
30 December 2016

New Year's Day Quest and Korean Kites Collections Mission

The Collections Mission is to collect Korean Kites.    The Reward is a Collectable in the form of the Glutinous Rice Mortar.  Although this may appear in the Collectables section of the Market once the Quest expires, it will not be found there now.

Note from Freyashawk:  Many gamers who are familiar with my guides for Harvest Moon are aware of my great and abiding love for the series.  Pounding Rice on New Year's Day was an important ritual in Harvest Moon and the Rice Cakes made from that featured always in the game.  Seeing the Mortar here in Family Farm Seaside reminds me of great moments in Harvest Moon...

Special Rewards from Mission

Once upon a time, the special Reward for completing a time-restricted Mission was a Decoration. Then came the Island Farm and we were given two Decorations, one for the Seaside Farm and one for the Island Farm...  These were the Golden Days of Seaside, because the cleanable Island Decorations tend to give better Rewards than their Seaside counterparts.  For some reason, the powers that be felt we should not have any more Island Decorations, and changed the Rewards yet again to give us TWO Seaside Decorations that were paired and almost identical in nature.  For example, we received two Drum Sets or two Lemonade Stands...  Came the Pet House and now we tend to be given an Accessory for the Pet House and one Decoration for the Seaside Farm.

The reason I mention this is because a player will not be able to use the Pet House accessory thus bestowed unless he/she has upgraded the Pet House.  Pet House Ears are unlocked when you upgrade to Level 2.  Pet House Hair is unlocked when you upgrade to Level 3.  The Reward in this case is a set of Rabbit Pet House Ears.

To upgrade your Pet House to Level 2, you will need the following:

Reach Level 16
35 Peacock Feathers (need Peacock)
15 Macaroni and Cheese (Stove House)
35 Steak Burgers (need Burger Machine)

To change the appearance of your Pet House, tap on the rainbow-coloured Paint Roller on the left of the Pet House menu.  You then will be able to see the parts that you have and the Level at which they can be used.  Note that you must find any Pet House accessory in your Gift Box first and choose to 'Use' it before it will be available for use in the Pet House menu!

Collectable Ingredients Needed

The Collectables in Seaside are an odd set of items . They produce according to a set schedule and you cannot make them produce any faster.  Most Collectables can be purchased for a small amount of RC in the Market but there are a few that can be purchased for Coins.  Unfortunately, in MY view, the Coin Collectables are temporary objects that will produce only for 3 days before they vanish from your farm.  You can repurchase them, of course, but I find the entire process a nuisance.

The reason I mention them here is that you will need the temporary Collectables for the traditional Quest so make certain that you purchase the Soy Sauce Barrels and the Spice Rack and the Yeast Barrel as well for good measure.

Quest Task Changes

Recently, I have found that there are some small differences in tasks where these time-restricted Quests are concerned.  Please forgive me if you find that the total needed in your game is slightly different from the total I have given here.

The traditional Quest sequence is:

New Year's Day Quest

New Year's Day 1

Darryl:  Happy New Year, Farmer!  Yu know what?  We decided to celebrate this new year's beginning in a very special way: Korean style!

Harvest 40 Clovers
  Skip for 10 RC

Harvest 8 Apples
  Skip for 8 RC

Feed the Holstein Cow 20 times
  Skip for 5 RC

Reward: 2500 Coins, 160 XP

Darryl:  I'm so excited about that.  Do you feel the same, farmer?

New Year's Day 2

Darryl:  In Korea, I heard there are a lot of fun activities for New Year's Day.  Which one can we do first?  Ah, before that, I have to finish farm chores.

Collect 40 bottles of Milk
  Skip for 20 RC

Harvest 40 Pasture
  Skip for 10 RC

Harvest 6 Maple Syrup or 8 Maple Syrup
  Skip for 6 RC or 8 RC  (Total depends on platform: Android may be different from Kindle for this one)

Reward: 2500 Coins, 160 XP

Darryl:  Thanks, farmer!  I'm so excited to have a Korean style New Year's Day!

New Year's Day 3

Darryl:  Let's start by wearing Korean traditional clothes - Hanbok!  Do I look good in this awesome outfit?

