grandpa's Pen: 80 Blue Mystrons
Grandpa's Notepad: 200 Red Mystrons
Grandpa's Ink: 600 Green Mystrons

When you begin to unlock the Recipes, you need only one of each as well as a specific number of Coins.  By Level 5, you need 100000 Coins and 2 of each of those items listed above.

Once upon a time, we had the option to use our Blue Mystrons for special cleanable Decorations (300 Blue Mystrons each) and could use the Green Mystrons for a multitude of items and options.  Now we must scrabble endlessly to unlock new Recipes with these three Mystron types.

Note as well that every topic has its own variant of Molecular Gastronomy which means that each is unlocked individually.

At the end of the post,  I intend to list all of the Tech Recipes with the ingredients, Power requirements and times.  Note that you always have access to the game instructions for the 'maximum flavour point' or maximum time the dish can cook without burning simply by tapping on the ingredients when you open the Stove House.

For both Mechology and Zoology, upgrading any Tech to Level 2 requires both Material and Product.  Upgrading to Level 3 will require a specific number of Dishes made in the Stove House using the product.  For all Techs, these are the Bronze Star version of the Dish.  I therefore am adding the instructions for the Bronze Star version of each Stove House dish connected with these Topics.

A Little Bonus

You can use 'Wild Hunger' to obtain the necessary totals of any Animal product that is unlocked in Zoology.  In other words, if you need 40 Eggs for a task, you can obtain them by activating Wild Hunger on your Chicken Coop.  I do not think it will work for any Collection Mission, however.

Out of Nowhere likewise counts for the product to which it is set on a Machine that has been unlocked for the associated tech, but the actual number of items that you receive for the Quest task are far fewer.  For example, if you use Out of Nowhere at Level 1 on a Dutch Mill that is set to Rye Flour, and a Quest task requires 40 Rye Flour, you may receive 3 Rye Flour to count towards the task by one use of the Out of Nowhere tech.  (You do receive a number of other random products, of course.)

Original Introduction

I was reluctant to engage in the activities of the Research Laboratory initially.  It reminded me of all the reasons I became disillusioned with Zynga games frankly.  Unfortunately, it is becoming critical to the game and all three of the new options in the form of the Stove House, the Coffee House and the Research Laboratory are linked.  You can play Family Farm Seaside without participating in these options but I believe you will find it increasingly difficult to advance in the game.  Furthermore, the Buddy system is linked to these new options and again, without participating in that, you will find yourself shut out of many activities ultimately

I have written an extensive post on the Buddy System.  Once upon a time, in the days when I began to play Seaside, it was fairly simple for new farmers to understand how the game worked.  That no longer is the case.  I will have to revise my post on 'Starting a New Farm' because it is very important now to begin to build up Buddy relationships as soon as you unlock the option.   That, however, although relevant to the Research Laboratory, is not part of its workings.

Here is a link to my post on the Buddy System, which has been updated to reflect new addtions to the game:

Buddy System

Needs revision, but will work on that when I can!

Note from Freyashawk

My truly heartfelt thanks to each and every farmer who voted for HM. Freyashawk in the last Farm Beauty Contest, allowing the farm to rank 10th worldwide.  You continuing votes of confidence in my work inspire and humble me.  I will do my best.  Please understand that I do have some ongoing serious medical problems that may make me less efficient than usual, but God willing, will overcome!

It has come to my attention once again that individuals with their own Facebook groups for this game are copying and pasting information from my site without crediting me.  Any one is welcome to post a LINK to any post on my site, as that automatically credits Freyashawk but I would ask that you behave with some honour and do not simply rip information to your group's page without acknowledging the source.  Although this game deals with a virtual reality, it involves real time and effort.  Furthermore, virtual farmers are real people and should have some consideration for others.

Introduction to the Laboratory

Farmium and the use of the various Active Techs as well as unlocking and upgrading the Passive Techs are the basis of the Research Laboratory.  Farmium appears in your pull-down menu at the bottom as a narrow vial filled with purple liquid.

Another element that has become increasingly difficult to obtain is the 'Essence', formerly 'Liquid Fertiliser', needed for ALL techs in one capacity or another.  This is used to fertilise the rare crop seeds and tree seeds planted as well as to process the new Zoology and Mechology Materials.  Originally, the game refreshed the total every night, but no longer.

Communities and Research Topics

The Community option was introduced at the start of October and many farmers still do not have a comprehensive grasp of its detailed operations and rules.  A further development occurred this week when the 3 Star Difficulty Challenges revealed 4 boxes instead of 3 and the last two of these, rather than involving simple Tree Harvest activities, required two Research Laboratory Dishes in the form of Cubic Apple Tart from Treeology and Fried Drumstick from Zoology.   This no longer is true, in May 2019. 

Coffee House and Research Laboratory

The Coffee House and Research Laboratory are inextricably intertwined.  You will be able to upgrade your Lab Storehouse only if you have the Lab Storehouse Shelf/Shelves required as materials at each Level.  Upgrading your Lab Storehouse is necessary, not primarily for the extra slots it will give but because raising it to Level 3 is a requirement if you wish to progress to unlock new rare Crops or Trees for Cropology and Treeology as well as the new Zoology and Mechology Topics.   A Lab Storehouse Shelf is a reward given when you complete a specific number of Orders in the Coffee House.  Other Coffee House Rewards are special Stove House Recipes.

Thus, unless you are willing to complete Coffee House orders, you never will be able to grow any of the special Crops or Trees apart from the initial one that is given to you.

Warning:  You can have a total of 600 Farmium initially.  If you earn more Farmium without using the 600 Farmium, it will be wasted.  The total does not increase.  It therefore is necessary to use your Farmium if you want the Farmium you earn by opening Daily Quest Chests to be given to you.  On a daily basis, you can earn 100 Farmium with each of the Daily Quest Chests that you open.  That gives you a total of 400 Farmium per day from the Daily Quest Path if all four Chests are opened.

Furthermore, Farmium can be refilled if you have the tech that allows this.  There are two Passive Techs that control this: Farmium Recharge and Farmium Containers.  The first allows your Farmium to recharge until you reach Maximum.  The second gives you a Container that actually allows you to hold this Farmium...  you cannot, however, increase the maximum!

Thus, the Daily Quest path has become more vital to players who are engaged in any activities with respect to the Research Laboratory.  Even if you do not have any particular interest in the advanced options in the Laboratory, I do advise all farmers to level up to the point where they can unlock and use the Gold Finger Tech and then concentrate their efforts on increasing the level of THAT Tech.  If you are seriously interested in growing rare seeds and trees, you will need to upgrade and use OTHER advanced Techs but for ALL players, the Gold Finger Active Tech can be extremely useful.

The key here is USE of the Techs.  It is use of the various Active Techs that increases the basic Level of the Research Laboratory itself.  It is use of the individual Tech that usually is a requirement for increasing the level of THAT Tech.  Gold Finger is the second Active Tech that you can unlock and by using it and making specific Dishes in the Kitchen, you will be able to upgrade that Tech as well as earning the Tech Points that will take you to the next upgrade of the actual Laboratory.

It is important to realise that the Research Laboratory is not linear in nature.  This makes it very different from other options in Family Farm Seaside where A leads to B and then to C... Missions are all linear in nature.  You complete one set of tasks in order to unlock a new set of tasks.

It may appear complicated and indeed, it is easy to become distracted as the Laboratory is only linear in nature at the very start.  I will create a step-by-step list of actions that the Farmer who is NOT particularly interested in advanced options should follow.

As of October 2018, two new Research Topics in the form of Zoology and Mechology have been added.  Those will be covered in detail later in this pos

Purchasing Farmium:

When you access the Research Lab window or menu, you will see your current total Farmium in the top right.  If it has dropped below 300, you will see a plus sign that will allow you to purchase additional Farmium.

For 1000 Coins, you can purchase 100 Farmium.

For 100 TC, you can purchase an additional 100 Farmium

The price for additional Farmium after this is:

For 3 RC, you can purchase an additional 100 Farmium

Changing Research Topics

The cost for doing this from the Research Lab Menu is 10 RC but if you go to the Exclusive Store, you can find the ability to purchase a Research Topic Switch Ticket for 3 RC.  You can purchase 1 per day, like any of the special Shop items.  You must be at Country Club Level 6 to have access to the Exclusive Store.

Step-by-Step Actions

Step 1: Flight of the Bumblebee

With 600 Farmium, you can use the basic 'Flight of the Bumblebee' Tech 12 times.  Each use requires 50 Farmium and gives you 5 points towards your Research Laboratory upgrade.  You will need a total of 120 Points to attain a Level 2 Laboratory.  In other words, you have to keep using the Flight of the Bumblebee Tech until you have obtained 120 points.  What that means is that you will need a total of 25 times before you can unlock the NEXT and in my view, the really useful Active Tech for a Farmer who wishes to concentrate on other aspects of the game but have some benefit from the Research Laboratory.

Step 2: Unlocking Gold Finger

When you reach 120 Laboratory Points, the second Active Tech in the form of Gold Finger will be unlocked.  Note, however, that you have to complete a little mini-quest as well before you actually unlock the ability to USE the Tech.

The little initial Quest that gives you the Level 1 Gold Finger Tech is simple.  You need to have reached Level 13 in the game, produce 10 glasses of Apple Juice and harvest 30 Lavender.  Once you complete these three tasks or requirements, you will be able to use Gold Finger at Level 1.

At Level 1, Gold Finger can be used on the Holstein Cow and the Cheese Master.  Every use of Gold Finger requires 20 Farmium and gives you 2 Tech Points towards the next upgrade level of the actual Laboratory.

It is here that you can make a choice whether or not to pursue the advanced options aggressively or simply to concentrate on Gold Finger, the Tech that will help you in your daily farming efforts.  Upgrading Gold Finger will allow you to use the Tech on MORE Machines and Animals.  It can be really useful.

The actual requirements for attaining each new Level of Gold Finger are given below.  Basically though, it is not that difficult to upgrade the Gold Finger Tech to Level 4, allowing you to use it on a wide variety of Machines and Animals, including the Angora Rabbit, the Dutch Mill, Chicken Coop, Buffalo, Limousin Cattle, Goat, Pig, Burger Machine and Wine Machine.

At Level 4, you can use Gold Finger on ALL the above without having ANY of the ingredients that would be required if you attempt to collect products from the Animal or Machine in any other way.  This is why I urge players to use the Research Laboratory at least to this stage.

Level 5 allows you to use Gold Finger on ANY Animal or Machine but many of the ones that are not listed above will require ingredients.  It is only the ones that are available at Level 4 or lower that do not require any ingredients when Gold Finger is used.

Note here that Gold Finger can be used on Animals and Machines when they are on Upgraders.  Originally one did not need any ingredients to use the tech in combination with Gadgets that gave rare products.  Now, however, the developers are limiting the products that do not require actual ingredients.

Among the rare products that require ingredients to produce now are:

Red Eggs
Pumpkin Tomato Burgers

This is the simplest and most direct use of the Research Laboratory.  There are other Techs, both Active and Passive that will be unlocked as you earn Lab Points, including the ability to have your Farmium recharge, but essentially if you complete the Daily Quest Path to open Treasure Chests, you will earn 100 Farmium with each Chest that you open, for a maximum of 400 Farmium from the Daily Quest path and if you use Gold Finger and complete the little requirements at each level to upgrade it to Level 4, you can ignore the Research Laboratory if you prefer or move forward to the point where you can grow rare Crops and Trees.

I hope this step-by-step tutorial has made the Research Laboratory a little less confusing for farmers.

Advanced Options

Where the Research Laboratory is concerned, you will find that an upgrade will unlock a number of DIFFERENT, sometimes unrelated options.  I am hoping that, in time, this little guide will allow you to study all of your options at any given point to determine which one you wish to pursue first.

The only time that the Research Laboratory is linear is at the very start when the only action you can undertake is 'Flight of the Bumblebee'.  You need to perform this 'Active Tech' again and again until you unlock 'Gold Finger'.  Once this occurs, you will find it beneficial to upgrade Gold Finger as well as the Research Laboratory itself.  This is fairly simple compared to the number of options that will be unlocked when you reach Research Laboratory Level 4.