Harvest 40 Cucumber
  Skip for 10 RC

Collect 40 Buffalo Milk
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 40 Buffalo Milk Cheese
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 2500 Coins, 170 XP

Darryl: Now that I finished today's farmwork with your help, it's time to plan something awesome together!

New Year's Day 4

Darryl:  I will invite all my family members to my New Year's party!  In Korea on New Year's Day, all family members gather together, share special food for the day and enjoy a lot of activities together!

Harvest 40 Rye
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 40 Sacks of Rye Flour
  Skip for 10 RC

Prepare 8 Cake Flour
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 2 Oat Flour and 2 Rye Flour

Reward: 2500 Coins, 170 XP
Special Reward: Mission Gift Box

Darryl:  By the way, New Year's Day is called Seol-Nal in Korean!

New Year's Day 5

Darryl:  Before my family members arrive and get here,  I have to prepare some food for them.  Can you help me, farmer?

Produce 40 Beef
  Skip for 10 RC

Collect 20 Jars of Honey
  Skip for 10 RC

Prepare 10 Beef Bulgogi
  Skip for 10 RC
  Each requires 2 Soy Sauce and 1 Beef

Reward: 2500 Coins, 180 XP

Darryl:  Maybe we need more drinks?

New Year's Day 6

Darryl:  It's time to play a traditional Korean game with wooden sticks called 'Yut'.  How the sticks land after being thrown by a player determines the movement of his marker.  Ready to play?

Ask for 20 Wooden Sticks from Neighbours
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 50 Sugar
  Skip for 12 RC

Prepare 8 Beef Broth
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 2 Beef and 2 Spice

Reward: 2500 Coins, 180 XP

Darryl:  I had so much fun!

New Year's Day 7

Darryl:  We will have winners soon, so I need to prepare some rewards.  Time to ask for some help from our neighbours!

Ask for 20 Lucky Ladles from Neighbours
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 20 jars of Apple Jam
  Skip for 10 RC

Prepare 8 Korean Beef Soup
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Beef Bulgogi and 1 Beef Broth
  (You should have both from previous tasks)

Rewards: 2500 Coins, 190 XP

Darryl:  In Korea, a Lucky Ladle or Bokjori is believed to deliver a lot of luck.  I hope every one likes it!

(Photo of Bokjori or Lucky Ladles... these are linked primarily to the Lunar New Year rather than our Solar New Year, I believe.)

New Year's Day 8

Darryl:  Let's play with our kites outside!  The higher our kites are flying, the more fun we will have!

Place a Glutinous Rice Mortar on your Farm
  (Reward from Collections Mission)
  Skip for 10 RC

  N.B.  The Glutinous Rice Mortar produces every 6 hours.

Harvest 10 Walnuts
  Skip for 10 RC

Prepare 8 Bowls of Nut Mix
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Hazelnut and 1 Candied Walnut

Reward: 2500 Coins, 190 XP

Special Reward:  Rabbit Pet House Ears*
  *See note about Pet House accessories at top of post.

Darryl:  It's too cold outside!  Let's go get some warm drinks together!

New Year's Day 9

Darryl:  I mentioned that Korean New Year's Day has its very own special food, right?  My grandma is cooking Glutinous Rice Cake Soup.  It smells heavenly!

Prepare 8 Condensed Milk
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Milk and 1 Sugar

Produce 50 Turkeys
  Skip for 12 RC

Prepare 8 Glutinous Rice Cake Soups
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Glutinous Rice Cake and 1 Korean Beef Soup

  N.B.  The Glutinous Rice Cake is a product of the Collectable Glutinous Rice Mortar

Reward: 2500 Coins, 200 XP

Darryl:  Glutinous Rice Cake Soup is a very warm, healthy and nice soup.  It's not officially the New Year until you have a bowl!

New Year's Day 10

(Famous in Korea, this depicts the Magpie talking to a Tiger... the Magpie is believed to be the harbinger of good news)

Darryl:  Birds are chirping outside!  They are magpies!  Ah, I feel so lucky!  In Korea, magpies are believed to bring the best luck for the new year!

Produce 50 Ketchup
  Skip for 12 RC

Prepare 8 Plates of Fried Seasoned Chicken
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 2 Turkey and 2 Ketchup

Prepare 8 Soft Dough
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Cake Flour and 1 Batter

Reward: 2500 Coins, 200 XP

Darryl:  You know,   Korean people leave the last fruit on trees for birds in winter.  Isn't that thoughtful?

New Year's Day 11

Darryl:  Now that the magpies have visited our family, can we cook some dishes for them?  We should have a nice dinner together and wish each other the best of luck this year?

Harvest 50 Cabbages
  Skip for 12 RC

Produce 20 Cabbage Kimchi
  Skip for 10 RC

Prepare 8 Candied Walnuts
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 2 Maple Sugar and 1 Walnut

Rewards: 2500 Coins, 210 XP

Darryl:  Food is so yummy, but...

New Year's Day 12

Darryl:  Every one must have been really hungry!  The food and drinks aren't enough!  Can you help me out, farmer?  I'll need to finish cooking more dishes soon!

Prepare 12 Kimchi Pancakes
  Skip for 12 RC
  Each requires 1 Soft Dough and 2 Cabbage Kimchi

Produce 6 Jars of Nectar
  Skip for 6 RC

Prepare 8 Plates of Kulfi
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Condensed Milk and 1 Nectar

Reward: 2500 Coins, 210 XP
Special Reward: Island Mission Gift Box

Darryl:  You saved me!  Thanks, Farmer!

New Year's Day 13

Darryl:  Oh, I just got a call from Daddy on the island farm saying he might be late due to a lot of island farm work.  He can't miss our New Year's Day dinner!  What can we do?

Produce 60 Wool
  Skip for 15 RC

Transport 60 Wool to the Island Farm
  Skip for 15 RC

  N.B.  Split the Transport between Zeppelins if you wish to speed the process.

Produce 60 Wool Yarn
  Skip for 15 RC
  This is an Island Task

Reward: 2500 Coins, 220 XP

Darryl:  Thank you, farmer!  You're the best!

New Year's Day 14

Darryl:  Thanks to you, my Daddy was able to join our New Year's Day party!  We should enjoy our party with even more people.  What do you think, Farmer?  Let's invite our lovely Neighbours!

Prepare 8 Apple Kulfi
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Kulfi and 2 Apple Jam

Prepare 8 Bottles of Caramel Honey Sauce
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Caramel and 2 Honey

Fertilise your Neighbours' Farm 10 times
  Skip for 5 RC

Reward: 2500 Coins, 220 XP

Darryl:  Ahhhh!  I love spicy Korean food!

New Year's Day 15

Darryl:  Oh, Grandma prepared some nice clothes for me.  They are called 'Seol-beam' which means 'New Year's Clothes' in Korean.  This is an amazing gift!  I love you, Grandma.

Produce 60 Wool Cloth
  Skip for 30 RC
  This is an Island Task

Harvest 8 Elderberries
  Skip for 8 RC

Prepare 8 Elderberry Pancakes
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 2 Apple Kulfi and 1 Elderberry

Reward: 2500 Coins, 230 XP

Darryl:  Ah, I'm so happy!

New Year's Day 16

Darryl:  Time to finish this awesome Korean-style New Year's Day celebration!  Did you enjoy yourself?  Let's go take a New Year's Nap!

Craft 6 Clay Facial Masks
  Skip for 6 RC
  Each requires 2 Algae Powder, 1 Batter and 1 Distilled Water
  Each Batter requires 2 Wheat Flour and 1 Egg

Produce 60 Lavender Essential Oil
  Skip for 15 RC
  This is an Island Task

  N.B.  Make certain to transport 60 Lavender to the Island in advance.
Spilt them between Zeppelins to make transport faster.

Prepare 8 Walnut Caramel Treats
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Caramel Treat and 1 Walnut
  Each Caramel Treat requires 1 Caramel Honey Sauce and 1 Soft Dough

Darryl:  Happy New Year, Farmer!

Reward: 2500 Coins, 230 XP

Special Reward: Magpie Decoration

Happy New Year from Freyashawk (Eugenia) and Family Farm Seaside Freyashawk Group

Note of Thanks

I would like to thank all the Farmers who voted for Harvest Moon FDC in the last Farm Beauty Contest.  Thanks to the Vote total, I was able to place 9th and received an Iron Trophy.  I truly appreciate your continuing loyalty and support.