As previously stated, you have to USE the first option, which is to have Bees gather honey from a beehive again and again before you can unlock any other options.  Note here that only a REGULAR Beehive will be able to be used.  Any of the special Beehives, even if they gather Clover for Honey like the ordinary one, will not be recognised.

The first level is Basic Research.  It uses 50 Farmium each time.  Tap on the Bee to use 50 Farmium to obtain 5 Honey.  The Active Tech is called 'Flight of the Bumblebee'.  You need to use it to reach 120 points to go to Level 2.  You can upgrade your 'Flight of the Bumblebee'  after five uses and 12 Honey, but that will not change the Active Tech.  It only will allow you to collect 7 Honey immediately instead of 5.  I am not certain that it is entirely beneficial to upgrade the actual Flight of the Bumblebee Tech because then you will be forced to have MORE ripe Clover on your Farm each time you wish to use it.  To unlock new options, you need to use Flight of the Bumblebee a certain number of times.  The lower the level of this Tech, the less Clover you will need for each use.  I think it may be better therefore, unless you are a low level farmer who really NEEDS Honey to wait to upgrade the Tech until you have reached Research Laboratory Level 4.

Note that there are some problems with Flight of the Bumblebee if you are one of those farmers who has multiple Beehives on his/her farm.  If you have ripe Clover, your Bees will begin to pollinate it before you use the Tech, so it is best either to store all but one Beehive before you activate this Tech or make certain that the Beehives each have three Honey stacked in them.  Otherwise, the Tech will not have sufficient Clover upon which to act.

A Beehive with three Honey in it can be activated and will produce Honey using the Tech.  I find this Tech a colossal waste of time personally but unfortunately you must use it again and again in the course of upgrading your Research Laboratory.  Perhaps it would have been better NOT to upgrade Flight of the Bumblebee, because the higher the upgrade, the more Clover you are required to have on the field.

One very useful component of the Research Laboratory is the Gold Finger Active Tech... this allows you to produce items without having the necessary ingredients in your Barn...  for example, when you use it on a Buffalo, no Cucumbers are required.  Use it on a Baker and no ingredients are needed... this is why many players use it on the Baker to make Corn Bread.  It is only at Level 5 that you will find that some of the Animals/Machines on which Gold Finger can be used do require ingredients... until then, however, you can use it without having the necessary ingredients in your Barn.

Tip:  I buy extra Beehives, allow them to collect Honey and then store them for future use when required for a timed Quest.  I always try to keep 5 filled Beehives in my Warehouse.

Basic Research, Cropology/Treeology and Lab Storehouse

There are three different buildings and components of Grandpa's grand scheme.  One is the actual Building where all rare Seeds are stored.  Now, with the addition of the new Zoology and Mechology Topics, the meat and machine materials are stored there as well.  The central building (and menu) is the Research Laboratory.  This is where you see all of the Techs, both Active and Passive, your Basic Research and below that, all of the Crops or Trees you have unlocked through the choice of Cropology,Treeology, Zoology and Mechology and performing the requirements for each.

To the right is the Lab Storehouse, where the actual rare Crops as well as other rare items such as Pet Books for the Forge and Pet Equip Scrolls are stored.  This building has a limit to the total number of items that it can contain unless you upgrade it.  I did not pay attention to these upgrade requirements initially, but will try to add them below for players who are embarking upon these options.

Note here that this can become quite a problem as you collect rare Crops, the Stove House dishes made with these items and the various Pet Scrolls and Skill Books because the slots fill quickly.  Any rare items from the Lab Storehouse can be sold directly or placed in the E-Mart in the THIRD tab for sale to other farmers.

The most important of the three is the Research Laboratory.  Note here, however, that your ability to grow a new rare Crop or harvest a new rare Seed is linked to the upgrades you have performed on the Lab Storehouse in terms of having a free slot to store it and one material for this is linked to the Coffee House in that the Lab Storehouse Shelf is only available if you complete Coffee House Orders.

Gold Finger and Upgrade Ingredients

At each stage of an upgrade of a Tech, you will find requirements.  Many of these are items that can be collected with Gold Finger.  For example, you will need 30 Sandwiches.  Use Gold Finger to collect Corn Bread from the Baker.  If you study the upgrade requirements below, you can coordinate your efforts in order to be able to use Gold Finger for specific requirements.

The upgrade to Level 5 for Gold Finger that will allow you to use it on ANY Machine or Animal requires Watermelon Yogurt.  The Yogurt Machine is an Island Machine and Watermelon Yogurt requires Level 3 Mastery.  If you have this, however, you still need Goat Milk from the Seaside Farm to make any type of Yogurt.  Use Gold Finger to collect your Goat Milk!

My Humble Advice

From the outset, I made my dislike of the new Research Laboratory quite clear but I have to admit that the Gold Finger Tech is very useful.  For the ordinary farmer who is not that interested in exploring every possible advanced option, I suggest that he/she focus on upgrading the Gold Finger Tech and basically ignoring the rest until this is accomplished.  The ability to make items without having the ingredients is rather nice.

Please note that the entire business of Cropology, Treeology and now Zoology and Mechology constitutes a very advanced option in the game.  Note as well that you will need to have purchased both the Cow Upgrader and the Cheese Upgrader as well as specific Gadgets that can be used only at specific levels.

Whenever you use an Upgrader, you originally could not use Batch Production but this no longer is the case.  It is only if you are using a Level 4 Gadget that gives products randomly that you have to collect products manually.  This takes time.  Do not be discouraged if you have not advanced in the Upgraders or the Research Laboratory.  I personally believe that the special Upgrader products will not be required in the usual time-restricted Quests.  They are required only for specific upgrades pertaining to the Research Laboratory.  As I mentioned previously, the best use of the Research Laboratory for lower level players is the Gold Finger Tech.

Finally, there are far too many activities now in Seaside for a low level farmer and even sometimes for high level farmers.  Focus on the ones that give you the best results.   It is difficult sometimes for low level farmers to obtain Decorations that yield Blue Gift Boxes.  You always will receive one if you complete a Cooking Stand Contest.  Purple Decorations both for the Seaside Farm and for the Island are obtained by completing the time-restricted Quests that begin every other Friday.  These are important activities if you are a Level where they can be unlocked.  Recently, the time-restricted Missions have required different Levels as you move forward.  They are divided now into four parts, each of which gives a specific special Reward.  There is a total of 16 parts.  The first two are linked solely to the original Seaside Farm.  The second two require access to the Island usually and higher levels of experience.

The Daily Quest path is another activity that yields good rewards in the form of Farm Aids.  Try to complete as many of these tasks each day as possible.

I think that the game has become rather overwhelming in some cases.  Do not be discouraged.  Ignore options that are too difficult or expensive for you.  As previously indicated, iuse the Research Laboratory for the Gold Finger Tech until you reach a higher level if you are a new farmer or a fairly low level farmer.

I do think it is worthwhile to purchase the Holstein Cow Upgrader and Cheese Master Upgrader and to begin to use them at the earliest opportunity.  One reason for this is that you cannot use Batch Production on any Upgrader.  A low level farmer, however, can use the Upgraders as easily as a high level player and by the time he/she reaches a Level of Upgrader that could produce the rare items required for the advanced Research Laboratory options, that farmer will be in a good position to decide whether or not to invest in the Gadgets that produce them.

Upgrading Flight of the Bumblebee

As previously indicated, you can upgrade the techs, but that does not unlock new techs.  It simply makes the existing tech more effective.

Upgrading the Flight of the Bumblebee to Level 2 requires 5 Uses and 12 Honey.  It allows you to collect 7 Honey immediately.

Upgrading to Level 3 requires 20 uses of Flight of the Bumblebee, 30 Honey and 20 Clover.

Upgrading to Level 4 requires 85 uses of Flight of the Bumblebee, 80 Honey and 12 Cheese Salads.

As discussed previously, a low level farmer who needs Honey may find it beneficial to upgrade this Tech at once but a higher level farmer who will perceive Flight of the Bumblebee as nothing more than a stepping stone to other Techs may wish to keep it at Level 1 until he/she reaches Level 4 in the Research Laboratory.  Why be forced to plant endless fields of Clover simply in order to USE this Tech a specific number of times?  Obviously, the game will not advise you in this fashion, however, but will simply praise you for upgrading the Flight of the Bumblebee again and again.

When you have gained 120 points with 'Flight of the Bumblebee', your Laboratory will reach Level 2, unlocking 'Gold Finger'.

Now you can go to the tech tray to use either Flight of the Bumblebee as before or Gold Finger.

At the start using Gold Finger, you can immediately collect 3 products either from a Holstein Cow or from a Cheese Master.

A little mini-quest must be completed before it becomes usable as follows:

Reach Level 13

Produce 10 glasses of Apple Juice
  Skip for 10 RC

Harvest 30 Lavender
  Skip for 15 RC

Grandpa:  You learned a new skill!  Gold Finger can help you save a lot of time!

Reward: 300 Coins, 50 XP

Earning Points to Upgrade the Laboratory

Each Tech requires a different amount of Farmium and use of each Tech has a different point value in terms of increasing your Level.

Flight of the Bumblebee:  Cost of use is 50 Farmium.  Each use is worth 5 Points

Gold Finger:  Cost of use is 20 Farmium.  Each use is worth 2 Points.  Tree Zapper from the Treeology option costs 100 Farmium and gives you 10 Points.

Upgrading Gold Finger

At Level 1, you can collect 3 products only from a Holstein Cow or a Cheese Master.  Note that this is possible with the Upgrader as well.

It is at Level 2 that more options are unlocked, allowing you to collect 3 Products instantly from the Angora Rabbit, the Dutch Mill and the Chicken Coop as well as the original Holstein Cow and Cheese Master.

To upgrade to Level 2, you need the following:

12 Uses of Gold Finger
15 Apple Milkshakes

To upgrade to Level 3, you need the following:

42 Uses of Gold Finger
12 Lavender Cheese
12 Batter

At Level 3, you can use Goldfinger on the following:  Buffalo, Baker and Limousin Cattle as well as all the Machines and Animals available at the lower levels.

To upgrade to Level 4, you need the following:

142 Uses of Gold Finger
25 Angora Hair
30 Sandwich

Note here that you can use Gold Finger on the Baker to make the Cornbread required as one of the Sandwich Ingredients... very useful here.  The other ingredient is Beef.

You then can use it on Goat, Pig, Burger Machine and Wine Maker as well as all previous Animals and Machines.

To upgrade to Level 5,  you need the following:

20 total Tech Upgrades

  (What this means is that you need a total of 20 Upgrades of ANY Tech.  This obviously will take time.)

30 Sour Cream
40 Meatloaf
80 Watermelon Yogurt

Gold Finger at Level 5::

Immediately collect 3 products from ANY Machines and Animals (NOTE:  Some products require having the ingredient produced first)

Use of Gold Finger requires only 20 Farmium as opposed to the 50 Farmium required to use the initial Flight of the Bumblebee Tech but you gain only 20 points for each use. NOTE THAT THE BEST INCENTIVE FOR UNLOCKING GOLD FINGER IN MY VIEW IS THE FACT THAT YOU DO NOT NEED TO HAVE ANY INGREDIENTS IN THE BARN FOR THE PRODUCT IT PRODUCES UNTIL YOU REACH LEVEL 3.   (Example:  You do not need any Cucumbers when using Gold Finger on a Buffalo to produce Buffalo Milk.)

The use of Gold Finger on any Upgrader is a little more complicated, as it DOES work now with most of the Gadgets but when a Gadget requires a rare ingredient, such as the Red Egg or Angora Velvet Gadget, you will not be able to use Gold Finger to produce the desired product now.

To take your Research Laboratory from Level 2 to Level 3, you need to earn a total of 300 points.  When you reach Level 2, the top left corner will show that you have achieved 120/300.  Note that you can do nothing without Farmium.

Use of the Level 1 Gold Finger Tech gives you 2 Points towards the total of 300 needed to upgrade the Laboratory to Level 3.

When you have obtaieed 300 Points, you will reach Level 3 and unlock Farmium Recharge.