Collection Set

The Collection Set that must be registered consists of the Glutinous Rice Mortar, the Magpie Decoration and the Hazel Tree.

How to Play Yut

The game of Yut mentioned by Darryl in the Quest is an ancient one, not that different from the popular Ancient Egyptian game of Senet.

Here is a link to a good site that not only gives the rules for Yut but had a printable free Yut board:

Printable Yut Board

How to play Yut

16 December 2016

Naughty or Nice Quest and Candy Canes Collections Mission

This post includes the Naughty or Nice Quest and the new Factory Quest.  You will find the Factory Quest at the bottom of the post.

N.B.  For many players, including Harvest Moon FDC, playing on a Kindle, the actual text of the Quest events is missing.  You will be able to complete tasks, but it is helpful to have this post handy as you will see very little on the screen!

Candy Canes Collections Mission

The reward is yet another Stove House Recipe, this one for the Christmas Ham Recipe needed for one of the Quest tasks.

Naughty or Nice 1

Felicia:  Hey Farmer!  Season's Greetings... Can I be honest with you?  I don't really feel the Christmas spirit this year... For me it's just another busy week on the farm.

Harvest 40 Chardonnay
  Skip for 10 RC

Harvest 6 Cherries
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 40 Sacks of Rye Flour
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 2500 Coins, 160 XP, 20 Activity Tokens

In winter, it gets dark so quickly, I need to squeeze in a full day's work in just a couple of hours!

Naughty or Nice 2

Seriously, I don't see the point of it... More cooking, more cleaning, more decorating.  Blah, blah, blah... boring!  Can we get it over with already?

Harvest 40 Grapes
  Skip for 10 RC

Feed the Holstein Cow 40 Times
  Skip for 10 RC

Feed the Angora Rabbit 40 times
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 2500 Coins, 160 XP, 20 Activity Tokens

Felicia:  I don't feel excited about Christmas at all.  But look at Darryl... he can't wait for his Christmas gifts.

Naughty or Nice 3

Felicia:  I am so over Christmas gifts, Farmer... A few boxes under a tree, big deal!  I don't even want anything this year!

Harvest 6 Oranges
  Skip for 6 RC

Prepare 8 Milk Cookies
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Condensed Milk and 1 Wheat Flour

Produce 8 Orange Candies
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 2500 Coins, 170 XP, 20 Activity Tokens

Felicia: Well, maybe I might want a little something, but...

Naughty or Nice 4

Felicia:  The thing is... I think I might have made it to Santa's Naughty list... And I'm afraid I won't be getting any Christmas gifts this year!

Prepare 8 Light Muffins
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Cake Flour and 2 Cherry Jam

Prepare 8 Jars of Apple Jelly
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 2 Maple Syrup and 6 Apple Jam

Prepare 6 Apple Tarts
  Skip for 6 RC
  Each requires 1 Apple Jelly and 1 Light Muffin

Reward: 2500 Coins, 170 XP, 20 Activity Tokens
Special Reward: Mission Gift Box

Felicia:  I haven't been the best sister to Darryl... Grandma and Daddy also scolded me a few times this year.

Naughty or Nice 5

Felicia:  Do you think I will have time to make up for my not-so-good behaviour, Farmer?  Like, when does Santa close the list?  Perhaps I will have a chance?

Harvest 40 Rice
  Skip for 10 RC

Prepare 6 Christmas Cookie Baskets
  Skip for 6 RC
  Each requires 1 Apple Tart and 1 Orange Jam Cookie

Prepare 8 Yule Logs
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 2 Lychee Candy and 1 Dark Chocolate

Reward: 2500 Coins, 180 XP, 20 Activity Tokens

Felicia:  You really think so?  Alright, I'll try my best.

Naughty or Nice 6

Felicia:  Okay, so where do I start?  Granny's organising a big family reunion this Christmas.  Maybe she could use my help.

Prepare 6 Gourmet Apples
  Skip for 6 RC
  Each requires 3 Apples and 1 Dark Chocolate

Collect 12 Reindeer Fur
  Skip for 12 RC

Prepare 12 Christmas Stollen
  Skip for 12 RC
  Each requires 1 Soft Dough and 2 Grapes

Reward: 2500 Coins, 180 XP, 20 Activity Tokens

Felicia:  Cooking is what I do best.  Even Grandma can't stay mad at me after trying my delicious recipes!

Naughty or Nice 7

Felicia:  I don't know how many people Grandma invited, but this is a whole lot of food!  DING!  Here comes another Roasted Turkey!

Harvest 8 Aniseed
  Skip for 8 RC

Prepare 8 Glasses of Mulled Wine
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 2 Wine and 1 Aniseed

Prepare 8 Roast Turkey
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Turkey and 1 Ketchup

Reward: 2500 Coins, 190 XP, 20 Activity Tokens

Felicia:  This ham is going to need some more time in the oven!  Let's see what Darryl is up to!

Naughty or Nice 8

Felicia:  Daddy and Darryl are going to the Island to find the perfect Christmas Tree for us!  I'll go help them pick it up!

Cook 3 Christmas Hams in the Stove House
  Skip for 10 RC

Craft 6 Red Cord Necklaces in the Beauty Shop
  Skip for 6 RC
  Each requires 1 Angora Hair, 1 Wool and 2 Red Roses, takes 2 minutes but task is fulfilled when you begin it.

Craft 3 Conch Necklaces in the Beauty Shop
  Skip for 6 RC
  Each requires 1 Red Cord Necklace, 1 Conch Shell and 2 Ostrich Feathers.  Takes 12 minutes but task counts when you begin it.

Reward: 2500 Coins, 190 XP, 20 Activity Tokens
Special Reward: Christmas Pet House Hat

Felicia:  Uh, I should have put on warmer clothes.  It's really cold out here!  Achoo!

Naughty or Nice 9

Felicia:  Oh no, getting a cold is the last thing I want.  I need to help Darryl decorate the Tree!  Any ideas for creative farm-style ornaments?

Ask for 20 Christmas Lollipops from Neighbours
  Skip for 20 RC

Prepare 8 Fruity Christmas Trees
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Cherry and 3 Grapes

Harvest 6 Maple Syrup
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 2500 Coins, 200 XP, 20 Activity Tokens

Felicia:  Not bad, farmer!  Our Tree's starting to look great!  Hope there will be something for me beneath it...

Naughty or Nice 10

Felicia:  Keep on decorating the farm with Darryl and I'll run to the kitchen  and help Granny with desserts!  It's not Christmas without Gingerbread!

Harvest 50 Kiwi Fruits
  Skip for 12 RC

Prepare 6 Gingerbreads
  Skip for 6 RC
  Each requires 1 Soft Dough and 1 Aniseed

Produce 50 Bottles of Champagne
  Skip for 12 RC

Reward: 2500 Coins, 200 XP, 20 Activity Tokens

Felicia:  mmm, the smell of freshly baked gingerbread cookies...

Naughty or Nice 11

Farmer!  Look outside!  It's snowing!  Oh, the farm's going to look so beautiful covered in white.  Listen to me!  I think I am starting to get excited for Christmas!

Prepare 15 Bottles of Cherry Cider
  Skip for 15 RC

Produce 60 Dried Kiwi Fruit
  Skip for 15 RC?

Transport 50 Wool to the Island Farm
  Skip for 12 RC?

Reward: 2500 Coins, 210 XP, 20 Activity Tokens

Felicia:  I'd better go check on Darryl and the tree!

Naughty or Nice 12

Felicia:  It's time to put the final touch on our Christmas Tree!  Can I have the lights, please?  Whoops!  Those are broken!  What are we going to do?

Harvest 8 Cedar Wood
  Skip for 8 RC

Ask for 20 Christmas Lights from Neighbours
  Skip for 20 RC

Collect 50 Duck Eggs
  Skip for 12 RC

Reward: 2500 Coins, 210 XP, 20 Activity Tokens

Special Reward: Island Mission Gift Box

Felicia:  We're really lucky to have the most helpful neighbours in the world!