Farmium Recharge

This is  'Basic Research' which means essentially that your choice of 'topic' will not affect it.  It operates automatically at all times.

This is a Passive Tech.  This allows your Farmium to recharge.  A Passive Tech automatically operates.  You do not need to 'set' it in motion.  There is a ceiling, however, on the amount of Farmium you can obtain through this Tech.   That is the reason for the next Passive Tech of Farmium Container that basically increases the total amount of Farmium you can collect through Farmium Recharge.  Note that this has nothing whatsoever to do with the Farmium you obtain by opening Daily Quest Treasure Chests.  The ceiling on Farmium is linked only to the amount received through the Farmium Recharge Tech.

Farmium now recharges 1 Point every 24 minutes.

Requirements to unlock:

You must have a Level 3 Laboratory.
Reach Level 16
Use 'Flight of the Bumblebee' 10 times
Use Gold Finger 20 times

Note that you have to complete these requirements AFTER unlocking this Tech.  In other words, you will need to use Flight of the Bumblebee 10 more times and Gold Finger 20 more times.

When you have completed these requirements, Grandpa will appear to tell you:

Grandpa:  You learned a new skill!  Be careful with the purple Farmium!  With this potion you can bring magic to our farm!

Reward: 300 Coins, 50 XP

Unlike active Techs, Passive Techs do not need to be 'activated' but simply work for you.

To upgrade to Level 2, you need the following:

1500 Coins
8 Grape Milkshake

At Level 2, Farmium Recharge by 1 point every 12 minutes.

To upgrade to Level 3, you will need the following:

2500 Coins
8 Kvass
15 Cottage Cheese

At Level 3, Farmium recharges 1 Point every 9 minutes.

To upgrade to Level 4, you need the following:

10000 Coins
20 Corn Bread
25 Egg Soup

There is no option to skip the Egg Soup requirement using RC but you can pay 1 RC for each Corn Bread you lack if you wish.

At Level 4, Farmium recharges 1 Point every 7 Minutes.

All of the prior Upgrades can be made with your Research Laboratory at Level 3 but if you wish to upgrade the Farmium Recharge to Level 5, one of the requirements is that you have a Level 4 Research Laboratory.

The other requirements are:

15000 Coins
12 Seafood Flatter
15 Hot Octopus
25 Mayonnaise Facial Masks

Of these, only the Mayonnaise Facial Masks can be skipped by paying 1 RC for each.

 Note that there is a ceiling to the amount of Farmium you can receive through this Recharge Tech which is why there is the Farmium Container Passive Tech.

To upgrade your Research Laboratory to Level 4, you need a total of 540 Research Points.  Obtain these by usie of Active Techs.

Level 4 Laboratory

This is a very important achievement.  When you reach Level 4, you unlock the following:

Farmium Container (Passive Tech)

Cropology (Topic)

Treeology (Topic)

Zoology (Topic)

Cropology (Topic)

The Farmium Container, being a Passive Tech operates automatically, but you have to make a choice between Cropology, Treeology, Zoology and Mechology.  Your choice is NOT permanent and you can switch between them.

Details about Cropology and Treeology:

Cropology:  Studying Cropology gives you a technology that allows you to plant crops at lower costs so you can make a bigger profit on crop-related products.

As you progress in Cropology, you will be able to collect Rare Crop Seeds to plant special crops unique to your specialty.  You can also make exclusive dishes using those fancy new crops.

Treeology:  Studying Treeology gives you the unique ability to zap trees for extra fruit and coins, while clearing the trees for space on your farm.

As you progress in Treeology, you will be able to collect Rare Tree Seeds to plant special fruits unique to your specialty.  You can also make exclusive dishes using those fancy new fruits!

At Level 4, you will gain access to the two small buildings on either side of the Research Laboratory.  These are the Seed Bank and the Storehouse.

The Seedhouse shows the total of Essences (formerly Liquid Fertiliser) that you have as well as the number of each type of rare Seed that you possess.  When you first gain access, you will have none.

Lab Storehouse

Initially, your Storehouse will have a total of 50 slots.  This may appear to be more than enough initially but unfortunately, your Lab Storehouse is the place for many diverse items.

For example, all of the Red and Yellow Pet Equip Scrolls are housed there.  The Pet Books used to forge equipment need to be stored there as well.  All of the Cropology Crops or Treeology Fruits that you harvest go to this Storehouse.  Now, the Materials from Zoology and Mechology are stored in their own little departments as well there.   Finally, any dishes made in the Stove House from these rare ingredients must be stored in the Lab Storehouse.  Ultimately, you need the upgrades.

Level 2

To upgrade to Level 2, you will need the following:

20 Lab Storehouse Glass Pane
  Request from Buddy or pay 1 RC for each

1 Lab Storehouse Shelf
  Obtain as Reward for completing Coffee House Orders

Level 2 has 60 slots

Level 3

To upgrade to Level 3, you will need:

30 Lab Storehouse Glass Panes
  Request or pay 1 RC for each

1 Lab Storehouse Shelf

Note that the Level 3 upgrade is one of the requirements in an upgrade to the actual Molecular Gastronomy Tech.

Level 4

To upgrade to Level 4, you will need:

50 Lab Storehouse Glass Panes
  Request or pay 1 RC each

1 Lab Storehouse Shelf

15 Nails

50 Nuts

Level 4 has a total of 90 slots

Level 5

To upgrade to Level 5, you will need:

20 Lab Storehouse Windows

1 Lab Storehouse Shelf

5 Wrenches

5 Tempered Glass

Increases slots to 100

Level 6

To upgrade to Level 6, you will need:

50 Lab Storehouse Windows (1 RC each or request from Buddies)
5 Screwdrivers (Craft or pay 1 RC for each)
2 Lab Storehouse Shelf (Rewards from Coffee House)
10 Tempered Glass (Craft or pay 513 TC each)

Increases slots to 120

Level 7

70 Lab Storehouse Windows (1 RC each or request from Buddies)
4 Large Lab Storehouse (1 RC each)
30 Four-Leaf Clover (no option to skip)
6 Cubic Apples (no option to skip)

Increases slots to 140

Level 8

100 Lab Storehouse Windows (1 RC each of request from Buddies)
8 Large Lab Storehouse Shelf (1 RC each)
30 Glass Gem Corn (no option to skip)
8 Surinam Cherry (no option to skip)

This increases slots to 160.

Level 9

To increase to Level 9, you will need:

150 Lab Storehouse Windows
12 Large Lab Storehouse Shelf (Shelves)
30 Pumpkin Tomatoes
6 Rambutan

There is no option to pay instead of obtaining the required Pumpkin Tomatoes and Rambutan

This increases your storage to 180 slots

Level 10

To increase to Level 10, you will need:

200 Lab Storehouse Windows
30 Hainan Pepper
6 Diamond Lemons
16 Large Lab Storehouse Shelf (Shelves)  (1 RC each)

This increases number of slots to 200.

Level 11:

To increase to Level 11:

250 Lab Storehouse Windows
20 Large Lab Storehouse Shelf
30 Fire Bean
6 Donut Peach

This increases to 220 Slots

Level 12

300 Lab Storehouse Windows
24 Large Lab Storehouse Shelf
30 Morchella Mushrooms
6 Sand Pear

This increases to 240 slots

Level 13

Storage increased to 260

200 Lab Storehouse Windows (1 RC each or Ask Buddy)
24 Large Lab Storehouse Shelf (1 RC) each
20 Drumsticks
12 Gluten

(Thanks, Kaye!)

Level 14

Slots increased to 280

200 Lab Storehouse Windows (1 RC each or Ask Buddy)
24 Large Lab Storehouse Shelf (1 RC each)
22 Lamb Rack
13 Whey

Level 15

Increases Lab Storehouse Slots to 300

200 Lab Storehouse Windows (Ask Buddy or pay 1 RC each)
24 Large Lab Storehouse Shelves (1 RC each)
24 Tenderloin
14 Toast

Cropology or Treeology?

Now, of course, there are two other Topics in the form of Zoology and Mechology...

Essentially, you need to go through all of these options ultimately.  What is significant about the 'topics' is the ability to grow new items.   The recipes for these are linked to the Stove House rather than the Kitchen.  Choose whichever suits your current farm.  Cropology requires space for Crops.  Treeology requires Trees but you can zap these...

What really occurs in either specialisation in the beginning is what I would consider busy work, fairly unimportant results in the form of earning or saving Coins either with the harvest of Crops or Trees.  What you are doing, should you choose either one and pursue it, is slowly earning Points and Uses to attain the upgrade that will allow you finally to plant a rare Tree or Crop.

Treeology allows faster progress in the sense that each use of the first Active Tech, the Tree Zapper, gives you 10 Lab Points but costs 100 Farmium... less busy work, but fewer results... nonetheless, what is the real value of a couple of Apples and a few Coins, which is what you will receive for each use of Tree Zapper?  In Cropology, you use only 10 Farmium but gain only 1 Lab Point for each Plot that you prime with Frugal Powder.  More busy work than the first Treeology Tech and the results are a slightly lower costs for the seeds.  In other words, no more significant a result...

As previously stated, your goal here, whether you pursue Treeology or Cropology would be to advance to the point where you can unlock the Techs that allow you to plant and harvest RARE Seeds or Trees.

There is more urgency now than there was a year ago.   I did not believe that these Rare Seeds and Trees will be required by the basic Farmer in time-restricted Quests but what the developers HAVE done very recently is to make them part of the Challenges in Community activities.  The Research Laboratory options originally were designed for farmers who were looking for MORE options in the game, and who had exhausted all the other options, such as earning the Rewards of the 5 Special Sheep on the Daily Order Board and obtaining all possible Decorations and so on.

Unfortunately, the developers began to include them in Guest Orders a long time ago and if you do not have the required rare item or dish, you will be forced to dismiss the Order or buy the item from the E-Mart, sometimes for a very high price.

What is an improvement in the game is the ability now to refresh a Coffee House Order a few times.  Originally, an Order that required a rare Research product or Research Lab dish could not be dismissed and if you did not have the ability to make it and a Pet were not fortunate enough to find it in a Search, you would have to pay to purchase it from the E-Mart... the worst part of this is that sometimes now specific items simply cannot be found in the E-Mart, especially when a Community task mandates a specific Tech Dish.

Rare Crops and Trees

To unlock ALL the Rare Crops or Seeds that are available, you need a Level 12 Research Laboratory.

The list of rare Trees are:

Laboratory Level 5: Cubic Apple Fruits, obtained by zapping Apple Trees
Laboratory Level 6: Recipe that uses Cubic Apples
Laboratory Level 7: Surinam Cherries, obtained by zapping Cherry Trees
Laboratory Level 8: Rambutan, obtained by zapping Lychee Trees
Laboratory Level 9: Diamond Lemons, obtained by zapping Lemon Trees
Laboratory Level 10: Donut Peach, obtained by zapping Peach Trees, requires Level 10 Laboratory and unlocking Diamond Lemon first
Laboratory Level 11: Sand Pear, obtained by zapping Pear Trees; requires Level 11 Laboratory and unlocking Donut Peach first
Laboratory Level 12: Crystal Olive, obtained by zapping Olive Trees.  Requires Level 12 Laboratory and unlocking Sand Pear first

The list of rare Crops are:

Level 5: Four-Leaf Clovers

Level 6: New Recipe in Stove House

Level 7: Glass-Gem Corn

Level 8: Pumpkin Tomato Seeds

Level 9: Hainan Pepper Seeds

Level 10: Fire Bean Seeds

Level 11: Morchella Mushroom Seeds

Level 12: Heart Watermelon Seeds

As previously indicated, this is a very advanced option in Seaside, and basically NOT necessary although you will find that the rare Crops and Tree Fruits are needed for Guest Orders now as well as some Coffee House Orders.  You can purchase them from the E-Mart, however, if you do not have them yourself.    Upgrading your Research to be able to grow all possible rare Crops and Trees may be of interest to farmers who have accomplished everything else in the game.

A Level 4 Research Laboratory

At the same time that you unlock the Active Techs of Cropology and Treeology, you will unlock the Passive Farmium Container Tech.  The maximum for the Farmium Container recently was increased.

Farmium Containers

This is a Passive Tech.

  Increase your Maximum Farmium to 140.  Requires a Level 4 Laboratory.  You must have unlocked Farmium Recharge first.


Be at Level 19
Use Flight of the Bumblebee 30 times
Use Gold Finger 50 Times

Note here that the count begins anew.  Past uses of Flight of the Bumblebee and Gold Finger count for nothing now.  I personally find the 'Flight of the Bumblebee' Tech a nuisance.  To be obliged to use it 30 more times is a heavy burden.

Level 2 Farmium Container:  Increase your maximum Farmium to 180.


1500 Coins
8 Oat Milkshakes

Level 3 Farmium Container:  Increase your maximum Farmium to 220.
  Level 3 Requirements:

  3500 Coins, 8 Light Muffins
  15 Smoked Yellow Croakers

Upgrade Farmium Containers from Level 4 to Level 5:

  Requirements: 15000 Coins
  25 Thai Green Curry
  15 Crab Meat Yi Mein
  25 Banana Facial Masks

New Upgrades: Level 6 and Level 7:

Upgrade Farmium Containers from Level 5 to Level 6:

This increases storage of farmium to a total of 340.

20000 Coins
25 Cotton Candy
15 Coffee Biscuit
10 Chili Con Carne (Bronze Star)

There is no option to skip any of the crafting, to pay instead.

Upgrade to Level 7:

This increases Farmium to 380.
28,000 Coins,
15 Cinnamon Bun Cake with Lingonberries
15 Surf Clam Sashimi with Truffles
8 Avocado Facial Masks

Molecular Gastronomy

This is a Passive Tech.  There now are four variants:  a Crop Variant and a Tree Variant and one for Zoology and another for Mechology.  Upgrading allows you to 'learn' new Stove House Recipes.
I believe that the upgrade requirements may be the same for every Topic.  It is only the actual Recipe that will differ.

Upgrading to Level 1:

Reach Level 25
Cook 5 Dishes in the Stove House
Upgrade your Lab Storehouse to Level 3.

(The Requirements for doing so are to use 30 Lab Storehouse Glass and 1 Lab Storehouse Shelf.  The latter is a reward for having a specific total of the large 'Smileys' in the Coffee House.)

This gives you the Recipe for Lucky Jello.

Upgrading to the 2nd Level requires:

10000 Coins
1 Grandpa's Pen
1 Grandpa's Ink
1 Grandpa's Notepad

This gives you the Recipe for Colourful Frittatas.

Upgrading to the 3rd level requires:

10000 Coins
1 Grandpa's Pen
1 Grandpa's Ink
1 Grandpa's Notepad

Tbis gives you the Stuffed Scary Tomatoes Recipe.

Upgrading your Research Laboratory to Level 5:

To upgrade your Research Laboratory to Level 5, you will need a total of 960 Tech Points.  You earn these only by using Active Techs.  The Passive Techs do not give you any Points.

Helping Your Buddies

Even if you have not obtained much experience in the Research Laboratory, you may be able to help your Buddies when you visit by donating Essence.  If you see an con hovering over a planter for a Tree or a rare Seed, tap on it to use it.  At Levels 0 and 1, you can use one Essence, formerly Liquid Fertiliser.  At Level 2 or 3 with a Buddy, you can use two of these special farm aids.  None of your own Essences will be used.

Note that, for Zoology and Mechology, the blue icon will appear over the place where the rare items are stored.  Tap on it there to make your donation.

Cropology Techs

Frugal Powder Upgrades:

Frugal Powder: Active Tech
  Prime land plots for more efficiant farming.  Reduce planting costs by 20%

Frugal Powder, Level 2:
  Prime land plots for more efficient farming.  Reduce planting costs by 30%

  Use Frugal Powder 30 times
  100 Clover

Level 3 Upgrade Requirements:

  Use Frugal Powder 90 times
  120 Corn
  75 Cheddar Cheese

Level 4 Upgrade Requirements:

Use Frugal Powder 340 times
150 Tomatoes
100 Low Fat Milk

Frugal Powder Level 5 Upgrade: 


Use Frugal Powder 840 times
120 Red Bell Peppers
120 Milk Powder
150 Low Fat Cheese


Unlocking all Rare Seeds:

Four Leaf Clover

Upgrade to Level 2:
20% Chance

18 Four Leaf Clover Seeds
20 Four Leaf Clovers

Upgrade to Level 3:
30% Chance

66 Four Leaf Clover Seeds
50 Four-Leaf Clovers
10 Macaroni and Cheese

Upgrade to Level 4
40% chance

174 Four Leaf Clover Seeds
80 Four Leaf Clovers
20 French Fries (Blue Star)
12 Lucky Jello

Upgrade to Level 5:
50% chance

366 Four Leaf Clover Seeds
150 Four Leaf Clovers
25 Lucky Jello
10 Four-Leaf Milk

Glass Gem Corn:
  This is a Passive Tech. 10% Chance of receiving Glass Gem Corn Seeds when harvesting Powdered Corn

Mini-Quest requires the following:

Reach Level 28
 Expand your farm to 19 x 19
Plant 180 Corn (Skip for 45 RC)

Upgrade to Level 2
  20% Chance of receiving Glass Gem Corn Seeds when harvesting Powdered Corn

18 Glass Gem Corn Seed
10 Glass Gem Corn

Upgrade to Level 3:

  30% Chance of receiving Glass Gem Corn Seeds

66 Glass Gem Seeds
25 Glass Gem Corn
10 Nachos (Bronze Star)

Upgrade to Level 4:
  40% chance of receiving Glass Gem Corn Seeds

174 Glass Gem Corn Seeds
40 Glass Gem Corn
20 Vanilla Puddings (Blue Star)
10 Colourful Frittatas (Blue Star)

Upgrade to Level 5:

366 Glass Gem Corn Seeds
75 Glass Gem Corn
20 Colourful Frittatas (Blue)
10 Glass Gem Corn Flour

Pumpkin Tomato
This is a Passive Tech

To unlock:

Reach Level 32
Expand your Farm to 20 x 20
Plant 240 Tomatoes

To increase to Level 2:
20% chance

18 Pumpkin Tomato Seeds
20 Pumpkin Tomatoes

To increase to Level 3:
  30% chance of receiving Pumpkin Tomato Seeds when harvesting Powdered Tomato

Upgrade Requirements:

66 Pumpkin Tomato Seeds (cumulative from previous upgrade)
50 Pumpkin Tomatoes
Craft 10 Champagne Punch (Stove House Recipe)

To increase to Level 4:

174 Pumpkin Tomato Seeds
80 Pumpkin Tomato (not cumulative from previous upgrades)
10 Cobb Salad (Blue Star)
10 Stuffed Scary Tomato (Blue Star)

To increase to Level 5:

366 Pumpkin Tomato Seeds
150 Pumpkin Tomatoes
20 Stuffed Scary Tomato (Blue Star)
10 Pumpkin Tomato Burgers

Hainan Pepper

This is a Passive Tech

  Have a 10% chance of receiving Hainan Pepper Seeds when harvesting powdered Red Bell Peppers

Mini Quest has the following requirements:

Reach Level 35
Expand your Farm to 22 x 22
Plant 400 Red Bell Peppers

Hainan Pepper Upgrade to Level 2

  Have a 20% chance of receiving Hainan Pepper Seeds when harvesting powdered Red Bell Peppers

Have 18 Hainan Pepper Seeds
Have 10 Hainan Peppers

To upgrade to Level 3

66 Hainan Pepper Seeds
25 Hainan Peppers
10 Chili Con Carne (Bronze Star)

Upgrade to Level 4:

174 Hainan Pepper Seeds
40 Hainan Peppers
10 Full English Breakfast (Blue Star)
10 Hainan Special Quiche (Gold Star)

To upgrade to Level 5:

366 Hainan Pepper Seeds
75 Hainan Peppers
20 Hainan Special Quiche (Gold Star)
10 Onion Sauce

Fire Bean
Have a Level 10 Lab and unlock Hainan Pepper first

To increase to level 2:
20% chance

18 Fire Bean Seeds
20 Fire Beans

To increase to Level 3:
  30% chance

66 Fire Bean Seeds
50 Fire Beans
80 Blue Cheese

To increase to Level 4:

174 Fire Bean Seeds
80 Fire Beans
200 Blue Cheese
10 Iced Fire (Gold Star)

To increase to Level 5:

366 Fire Bean Seeds
150 Fire Beans
20 Iced Fire (Gold)
10 Bean Sauce

Morchella Mushroom

Have a Level 11 Lab and unlock Fire Pepper first

To Unlock:

Reach Level 41
Expand your Farm to 25 x 25
Plant 700 Mushrooms (Skip for 180 RC)

Reward: 750 Coins, 150 XP, 5 Morchella Mushroom Seeds, 30 Essence

To increase to Level 2:

18 Morchella Mushroom Seeds
20 Morchella Mushrooms

To increase to Level 3:

66 Morchella Mushroom Seeds
50 Morchella Mushrooms
80 Chicken Feathers

To increase to Level 4:

174 Morchella Mushroom Seeds
80 Morchella Mushrooms
200 Chicken Feathers
10 Striped Mushroom Omelette (Gold Star)

To increase to Level 5:

366 Morchella Mushroom Seeds
150 Morchella Mushrooms
20 Striped Mushrooms
10 Mini Burgers

Heart Watermelon

Have a Level 12 Lab and unlock Morchella Mushroom first
Level 12 requires a total of 5040 Lab Points, earning by using Active Techs

To unlock:

Reach Level 44
Expand your Farm to 26 x 26
Plant 850 Watermelons (Skip for 200 RC)

To increase to Level 2:

18 Heart Watermelon Seeds
20 Heart Watermelons

To increase to Level 3:

66 Heart Watermelon Seeds
50 Heart Watermelons
80 Jello Puddings

To increase to Level 4:

174 Heart Watermelon Seeds
80 Heart Watermelons
200 Jello Puddings
10 Watermelon Fluff Cake (Gold Star)

To increase to Level 5:

366 Heart Watermelon Seeds
150 Heart Watermelon
20 Watermelon Fluff Cake (Gold star)
10 Watermelon Juice

Molecular Gastronomy

There now are four different 'variants' of Molecular Gastronomy, each of which is linked to one of the Research Topics.  Each must be unlocked separately but the requirements are the same for all.

The requirements for unlocking Molecular Gastronomy, Level 1 are as follows:

Reach Level 25
Cook 5 dishes in the Stove House
Upgrade your Lab Storehouse to Level 3.

(The Requirements for doing so are to use 30 Lab Storehouse Glass and 1 Lab Storehouse Shelf.  The latter is a reward for having a specific total of the large 'Smileys' in the Coffee House.)

Level 2 Upgrade:

10000 Coins
1 Grandpa's Pen
1 Grandpa's Ink
1 Grandpa's Notepad

Level 3 upgrade:

10000 Coins
1 Grandpa's Pen
1 Grandpa's Ink
1 Grandpa's Notepad

Level 4 Upgrade:

10000 Coins
1 Grandpa's Pen
1 Grandpa's Ink
1 Grandpa's Notepad

Level 5 upgrade:

10000 Coins
2 Grandpa's Pen
2 Grandpas' Ink
2 Grandpa's Notepad

Level 6 Upgrade:

120000 Coins
3 Grandpa's Pen
3 Grandpa's Ink
3 Grandpa's Notepad

Molecular Gastronomy, Crop Variant

When you upgrade to Level 3 and complete the other two requirements, you will learn your first Stove House Recipe.  In Cropology, this is the Lucky Jello Recipe.

Secret Recipe:

Grandpa:  You learned a new skill!  Try it!  And don't forget to share with me!