Naughty or Nice 13

Felicia: The food is slowly cooking in the kitchen, falling snow is making our farm white and beautiful and we have the prettiest Christmas Tree I've ever seen...  There's just one more thing I need to do!

Harvest 50 Cassava
  Skip for 12 RC

Produce 60 Lavender Essential Oil
  Skip for 15 RC

Craft 6 Wooden Aroma Bottles
  Skip for 6 RC
  Each requires 2 Wool Yarn and 1 Cedar Wood and 1 Power

Reward: 2500 Coins, 220 XP, 20 Activity Tokens

Felicia:  Christmas Presents, of course!

Naughty or Nice 14

Felicia:  Not that I don't believe in Santa... but I really want to give something special to sll my family members.  After all,  they help and love me every day.  I couldn't be more grateful!

Dig 8 Chests on the Path
  No option to skip

Prepare 8 Turron
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 3 Rice and 1 Chocolate

Craft 12 Crosscut Saws in the Hardware Shop
  Skip for 12 RC

Reward: 2500 Coins, 220 XP, 20 Activity Tokens

Felicia: I hope every one's going to like their gifts!  I can't wait to see their happy faces!

Naughty or Nice 15

Felicia: Christmas really is a magical time.  I spent the whole day decorating with my little brother, helping Granny in the kitchen and doing farm chores with Daddy and I don't even feel tired!

Transport 50 Lavender Essential Oils to the Seaside Farm
  Skip for 12 RC

Produce 60 Mohair
  Skip for 15 RC

Prepare 8 Chocolate Gingerbreads
  Skip for 8 RC
   Each requires 1 Gingerbread and 1 Dark Chocolate

Reward: 2500 Coins, 230 XP, 20 Activity Tokens

Felicia:  I don't know if I managed to make it to Santa's Nice List, but one thing I know for sure...

Naughty or Nice 16

Felicia:  Christmas is all about helping each other, caring about your loved ones and sharing wonderful moments!  Dinner's ready, every one!  Merry Christmas!

Craft 6 Lavender Aroma Bottles
  Skip for 6 RC
  You will need 6 Wooden Aroma Bottles transported to the Seaside Farm.  The Lavender Essential Oil will have been transported prior to this.  Each requires 1 Wooden Aroma Bottle, 1 Lavender Essential Oil and 1 Distilled Water.  Task will complete when you place in slot in Beauty Shop.

Prepare 6 Christmas Dream
  Skip for 6 RC
  Each requires 1 Christmas Stollen and 1 Turron

Produce 20 Kiwi Fruit Breads
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 2500 Coins, 230 XP, 20 Activity Tokens

Special Reward: Holiday Squirrel Baby Decoration for Seaside Farm

Felicia:  Thank you for helping me find the holiday spirit, dear Farmer!  We wish you a Merry Christmas!

A very Happy Christmas to all from Freyashawk!
Thank you for using my site.  I hope it still is helpful, despite some personal health problems I have had this year!  I hope to continue to keep the site updated for you.

Collection Set

The Collection Set consists of the Reindeer (Animal), the Mistletoe Tree and the Holiday Squirrel Baby Decoration.  Register them before the Quest expires in order to receive a Clam Friendship Flower as well as the other rewards of 88 Green Mystrons and 1 RC.


We had a new update immediately before the Naughty or Nice Quest was released.  It includes a number of changes but the new item released is the Factory.  I therefore am including the little Factory introductory Quest here.


Felicia:  In the Factory, we can forge equipment with abilities and make our pets more powerful.

Place a Factory on the Ground
  You will find the Factory in the Buildings department of the market.  It can be placed either on the Farm itself or in the Building Area.  The price is 1000 Coins.

Forge 1 Equipment
  (Check the Materials in your Giftbox)
  Lv. 1 Male Labrador Collar Book, 4 Red Pet Equip Scrolls and 3 TC

  Press Start after placing a mark below the price of 4 TC and it will be made.  You will forge a Blue Pet Collar and when you go to the Pet House, you will be able to equip it to any Male Labrador.

Place 1 Equipment on Pet's Neck

Reward: 500 Coins

The ability attached to my collar was to reduce guest stamina costs by 5%

Felicia:  In the Factory, you can also disassemble equipment you don't like to get some materials back!