Reward: 500 Coins, 75 XP

Molecular Gastronomy, Level 2 requirements:

10000 Coins

1 Grandpa's Pen
  Cost: 80 Blue Mystrons

1 Grandpa's Ink
  Cost: 600 Green Mystrons

1 Grandpa's Notepad
  Cost: 200 Red Mystrons

At Level 2, you learn the Colourful Frittatas Recipe

Molecular Gastonomy, Level 3 requirements:

10000 Coins
1 Grandpa's Pen
1 Grandpa's Ink
1 Grandpa's Notepad

Molecular Gastronomy, Level 4 (Zoology Variant):

10000 Coins
1 Grandpa's Pen
1 Grandpa's Ink
1 Grandpa's Notepad

Molecular Gastronomy, Level 5: (Animal Variant):

100000 Coins
2 Grandpa's Pen
2 Grandpa's Ink
2 Grandpa's Notebook


Cubic Apple Tech:

Reach Level 21
Expand your farm to 17 x 17
Buy 8 Apple Trees

Grandpa:  You learned a new skill.  I'll give you some seeds and liquid fertiliser as a reward.  Try to plant a rare seed!

Reward: 500 Coins, 75 XP, 5 Cubic Apple Seeds, 30 Liquid Fertiliser

To upgrade to Level 2:

18 Cubic Apple Seeds
5 Cubic Apples

Molecular Gastronomy: Tree Variant
  Requires: Level 6 Research Lab (1380 Points), having unlocked Cubic Apple

Unlocking this will allow you to cook Cubic Apple Tart

To upgrade to Level 3:

Treeology Introduction

The primary purpose of Treeology is to be able to create rare tree fruits for use in the Stove House and Coffee House.  In fact, all the new options in the form of the Upgraders, the Research Laboratory, Coffee House and Stove House are linked.  Now, Community Challenges at difficulty Level 3 require them as well!  Do you actually NEED to participate in them?  That remains to be seen.  As it stands, however, participation in one leads to requirements that promote participation in all of them.

Mini-Quest for unlocking Cubic Apple:

Reach Level 21
Expand your Farm to 17 by 17
Buy 8 Apple Trees
  Skip for 32 RC

You can buy and place an Apple Tree, sell it and repeat until you reach the required total.

This unlocks Cubic Apples Level 1.  Now you can collect one Cubic Apple Seed for every Apple Tree that you 'zap'.

When you complete this little Quest, Grandpa will appear with a banner and tell you:  You learned a new skill.  I'll give you some seeds and liquid fertiliser as a reward.  Try to plant a rare seed!'

Rewards are: 500 Coins, 75 XP, 5 Cubic Apple Seeds, 30 Liquid Fertiliser

To upgrade Cubic Apples to Level 2, you need to collect 18 Cubic Apple Seeds and 5 Cubic Apples.  You then can harvest 2 Cubic Apple Seeds each time you 'zap' an Apple Tree.

Plant Cubic Apple as a Tree and use liquid fertiliser on it to grow it through 6 stages and then harvest a cube Apple.

New types of Tree Fruits and their Parent Tree

Laboratory Level 5: Cubic Apple Fruits, obtained by zapping Apple Trees
Laboratory Level 6: Recipe that uses Cubic Apples
Laboratory Level 7: Surinam Cherries, obtained by zapping Cherry Trees
Laboratory Level 8: Rambutan, obtained by zapping Lychee Trees
Laboratory Level 9: Diamond Lemons, obtained by zapping Lemon Trees
Laboratory Level 10: Donut Peach, obtained by zapping Peach Trees, requires Level 10 Laboratory and unlocking Diamond Lemon first
Laboratory Level 11: Sand Pear, obtained by zapping Pear Trees; requires Level 11 Laboratory and unlocking Donut Peach first
Laboratory Level 12: Crystal Olive, obtained by zapping Olive Trees.  Requires Level 12 Laboratory and unlocking Sand Pear first

Tree Zapper: Active Tech

Level 1:  Zap a ripe tree to receive 2 extra fruits and coins (100% of the tree's buying price)

Level 2:  Zap a ripe tree to receive 2 extra fruits and coins (120% of the tree's buying price)

To upgrade to Level 5:
  4 extra fruits and coins (150%)

  168 uses of Tree Zapper
  120 Lemons
  120 Milk Powder
  150 Low Fat Cheese

Surinam Cherry Tree:  Passive Tech.  Receive 1 Surinam Cherry Tree Seed when zapping a Cherry Tree
  Requirements:  Level 7 Research Laboratory, Unlocking Molecular Gastronomy

Cubic Apple Tree

To upgrade to Level 2:

18 Cubic Apple Seeds
5 Cubic Apples

Molecular Gastronomy: Tree Variant
  Requires: Level 6 Research Lab (1380 Points), having unlocked Cubic Apple

Unlocking this will allow you to cook Cubic Apple Tart

To upgrade to Level 3:

To upgrade to Level 4:
  (Receive 4 Cubic Apple Tree Seeds when Zapper used)

108 Cubic Apple Seeds
30 Cubic Apples
20 French Fries (Blue Star)
12 Cubic Apple Tart (Bronze Star)

To upgrade to Level 5:

192 Cubic Apple Seed
50 Cubic Apples
25 Cubic Apple Tart
10 Cubic Apple Jam

Surinam Cherry

To unlock this:

Requires Level 7 in Laboratory
Reach Level 28
Expand your farm to 19 x 19
Buy 10 Cherry Trees (Skip for 40 RC)

Reward: 500 Coins, 75 XP

To upgrade to Level 2:
  (Receive 2 Surinam Cherry Trees when zapper used on Surinam Cherry Tree)

18 Surinam Cherry Seeds
5 Surinam Cherries

To upgrade to Level 3:

66 Surinam Cherry Seeds
12 Surinam Cherries
10 Nachos (Bronze Star)

To upgrade to Level 4:

174 Surinam Cherry Seeds
30 Surinam Cherries
20 Vanilla Pudding
10 Exotic Cherry Cake (Blue Star)

To upgrade to Level 5:

366 Surinam Cherry Seeds
50 Surinam Cherries
20 Exotic Cherry Cake (Blue Star)
10 Surinam Cherry Juice


Rambutan Tree:  Passive Tech.  Receive 1 Rambutan Tree Seed when zapping a Lychee Tree
  Requirements:  Level 8 Research Laboratory, Unlocking Surinam Cherry Tree

To upgrade to Level 2:

18 Rambutan Seeds
5 Rambutan

To upgrade to Level 3:

66 Rambutan Seeds
12 Rambutan
10 Champagne Punch

To upgrade to Level 4:

174 Rambutan Seeds
30 Rambutan
10 Cobb Salad (Blue Star)
10 Fruity Layer Cake (Blue Star)

To upgrade to Level 5:

366 Rambutan Seeds
50 Rambutan
20 Fruity Layer Cake (Blue Star)
10 Rambutan Wine

Diamond Lemon

To upgrade to Level 2:

18 Diamond Lemon Seeds
5 Diamond Lemons

To upgrade to Level 3:

66 Diamond Lemon Seeds
12 Diamond Lemons
10 Chili Con Carne (Bronze Star)

To upgrade to Level 4:

174 Diamond Lemon Seeds
30 Diamond Lemons
10 Full English Breakfast (Blue Star)
10 Luxury Lemon Roll (Gold Star)

Donut Peach

To unlock:

Reach Level 38
Expand your Farm to 24 x 24
Buy 18 Peach Trees (Skip for 120 RC)

Reward: 1000 Coins, 125 XP

To upgrade to Level 2:

18 Donut Peach Seeds
5 Donut Peach

To upgrade to Level 3:

66 Donut Peach Seeds
12 Donut Peach
80 Blue Cheese

To upgrade to Level 4

174 Donut Peach Seeds
30 Donut Peach
200 Blue Cheese
10 Peach Sphere (Gold Star)

To upgrade to Level 5:

366 Donut Peach Seeds
50 Donut Peach
20 Peach Sphere (Gold Star)
10 Cinnamon Jam

Sand Pear

To unlock:

Reach Level 41
Expand your Farm to 25 x 25
Buy 22 Pear Trees (Skip for 150 RC)

Reward: 1250 Coins, 150 XP

To increase to Level 2:

18 Sand Pear Seeds
5 Sand Pears

To increase to Level 3:

66 Sand Pear Seeds
12 Sand Pear
10 Chicken Feathers

To increase to Level 4:

174 Sand Pear Seeds
30 Sand Pears
10 Chicken Feathers
10 Pear Tagliatelle (Gold Star)

Crystal Olive

To unlock:

Reach Level 44
Expand your farm to 26 x 26
Buy 25 Olive Trees (Skip for 175 RC)

To upgrade to Level 2:

18 Crystal Olive Seeds
5 Crystal Olives

To upgrade to Level 3:

66 Crystal Olive Seeds
12 Crystal Olives
10 Jello Pudding

To upgrade to Level 4:

174 Crystal Olive Seeds
30 Crystal Olives
10 Jello Pudding
10 Olive Salmorejo (Gold Star)

To upgrade to Level 5:

366 Crystal Olive Seeds
50 Crystal Olives
20 Olive Salmorejo (Gold Star)
10 Fruit Platter

When donated by Buddies, any rare Tree stores all fertilisations so you can claim them over various stages of growth.

New Research Lab Topics

There are new categories now in the form of Animals and Machines.  To even see them, you must tap on 'Change Research Topic'.

At the moment, the change is Free, even if you have changed more than once previously.

Note here that both Zoology and Mechology Techs are unlocked progressively in order.  You cannot skip one and move to another as you can with Treeology for example, where you can choose one fruit over another to unlock.  Here you must unlock each for the next to become available.

The developers have given a temporary option to switch techs repeatedly without charge until 16 October I believe.  After that, cost is 10 RC.

How the New Techs Work

The new Techs are listed below with the Upgrade material lists and requirements but essentially, they both operate with an entirely new product type called 'Materials'.   At the same time, they have renamed the Liquid Fertiliser.  In fact, 'Essence' simply is the new name of the old Liquid Fertiliser.  When you use the Active Animal Tech, Wild Hunger, on one of the designated Animals, you will receive specific Animal Materials.  When you use the 'Out of Nowhere' Machine Active Tech on any designated Machine, set to one of the products that accepts the Tech, you will receive specific Machine Materials that are linked to that Machine with the random products that are associated with the operation of this Tech.   There is a new section in the Lab Storehouse for these Materials.  Materials then must be processed before they can be used.

Materials are useless until they are processed.   They are the equivalent of Seeds but instead of planting them, you simply tap 'Process' while they are still in the Storehouse, using the Liquid Fertiliser to perform the transformation.  They then become materials that can be used to cook new special dishes in the Storehouse.  Personally I would rather have one of the old Cropology or Treeology Topics, but will continue with the new ones until the guide is complete.  I now have unlocked all of the Animal and Machine Techs, but have not upgraded them yet.  My short supply of Blue Mystrons prevents me from unlocking any more of the new Recipes at this point in time but I will forge ahead as quickly as I can.

Cost of using Essences to process Materials

I had not paid sufficient attention initially to the fact that the cost of processing any material is specific to THAT material.

For Mechology, for example, the cost of processing Gluten is far less than that of processing Dark Brown Sugar.

Gluten: 5 Energy Essence to process 2 Gluten Material into a single Gluten

Whey: 9 Energy Essence to process 2 Whey Material into a single Whey

Toast: 9 Energy Essence to process 2 Toast Material into a single Toast

Grape Seed Oil: 9 Energy Essence to process 2 Grape Seed Oil Material into a single Grape Seed Oil

Dark Brown Sugar: 11 Energy Essence to process 2 Dark Brown Sugar Material into a single Dark Brown Sugar

Beef Jerky: 11 Energy Essence

Dried Rose Petal: 11 Energy Essence

Thus, to be able to upgrade any of these Techs, you need the Material AND the actual processed item.  You may have more than enough of the Material and still have to wait to replenish your Energy Essences before you can process the actual item.

Zoology Techs:

N.B.  I originally added the Recipe that was associated with the tech item in the section that dealt with that tech... now I am listing all Recipes for all four techs in alphabetical order in a Stove House Tech Recipe section at the end of this post.

Wild Hunger:

Active Tech

  Cost is 50 Farmium, 5 Tech Points

Let an Animal automatically produce 20 products quickly and without charge.

Level 2:  Let an Animal automatically produce 25 products.

  To upgrade to Level 2:

  Use Wild Hunger 8 times
  100 Milk

To upgrade to Level 3:

Level 3: Let an Animal automatically produce 30 products.

Use Wild Hunger 20 times
100 Eggs
100 Beef

To upgrade to Level 3:

Use Wild Hunger 80 times
150 Cane
100 Low Fat Milk

To upgrade to Level 5:

Use Wild Hunger 200 Times
60 Oat Bread
120 Milk Powder
150 Low Fat Cheese

Passive Tech

To unlock:

  Reach Level 21
  Expand your Farm to 17 by 17
  Produce 50 Eggs

Village Cuisine:
 Passive Tech  (Animal Variant)

You can cook a new dish, Fried Drumstick  Recipe in the Stove House

  To unlock:

  Reach Level 25
  Cook 5 Dishes in the Stove House
  Upgrade your Lab Storehouse to Level 3

  Reward: 500 Coins, 75 XP

  To upgrade to Level 2:

  10000 Coins
  1 Grandpa's Pen
  1 Grandpa's Ink
  1 Grandpa's Notepad

Fried Drumstick Recipe


1 Wheat Flour
1 Drumstick
1 Ketchup
6 Power

Maximum Cooking Time: 50 Seconds


Passive Tech

To unlock:

  Reach Level 21
  Expand your Farm to 17 by 17
  Produce 50 Eggs

To upgrade to Level 3:

50 Drumstick Materials
30 Drumstick
10 Macaroni and Cheese

To upgrade to Level 4:

120 Drumstick Materials
70 Drumstick
20 French Fries (Blue Star)
12 Fried Drumsticks

Lamb Rack

To unlock:

Reach Level 28
Expand your farm to 19 x 19
Produce 60 Wool . (Skip for  20 RC)

To upgrade to Level 2:

15 Lamb Rack Materials
10 Lamb Rack

To upgrade to Level 3:

50 Lamb Rack Materials
30 Lamb Rack
10 Macaroni and Cheese

To upgrade to Level 4:

120 Lamb Rack Materials
70 Lamb Rack
20 Vanilla Pudding (Blue Star)
12 Roast Lamb with Potatoes (Bronze I believe)


To unlock:

Reach Level 32
Expand your farm to 20 x 20
Produce 70 Beef (Skip for 25 RC)

To upgrade to Level 2:

15 Tenderloin Materials
10 Tenderloin

To upgrade to Level 3:

50 Tenderloin Materials
30 Tenderloin
10 Macaroni and Cheese

To upgrade to Level 4:

120 Tenderloin Materials
70 Tenderloin
20 Cobb Salad (Blue Star)
12 Roast Tenderloin (Bronze)


To unlock:

Reach Level 35
Expand your Farm to 22 x 22
Produce 80 Duck Eggs (Skip for 30 RC)

To upgrade to Level 2:

15 Duck Materials
10 Duck

To upgrade to Level 3:

50 Duck Materials
30 Duck
10 Macaroni and Cheese

To upgrade to Level 4:

120 Duck Material
70 Duck
20 Full English Breakfast (Blue Star)
12 Stewed Duck with Beer (Bronze Star)

To upgrade to Level 5:

245 Duck Material
140 Duck
15 Stewed Duck with Beer (Bronze)
10 Egg Yolk

Turkey Egg

To unlock:

Reach Level 38
Expand your Farm to 24 x 24
Produce 90 Turkey (Skip for 35 RC)

Reward: 1000 Coins, 125 XP

To upgrade to Level 2:

15 Turkey Egg materials
10 Turkey Egg

To upgrade to Level 3:

50 Turkey Egg Materials
30 Turkey Egg
10 Macaroni and Cheese

To upgrade to Level 4:

120 Turkey Egg Material
70 Turkey Egg
20 Blue Cheese
12 Turkey Egg Sandwich (Bronze)

To upgrade to Level 5:

245 Turkey Egg Material
140 Turkey Egg
15 Turkey Egg Sandwich (Bronze)
10 Flatfish Burger

Golden Egg

To unlock:

Reach Level 41
Expand your farm to 25 x 25
Produce 100 Goose Feathers (Skip for 40 RC)

Reward: 1250 Coins, 150 XP

To upgrade to Level 2:

15 Golden Egg Materials
10 Golden Egg

To upgrade to Level 3:

50 Golden Egg Materials
30 Golden Egg
10 Macaroni and Cheese

To upgrade to Level 4:

120 Golden Egg Materials
70 Golden Eggs
20 Chicken Feathers
12 Bronze Star Golden Souffles

To upgrade to level 5:

245 Golden Egg Material
140 Golden Eggs
15 Golden Souffle (Bronze)
10 Flatfish Burgers

Ostrich Egg

To unlock:

Reach Level 44
Expand your farm to 26 x 26
Produce 120 Ostrich Feathers (Skip for 50 RC)

Reward: 1500 Coins, 175 XP

To upgrade to Level 2:

15 Ostrich Egg Materials
10 Ostrich Eggs

To upgrade to Level 3:

50 Ostrich Egg Materials
30 Ostrich Eggs
10 Macaroni and Cheese

To upgrade to Level 4:

120 Ostrich Egg Materials
70 Ostrich Eggs
20 Jello Pudding
12 Ostrich Egg Udon

To upgrade to level 5:

245 Ostrich Egg Materials
140 Ostrich Egg
15 Ostrich Egg Udon (Bronze)
10 Feed Flour

Tech Materials:

Note here that there is a new category of Material that must be processed for use in recipes...   basically we must process food now.  Essences are required to actually perform this, but Essence ins nothing more than the new name for Liquid Fertiliser.  For example, you need 5 Energy Essences to process the Drumstick Material for the Recipe.

Go to the Lab Storehouse where you will find two new sections for all of these Essences or Materials.  The tab with the animal icon is the chamber for the Zoology Tech Materials.  Mechology has its own Chamber for its Materials.  Choose 'Process'.  One Drumstick Material costs 5 Liquid Fertiliser to process and will create 1 Drumstick.

Note that, for both Mechology and Zoology, upgrading any Tech to Level 2 requires both Material and Product.  Upgrading to Level 3 will require a specific number of Dishes made in the Stove House using the product.  For all Techs, these are the Bronze Star version of the Dish.  I therefore am adding the instructions for the Bronze Star version of each Stove House dish connected with these Topics.

Mechology Research Topic

Essentially, the Out of Nowhere Tech, which is the Active Tech, will give you a number of totally random products whenever you use most Machines and set it to any Product.  There are exceptions, however... for example, you cannot set a Cheese Master or Fast Cheese Maker to Goat Cheese and then use the Tech on it.

You do receive the specific new Material needed by using the specific Machine but you will receive random products as well.

For example, needing Gluten, I used 'Out of Nowhere' on the Dutch Mill with the setting on Oat

Flour.  I received 2 Gluten Material as well as 1 Wheat Flour, 1 Wine, 1 Rice Flour, 1 Buffalo Milk Cheese, 1 Rye Flour and 3 Oat Flour.  The Gluten Material, however, is random as well!  Got 2 Gluten Material for one use, none for the second and 1 for the third.

To make Gluten from Gluten Material, go to the Lab storehouse to find the Gluten Material and then tap on 'Process'.  You need 2 Gluten Material to make 1 Gluten.  Cost of processing each is 5 Liquid Fertiliser oddly enough.

To change to this Topic for the first time is Free.  Ordinary cost is 10 RC but a ticket from the Exclusive Store costing 3 RC can be used instead.

Freyashawk and Out of Nowhere

Even at Level 1, I notice that no ingredient is required to use Out of Nowhere on any Machine where it can be applied.  (There are products where it cannot be applied!) Furthermore, apart from the random products I receive each time, I receive 5 of the intended product.  For example, using Out of Nowhere on the Dutch Mill for Rye Flour, I received 5 Rye Flour even at Level 1, as well as the various other products and no Rye was used.  Using Out of Nowhere with the Buffalo Milk Cheese setting on the Cheese Master, I received 5 Buffalo Milk Cheese.  At that point in time, I only had 1 Buffalo Milk in Barn and there it remained intact.  So it is kind of a Super Gold Finger, but only for the Machines and products that accept it.

Out of Nowhere:
Active Tech: Cost is 60 Farmium, giving 6 Tech Points

  Get various extra products from a Machine (In addition to original product)

Level 2:
Get more and better extra products
To upgrade to Level 2:

8 Uses of Out of Nowhere Tech
100 Wheat Flour

Level 3

To upgrade to Level 3:

20 Uses of Out of Nowhere
80 Apple Juice
75 Grape Jam

Level 4:

To upgrade to Level 4:

80 uses of Out of Nowhere
60 Maple Sugar
100 Low Fat Milk

Level 5

To upgrade to Level 5:

200 Uses of Out of Nowhere
60 Champagne
120 Milk Powder
150 Low Fat Cheese

Passive Tech
  Have 10% chance to get Gluten Materials when using Out of Nowhere on a Dutch Mill

To unlock:

Reach Level 21
Expand your farm to 17 by 17
Produce 50 Wheat Flour

Reward: 500 Coins, 75 XP, 5 Gluten Material, 30 Energy Essence

To upgrade to Level 2:

15 Gluten Material
10 Gluten

To upgrade to Level 3:

50 Gluten Material
30 Gluten
10 Macaroni and Cheese

To upgrade to Level 4:

120 Gluten Material
70 Gluten
20 Blue Star French Fries
12 Meat Analogue (Bronze)

To upgrade to Level 5:

245 Gluten Material
140 Gluten
15 Meat Analogue (Bronze)
10 Green Bean Flour

Village Cuisine (Machine Variant)

  You can cook the following in Stove House: Meat Analogue Recipe

  To unlock:

  Reach Level 25
  Cook 5 Dishes in Stove House
  Upgrade your Lab Storehouse to Level 3

(Note: All the upgrades for the 4 Topics to obtain Stove House Recipes have the same requirements.  I have listed them in another section of this post.)

Meat Analogue Recipe:

Ingredients: 1 Gluten, 2 Mushrooms, 1 Soy Sauce, 6 Power
Maximum time: 50 seconds

To upgrade to Level 2:

10000 Coins
1 Grandpa's Pen
1 Grandpa's Ink
1 Grandpa's Notepad

At Level 2:

Cannoli Recipe

This recipe has both Bronze and Blue Star variations and is given below in the section that gives all Recipes and instructions.

Recipes at higher Levels:

At Level 3,  Caesar Salad

At Level 4, Grape Salad

At Level 5: Meat Analogue Sandwich

At Level 6, Brown Sugar Cake

At Level 7, Travel Snack

At Level 8, Rose Tea


Passive Tech

Have 10% chance of getting Whey Materials for each product when using Out of Nowhere on a Cheese Master (including Fast Cheese Master!)

To unlock:

Reach Level 28
Expand your Farm to 19 x 19
Produce 60 Cheddar Cheese

Reward: 500 Coins, 75 XP

An example of products received using Level 3 Out of Nowhere on Cheese Master set to Buffalo Milk Cheese with Level 1 Whey:  1 Ketchup, 4 Cheddar Cheese, 3 Whey Material, 5 Buffalo Milk Cheese, 1 Rye Flour, 1 Peanut Sauce

To upgrade to Level 2:

15 Whey Material
10 Whey

To upgrade to Level 3:

50 Whey Material
30 Whey
10 Macaroni and Cheese

To upgrade to Level 4:

120 Whey Material
70 Whey
20 French Fries (Blue Star)
12 Cannoli (Bronze Star)

To upgrade to Level 5:

245 Whey Material
140 Whey
15 Cannoli (Bronze Star)
10 Brown Angora Hair


Passive Tech:

Have 10% Chance of getting Toast Materials for each product when using Out of Nowhere on a Baker

To unlock:

Reach Level 32
Expand your Farm to 20 x 20
Produce 70 Wheat Bread (I did not take a photo!!!)