10 December 2016

Christmas 2016

(Above, one of the prettiest Decorations of all time, the Snow Tree Arch.  You can stack it on the Snow Base or place it directly on your Farm.  It has sparkling lights and is lovely.)

Snow Base

You will find it in the Decorations section of the Market for 3000 Coins,  It will be unfinished.  To purchase all Materials will cost 30 RC.  If you prefer, you can purchase Materials in the Daily Special Deal section of the Market for 70 TC each.  Remember, however, that this is a slow process as you can purchase one of each item only each day.  30 RC completes it instantly.

The items that can be stacked on the Snow Base are: Christmas Crystal Ball, Snow Magician, Snow Tree Arch and Festive Angel all in special sales and all can be stacked on this base. In Daily Special Deals, you will find materials for sale for the base, if you didn't complete it last year. They cost 70 TC each or yiou can use RC and buy directly from the Base. Other items that can be stacked: Snowman, Snow Globe, Ice Queen, Bunny Snow Girl, Autumn Arch, Balloon Gate, Welcome Sign, Welcome Arch, Christmas Fence, Wind Up Reindeer, Candle Decoration, Tree Reindeer and Small Snowflake Fence. The only new item for sale at present is the Festive Angel.

XMas Tree

Like the Snow Base, this is a stackable base from last year.  You will find it in the Activity Tokens Shop for 50 Activity Tokens.  Ornaments purchased with Activity Tokens both this year and last year can be stacked on the Tree and you can have two of them if you wish.

The new Ornaments are:

XMas Golden Star: 500 Activity Tokens
Bunch of Presents: 300 Activity Tokens

As there were more Ornaments last year than the total that could be stacked at any point in time, you can use the second Tree for the extra Ornaments.

At present, you can earn the Activity Tokens by filling the highlighted Order on the Daily Order Board.  You can purchase new Orders by refreshing the entire Board.

Farm Beauty Contest

There is a new Farm Beauty Contest.  Theme items include the Snow Base and its stackable decorations as well as the XMas Tree and its new Ornaments.  I will add a comprehensive list later here.  The Reindeer is an Animal that qualifies for Theme and the Mistletoe Tree is a Tree that is a Theme item.  Some of the Decorations that are Theme items can be purchased in a Buddy Share Box or found on your own Lucky Wheel if you do not have them from an earlier date.

Theme Items:


Mistletoe Tree
  Available in Market


  Available in Market for 6 RC


Snow Flake Deco
  Decorations Reward for current Farm Beauty Contest when you reach 4000 points

Bunch of Presents
  Available in Activity Mystrons Shop; can be stacked on XMas Tree

Christmas Crystal Ball
   Available from past and now in special Sale Offer

Xmas Golden Star
  New in Activity Tokens Shop, stackable on Xmas Tree

Santa's Legs
   From past, randomly found in Mystrons Shop

Christmas Sled
  From past

Christmas BAckdrop
  Not yet available

Wind Up Reindeer
  Not yet available

Xmas Snowman
  From last year, Activity Tokens Shop

Festive Angel
  Available as special offer

Christmas Cake
  Available in Market for 12,000 Coins

Gingerbread Man
  Available on Lucky Wheel or Buddy Share Box or Mystrons Shop randomly

Snow Tree Arch
  From past and available now in Special Offers

Christmas Tree
  Available in Market for 10,000 Coins

Snow Magician
  From past and in special offer currently

Bunny Snow Girl
  From past

Snow Base
  From past and can be purchased incomplete now in Market

XMas Tree
  From past and now available again in Activity Tokens Shop

Christmas Candle
  Available in Market for 5 RC

Candle Decoration
  From past and now in Lucky Wheel and Buddy Share Box

Gluhwein Cup
  From past and now in Lucky Wheel and Buddy Share Box

Gingerbread House
  From past and now in Lucky Wheel and Buddy Share Box

Mini Christmas Tree
  In Market in Decorations section for 3 RC

Xmas Stocking
  From last year, Activity Tokens Shop

Tree Reindeer
  From past

Xmas Shooting Star
  From last year, Activity Tokens Shop

Xmas Gingermen
  From last year, Activity Tokens Shop

Christmas Wreath Fence
  Last year Calendar Reward

Singing Elves
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02 December 2016

To be Askelladen Quest and Viking Hats Collections Mission

The new time-restricted Quest has been released in tandem with another Collections Mission.  This one breaks the recent trend of alternating Trees or Collectables with Stove House Recipes as once again the Reward is a Stove House Recipe in the form of a Norwegian Wheat Porridge Recipe.