Reward: 750 Coins, 100 XP

To upgrade to Level 2:

15 Toast Material
10 Toast

To upgrade to Level 3:

50 Toast Material
30 Toast
10 Macaroni and Cheese

To upgrade to Level 4:

120 Toast Material
70 Toast
20 Cobb Salad (Blue Star)
12 Caesar Salad

To upgrade to Level 5:

245 Toast Material
140 Toast
15 Caesar Salad (Bronze)
10  Flatfish Burgers . (Thanks, Cindy)

Grape Seed Oil

To unlock:

Reach Level 35
Expand your farm to 22 x 22
Produce 80 Wine (Skip for 30 RC)

Reward: 750 Coins, 100 XP

To upgrade to Level 2:

15 Grape Seed Oil Material
10 Grape Seed Oil

To upgrade to Level 3:

50 Grape Seed Oil Material
30 Grape Seed Oil
10 Macaroni and Cheese

To upgrade to Level 4:

120 Grape Seed Oil Material
70 Grape Seed Oil
20 Full English Breakfast (Blue Star)
12 Grape Salad

To upgrade to Level 5:

245 Grape Seed Oil Material
140 Grape Seed Oil
15 Grape Salad
10 Wine Lees   (Thanks, Cindy!)

Dark Brown Sugar Tech

Passive Tech

To unlock:

Reach Level 38
Expand your Farm to 24 by 24
Produce 90 Sugar (0r pay 35 RC to skip task)

Reward: 1000 Coins, 125 XP

To upgrade to Level 2:

15 Dark Brown Sugar Material
10 Dark Brown Sugar

To upgrade to Level 3:

To upgrade to Level 4:

120 Dark Brown Sugar Material
70 Dark Brown Sugar
20 Blue Cheese
12 Brown Sugar Cake

To upgrade to Level 5:

245 Dark Brown Sugar Material
140 Dark Brown Sugar
15 Brown Sugar Cake (Bronze)
10 Maltose .

(Level 5 requirements logged by Cindy from Freyashawk Community)

Beef Jerky

Passive Tech

To unlock:

Reach Level 41
Expand your Farm 25 x 25
Produce 100 Beef Salami (Skip for 40 RC)

Reward: 1250 Coins, 150 XP

To upgrade to Level 2:

15 Beef Jerky Material
10 Beef Jerky

To upgrade to Level 3:

50 Beef Jerky Material
30 Beef Jerky
10 Macaroni and Cheese

To upgrade to Level 4:

120 Beef Jerky Material
70 Beef Jerky
20 Chicken Feathers
12 Travel Snacks (Bronze)

To upgrade to Level 5:

245 Beef Jerky Material
140 Beef Jerky
15 Travel Snack (Bronze)
10 Venison Burger

(Thanks to Cindy again of our Freyashawk Community)

Dried Rose Petal

Passive Tech

Reach Level 44
Expand your farm to 26 x 26
Produce 120 Red Rose Bouquets (Skip for 50 RC)

Reward: 1500 Coins, 175 XP

You can skip the Machine production in every case by opting to pay RC.

To upgrade to Level 2:

15 Dried Rose Petal Materials
10 Dried Rose Petals

To upgrade to Level 3:

50 Rose Petal Materials
30 Rose Petals
10 Macaroni and Cheese

To upgrade to Level 4:

120 Dried Rose Petal Materials
70 Dried Rose Petals
20 Jello Pudding
12 Rose Tea (Bronze Star)

To upgrade to Level 5:

245 Dried Rose Petal Materials
140 Dried Rose Petals
15 Rose Tea
10 Rose Wine

All Stove House Research Recipes

Note that the game itself gives you full instructions for the timing needed to create a successful dish.  My own preference is to cook the dish in the LEAST amount of time, so I will give the game time, but will try to add least time as I am able for each.

Here is a list of all the Stove House Recipes associated with the four Lab techs.



Lucky Jello

Colourful Frittatas

Stuffed Scary Tomato

Hainan Special Quiche

Mount Labvarest Dessert

Iced Fire

Striped Mushroom

Watermelon Fluff Cake

Treeology List:


Cubic Apple Tart

Exotic Cherry Cake

Fruity Layer Cake

Luxury Lemon Roll

Fruity Cherry Cake

Peach Sphere

Pear Tagliatelle

Olive Salmorejo


Fried Drumstick

Roast Lamb Rack with Potatoes

Roast Tenderloin

Stewed Duck with Beer

Barbecue Set Recipe

Turkey Egg Sandwich Recipe

Golden Souffle Recipe

Ostrich Egg Udon Recipe

Mechology List

Meat Analogue Recipe

Cannoli Recipe

Caesar Salad Recipe

Grape Salad Recipe

Brown Sugar Cake Recipe

Meat Analogue Sandwich Recipe

Travel Snack Recipe

Rose Tea Recipe

Note from Kaye:

for Level 5 Diamond Lemon: 10 Lemon Sugar; for Level 5 Donut Peach, 10 Cinnamon Jam; for Level 5 Sand Pear, 10 Fruit Platter; and for Level 5 Crystal Olive 10 Love Fruit Jam.

Note from Freyashawk:  The Stove House actually gives precise instructions for each ingredient, but the time requires using those instructions is far greater than that which is needed.  I have most of these Recipes and simply need to add them to this page.

Research Lab Stove House Recipes

The way to interact with the timer has changed yet again.  It now will show the number of seconds to use to set the timer before adding the next ingredient and it is a slider again.  What I have found since this change is that you usually can obtain Bronze Star version of any lab tech dish by placing the first ingredient only, and setting the timer for the number of seconds shown in the recipe time menu for Bronze Star.   As soon as star activates, add ALL other ingredients and tap 'Finish'.


(Above, Stove House showing Barbeque Set activated.  You can see all the ingredients in the first screenshot.  In the second, you can see the number of seconds required to attain each Star level.  To make the Gold Star variety, you simple follow the directions as to when to add the next ingredient, which are all given in seconds and the slider shows seconds as well now.  To obtain the Bronze version required for many Tech upgrades, simply look at the total number of seconds, shown here when you tap on any star in the Dish flavour point menu, and then placing only the first ingredient, set the timer for that total.)

Barbeque Set, Bronze Star:

Place the Spice, setting slider timer for 10605 seconds.  When the Bronze Star activates, add all other ingredients and tap 'Finish'.  Simple as that.

WARNING:  Although this is true where most recipes are concerned, some of the oldest ones, like Cubic Apple Tart, do NOT work this way.  Cubic Apple Tart reaches Bronze Star at  66 points but the maximum time is 50 seconds.  You therefore need to follow the game instructions to make it successfully.

Barbecue Set

Ingredients:  1 Spice, 1 Duck, 1 Tenderloin, 1 Lamb Rack, 1 Drumstick

Requires 10 Power

There are three separate star ratings for this dish.

Game instructions for Gold Star:

Place Spice and set timer for 3 Hours.  Add Duck, setting timer for 1 hour, 10 minutes.  Add Tenderloin, setting timer for 30 minutes.  Add Lamb Rack, setting timer for 5 minutes.  Tap 'Finish' as soon as Gold Star activates.   (I am certain there is a quicker, less fussy way to manage it, but although I unlocked it I have not cooked it yet.)

Maximum time: 5 Hours

Bronze Star:

Place Spice and Duck in skillet, setting timer for 1 hour, 34 minutes.  The Bronze Star will activate but you need to add the Tenderloin, Lamb Rack and Drumstick before you can tap 'Finish'.

Brown Sugar Cake

This Dish has three varieties, Bronze, Blue and Gold.

Ingredients:  1 Cake Flour, 1 Dark Brown Sugar, 1 Egg, 1 Milk
Requires 6 Power

Maximum time: 20 Minutes (Gold Star)

For Gold Star, game instructions are:

Place Cake Flour and Dark Brown Sugar, setting timer for 10 minutes.  Add Egg, setting timer for 5 minutes.  Add Milk, setting timer for 3 minutes and tap 'Finish' as soon as Gold star activates.

Actual time: 18 minutes for Gold Star

Place Cake Flour and Dark Brown Sugar, setting timer for 10 Minutes.  The Bronze Star will activate, but you must add the Egg and Milk before you can tap 'Finish'.

Blue Star:

Place Cake Flour and Dark Brown Sugar, setting timer for 10 minutes.  Add Egg, setting timer for 5 minutes.  Add Milk before you tap 'Finish'.

Cannoli Recipe

Ingredients: 2 Cake Flour, 2 Cinnamon, 1 Whey
6 Power

Maximum time: 20 minutes

Bronze Star:

Place all ingredients, setting timer for 10 minutes,  Tap 'Finish' as soon as Bronze Star activates.

Blue Star:

Place all ingredients, setting timer for 15 minutes.  Tap 'Finish' as soon as Blue star activates.

Caesar Salad

Ingredients:  1 Toast, 1 Turkey, 1 Cheddar Cheese, 1 Egg, 2 Green Lettuce
6 Power
Bronze and Blue Star Levels
Maximum time: 50 minutes

Game Instructions for Blue Star:  Place Toast, setting timer for 20 minutes.  Add Turkey, setting timer for 10 minutes.  Add Cheddar Cheese, setting timer for 10 minutes.  Add Egg, setting timer for 5 minutes.  Add Green Lettuce, setting timer for 4 minutes and tap Finish when Blue Star activates.

Bronze Star:

Place Toast, Turkey, Cheddar Cheese and set timer for 20 minutes.  Bronze Star will activate, but you need to add Egg and Green Lettuce to be able to tap Finish instantly.

Colourful Frittatas

Ingredients: 2 Glass Gem Corn, 2 Cheddar Cheese, 5 Onions
Requires: 6 Power

Two star ratings

Maximum time: 20 Minutes

Cubic Apple Tart

Ingredients: 1 Cubic Apple, 1 Apple Jelly
Requires: 6 Power

Place Cubic Apple and Apple Jelly, setting timer for 33 seconds.  Tap 'Finish' as soon as star activates.

Exotic Cherry Cake:

Ingredients:  1 Surinam Cherry, 2 Blackberries, 4 Sugar
Requires 6 Power

There are two separate star ratings for this dish.

For Blue Star:

Place Surinam and Blackberries, setting timer for 10 minutes.  Add Sugar and set timer for 5 minutes.
Tap 'Finish' as soon as star activates.

For the Bronze star:

Place Surinam and Blackberries, setting timer for 10 minutes.  Add Sugar and set timer for 2 minutes, tapping 'Finish' as soon as Bronze star activates.

Fried Drumstick

There is only one rating in the form of Bronze Star

Ingredients: 1 Wheat Flour, 1 Drumstick, 1 Ketchup
Requires: 6 Power

Maximum time: 50 seconds


Place Wheat Flour and Drumstick in skillet, setting timer for 46 seconds.  The Bronze Star will activate but you need to add the Ketchup before you can tap 'Finish' instantly to complete it.

Fruity Cherry Cake

There are two versions, a Bronze and a Blue Star dish.

Ingredients: 1 Rambutan, 2 Pear, 4 Batter
Requires 6 Power

Maximum Time: 45 minutes

Blue Star Game instructions:

Place Rambutan and set timer for 20 minutes.  Add Pear, setting timer for 16 minutes.  Add Batter, setting timer for 9 minutes and tap 'Finish' as soon as Blue Star activates.

Fruity Layer Cake


1 Rambutan
2 Pear
4 Batter (2 Wheat Flour, 1 Egg)

Place Rambutan and Pear and set timer to 11.45.  Add Batter and set timer again for 9 minutes.  Tape 'Finish' as soon as star activates.

Golden Souffle

Ingredients:  1 Golden Egg, 1 Wheat Flour, 1 Butter, 1 Sugar, 8 Power
Maximum time: 50 Minutes

Game instructions:

Place Golden Egg, setting timer for 5 minutes.  Add Wheat Flour, setting timer for 35 minutes.  Add Butter, setting timer for 5 minutes.   Add Sugar, setting timer for 4 minutes, tapping 'Finish' as soon as Star activates.

Bronze Star:

Place Golden Egg and Wheat Flour, setting timer for 20 minutes.  The Bronze Star will activate, but you must add Sugar and Butter before you can tap 'Finish'.

Grape Salad

Ingredients: 1 Grape, 2 Apples, 1 Grape Seed Oil, 1 Green Lettuce
Requires 6 Power

Has three different star ratings

Maximum time: 4 Hours

Game Instructions for Gold Star:

Place Grape in skillet, setting timer for 40 minutes.  Add Apples, setting timer for 1 hour and 20 minutes.  Add Grape Seed Oil, setting timer for 1 hour, 55 minutes.  Add Green Lettuce and tap Finish as soon as the Gold Star activates.

Bronze Star:

Place Grape and Apple in skillet, setting time for 1 hour, 30 minutes.  The Bronze Star will activate but you need to add the Grape Seed Oil and the Green Lettuce, then tap 'Finish' instantly.

Hainan Special Quiche:

Has three star ratings

Ingredients: 1 Mushroom, 2 Hainan Peppers, 2 Turkey Sausage, 12 Peanuts
Requires: 6 Power

Maximum time: 4 Hours

Iced Fire

This is a Cropology Recipe.

Gold Star Dish, using 6 Power, taking 20 minutes

Ingredients: 1 Fire Bean, 8 Oat Flour, 5 Cherries

Place Fire Bean, setting timer for 10 minutes.  Add Oat Flour, setting timer for 8 minutes.  Add Cherries and tap Finish as soon as Star activates.

Lucky Jello

This is a Cropology Recipe.

Bronze Star Recipe: 6 Powers

Ingredients:  5 Four Leaf Clovers, 1 Orange Smoothie

Instructions: Place ingredients in the bowl and tap 'Finish' as soon as the Star activates.  Takes 35 seconds.

Luxury Lemon Roll

This is a Treeology Recipe.
Highest star : Gold

Ingredients: 1 Diamond Lemon, 2 Cinnamon, 2 Maple Sugar, 8 Palm Fruit
Requires 6 Power

Place Cinnamon and Diamond Lemon, setting timer for 1 hour, 20 minutes.  Add Maple Sugar, setting timer for 35 minutes.  Add Olives and set timer for 15 minutes, tapping 'Finish' as soon as star activates.

Another version:

1st step: put diamond lemon and cinnamon in and set the timer to 0:49:30.
2nd step: put maple sugar in and set for 0:35:00.
3rd step : put palm fruit in and set for 15:00.
total time game gives to complete 2:10:00
Actual time required 1:39:30

Meat Analogue Recipe:

Ingredients: 1 Gluten, 2 Mushrooms, 1 Soy Sauce, 6 Power
Maximum time: 50 seconds

I believe you can cook this in 35 seconds.

Meat Analogue Sandwich

Ingredients: 1 Gluten, 1 Grape Seed Oil, 1 Toast, 1 Whey
Requires 10 Power
Maximum time: 5 hours

There are three star ratings for this dish,  The game instructions are for the highest star level, which is Gold Star, as follows:

Place Gluten in the skillet, setting the timer for 3 hours.  Add Grape Seed Oil, setting timer for 1 hour, 10 minutes.  Add Whey, setting timer for 30 minutes.  Tap 'Finish' as soon as the Gold Star activates.

Bronze Star:

Place Gluten in the skillet, setting timer for 2 hours, 51 minutes and 30 seconds.  The Bronze Star will activate but you need to add the Grape Seed Oil, Toast and Whey before you can tap 'Finish'.

Mount Labverest Dessert

Ingredients:  1 Sago Bubbles, 1 Hainan Pepper, 1 Pumpkin Tomato, 2 Glass Gem Corn, 8 Four-Leaf Clovers

Requires 10 Power

Three Star Ratings

Maximum time: 5 Hours

Olive Salmorejo

Ingredients:  1 Crystal Olive, 5 Cranberry Pies, 5 Oat Bread, 5 Avocados
Requires 10 Power

Place Crystal Olive, setting timer for 37 minutes.  Add Cranberry Pies, setting timer for 16 minutes.   Add Oat Bread, setting timer for 1 hour, 5 minutes.  Add Avocado, setting timer for 2 minutes and tap 'Finish' as soon as star activates.

Ostrich Egg Udon

Ingredients:  1 Ostrich Egg, 1 Mushroom, 1 Udon, 1 Green Lettuce, 10 Power
Maximum time: 2 hours

Game instructions:

Gold Star:

Place Ostrich Egg and Mushroom, setting timer for 1 hour, 45 minutes.  Add Udon, setting timer for 10 Minutes.  Add Green Lettuce, setting timer for 5 minutes, tapping 'Finish' as soon as star activates.

Bronze Star:

Place Ostrich Egg and Mushroom, setting timer for 46 minutes.  The Bronze Star will activate but you must add the Udon and Green Lettuce before you can tap 'Finish'.

Peach Sphere:

Ingredients: 3 Almonds, 1 Donut Peach, 5 Honey

Requires: 6 Power

Place Almonds and Donut Peach, setting timer for 8 minutes.  Add Honey, setting timer for 12 minutes, tapping 'Finish' as soon as star activates.

Pear Tagliatelle:

Ingredients: 1 Sand Pear, 1 Rice Cake, 5 Pineapple Jam, 4 Butter

Requires: 8 Power

Place Sand Pear and set timer for 17 minutes.  Add Rice Cake, setting timer for 8 minutes.  Add Pineapple Jam, setting timer for 15 minutes.  Add Butter, setting timer for 10 minutes and tap 'Finish' as soon as star activates.

Roast Lamb Rack with Potatoes

There are two star ratings for this recipe.  The only difference is the amount of time you keep all the ingredients in the skillet as they all are added at the start...

Ingredients: 2 Spice, 1 Potato, 1 Lamb Rack
Requires: 6 Power

Place all ingredients and set timer for 10 minutes for Bronze Star, tapping 'Finish' when star activates.

For Blue Star, place all ingredients and set timer for 15 minutes, tapping 'Finish' when the Blue Star activates.

Maximum time: 20 minutes

Roast Tenderloin

There are two separate versions, Bronze and Blue Star.

Ingredients: 2 Spice, 1 Tenderloin, 1 Butter
Requires: 6 Power

Maximum time: 50 minutes

Game Instructions:

Place Spice and Tenderloin, setting timer for 40 minutes.  Add Butter setting timer again for 10 minutes.  Tap 'Finish' as soon as Blue Star activates.

For Bronze Star:

Place Spice and Tenderloin, setting timer for 20 minutes.  Add Butter, setting timer for 5 minutes.  Tap Finish when Bronze Star activates.  (25 minutes still on timer)

Rose Tea

This is a Mechology Recipe, the last on the list.

Ingredients: 1 Dried Rose Petal, 1 Distilled Water, 1 Tea Plant
  Maximum Time: 2 Hours
  Bronze Star on Auto takes 85 minutes.

Game Instructions for Blue Star:  Place Dried Rose Petal and Distilled Water, setting timer for 1 Hour.  Add Tea Plant, setting timer for 59 minutes.  Tap Finish when Blue Star activates.

For Bronze Star:

Place all ingredients, setting timer for 35 minutes. Tap Finish when Bronze Star activates.   (There will be an hour and 25 minutes still on the timer.)

Striped Mushroom

Ingredients:  1 Sour Cream, 1 Morchella Mushroom, 2 Chocolate, 4 Egg
Requires 8 Power

Three star ratings

Maximum time: 50 minutes

Gold Star Game Instructions:

Place Sour Cream and Morchella Mushroom, setting timer for 10 minutes.  Add Chocolate and set timer for 30 minutes.  Add Egg and Tap Finish as soon as Gold Star activates.

Bronze Star:

Place Sour Cream, Morchella Mushroom and Chocolate, setting timer for 21 minutes.  The Bronze Star will activate but you must add the Egg before you can tap 'Finish'.

Stewed Duck with Beer

Ingredients:  1 Spice, 1 Duck, 1 Dark Beer
Requires: 6 Power

There are three different star ratings for this dish: Bronze, Blue and Gold.

Game instructions:

Place Spice and set timer for 2 hours.  Add Duck, setting timer for 45 minutes.  Add Dark Beer...  the setting of the timer now will determine the Star rating of the dish.  If you set the timer for 1 hour, 15 minutes, you should have the Gold Star version...  I will try to obtain the least time needed for all three versions.

Bronze Star:

Place Spice and set timer for 2 hours, 32 minutes and 20 seconds.  The Bronze Star will activate but you will need to add the Duck and Dark Beer before you can tap 'Finish'.

Stuffed Scary Tomato:

Ingredients:  2 Pumpkin Tomatoes, 5 Pineapples, 4 Butter
Requires 6 Power

There are two separate star ratings for this dish, Bronze and Blue.  Maximum time is 50 minutes.

This is the timing the game gives, but it can be shortened... will find my notes about this.

Place Pumpkin Tomato and set timer for 40 minutes.  Place Pineapples and Butter, setting timer for 10 minutes and tap 'Finish' as soon as Blue Star activates.

Travel Snack

Ingredients:  1 Dark Beer, 1 Beef Jerky, 1 Smoked Yellow Croaker
  Requires 8 Power
  Maximum time: 50 minutes

Blue Star

Game instructions:

Place Dark Beef and Beef Jerky, setting timer for 33 minutes, 20 seconds.  Add Smoked Yellow Croaker, and set timer for 45 minutes.  Tap 'Finish' when Blue Star activates.

Bronze Star:

Place Dark Beer and Beef Jerky, setting timer for 21 minutes.  The Bronze Star will activate after 20 minutes and 30 seconds but you need to add the Yellow Croaker before you can tap 'Finish'.

Turkey Egg Sandwish

Ingredients: 1 Turkey Egg, 1 Mayonnaise, 1 Green Lettuce, 1 Wheat Bread, 6 Power
Maximum time: 20 minutes

Blue Star

Place Turkey Egg, setting timer for 15 minutes.  Add Mayonnaise and Green Lettuce, setting timer for 3 minutes, 20 seconds.  Add Wheat Bread, setting timer for 1 minute, 40 seconds, tapping 'Finish' as soon as star activates.

Bronze Star:

Place Turkey Egg, setting timer for 11 minutes, 10 seconds.  The Bronze Star will activate but you need to add the Mayonnaise, Green Lettuce and Wheat Bread before you can tap 'Finish'.

Watermelon Fluff Cake

Ingredients: 1 Heart Watermelon, 3 Kiwi Fruit, 3 Coconut Ice Cream, 4 Cheddar Cheese
Requires 10 Power

Three star ratings

Maximum time: 2 Hours

NOTE:  The Game instructions for Gold Star are WRONG, so I have endeavoured to find the precise times that would be given by the game itself.  This is the timing that would bring all ingredients to the same number of flavour points before a new ingredient is added:

Place Watermelon, setting timer for 36 minutes, 40 seconds.  Add Kiwi and set timer for 16 minutes, 40 seconds.  Both ingredients should reach 4000.  Add Coconut Ice cream.  Set timer again for 46 minutes and 40 seconds.  All ingredients should reach 1200 points.  Now you can add the Cheddar Cheese and at this point, there will be 20 minutes left for the Recipe.  I believe I set the last timer for 18 minutes to be on the safe side.  The Cheese cooked more rapidly than the other ingredients, but when the Gold Star activated, 9.05 remained on the clock.  The three first ingredients had 545 flavour points remaining and the Cheese had 5.05.  I will try to perfect these times if I can.

Here meanwhile is the way WE like to make the Gold Star.  Thanks to AnneMarie for providing the quickest possible time to complete a Gold Star Watermelon Fluff Cake:

Place Heart Watermelon and Kiwi and set timer for 2 minutes.  Add Coconut Ice Cream, setting timer for 46 minutes and 40 seconds.  Add Cheddar Cheese, setting timer for 20 minutes.  Tap 'Finish' as soon as Gold Star activates.

Another version:

Place Watermelon, setting timer for 36 minutes, 10 seconds.  Add Kiwi and set timer for 16 minutes and 10 seconds,  Add Coconut Ice Cream and set timer for 46 minutes, 10 seconds.  Add Cheddar Cheese, setting timer for 9 minutes, I believe.  Gold Star will activate, and you can tap 'Finish'.  (If you set it for 3 minutes instead after adding the Cheddar Cheese, you can activate the Blue Star.)

Bronze Star:  Place all ingredients and set timer for 1 hour and 35 minutes.  The Bronze Star will activate, although the countdown for burning will begin for the Cheddar Cheese.  It will be a successful dish nonetheless.