You will need an Avocado Tree to complete the Collections Mission.

N.B. My laptop broke so I am having difficulties. Please excuse any typing errors.

To be Askelladen

To be Askelladen 1

Darryl:  Hi, Farmer.  Do you remember Felicia's fairty tale at the beginning of this year?  I found another one from Grandma's old shelf.  Want to know what it's about?

Harvest 40 Wheat
  Skip for 10 RC

Harvest 40 White Grapes
  Skip for 10 RC

Collect 40 Duck Eggs
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 2500 Coins, 160 XP

Darryl:  It's a Norwegian Fairy Tale.  Sounds special, right?

To be Askelladen 2

Darryl:  I can't wait to read the story in this book.  Could you help me with some chores so I have enough time to read, farmer?

Produce 40 Bottles of White Wine
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 40 Bottles of Mayonnaise
  Skip for 10 RC

Feed the Angora Rabbit 40 times
  Skip for 10 RC
  When a task calls for you to 'feed' an animal, use of Batch Production counts for completion as soon as you load the food into the Animal habitat or pen.

Reward: 2500 Coins, 160 XP

Well done.  thank you so much farmer.  I guess we can read this book now.

To be Askelladen 3

Hmm. There are so many fairy tales  in here.  Which should we start with?  Wait, I noticed something.  The main character in some  of the stories are all the same.  They're all called Askelladen.  Why?

Harvest 40 Cucumbers
  Skip for 10 RC

Harvest 8 Apples
  Skip for 8 RC

Collect 40 Buffalo Milk
  Skip for 10 RC

reward: 2500 Coins, 170 XP

Grandma told me Askelladen is famous in Norwegian fairy tales and reprresents every ordinary
but brave person in our lives.

To be Askelladen 4

Okay, okay, I know it's time to choose one.  Hmm... how about this: Askelladen competes with the troll?

Produce 40 Buffalo Cheese
   Skip for10 RC

Produce 40 Bags of Wheat Flour
  Skip for 10 RC

Prepare 8 dishes of Cheese Apples
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 4 Buffalo Milk Cheese and 6 Apples

Reward: 2500 Coins, 170 XP
Special Reward: Mission Gift Box

Ah, there's a picture of the huge, ugly troll!  I want to know how Askelladen won!

To be Askelladen 5

So let's start the story.  Once upon a time, there was a poor farmer who had three sons  He wanted to let them chop the trees in the foerest, so he 'd have some wood to pay his debts.

Harvest 8 Peaches
  Skip for 8 RC

Produce 50 Sugar
  Skip for 12 RC

Prepare 8 Jars of Peach Confiture
  Skip  for 8 RC
   Each requires 2 Peaches and 4 Sugars

Reward: 2500 Coins, 180 XP.
The eldest went first but the Troll appeared.  If you dare chop in my forest, I'll slaughter you  So he threw down his axe and ran.

To be Askelladen 6

The troll must be super scary.  Othrwise, he wouldn't have run away, right?    Let's see how the second son gets on.

Produce 50 Turkey
  Skip for 12 RC

Prepare 8 Bottles of White Grape Cider
   Skip for 8 RC
   Each requires 2 Yeast and  1 White Grape

Harvest 8 Cinnamon
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 2500 Coins, 180 XP

Oh no,  the second son was even worse!  When he saw the Troll, he just ran away as his older brother had, but even faster!!

To be Askelladen 7

Then it was Askelladen's turn.  He said he would like to go as well but his two older brothers just laughed.  You?  You've never even been out of this room!

Fish 8 times using the Squid Hook
  Skip for 8 RC

Prepare 8 Bowls of Cottage Cheese
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 2 Cheddar Cheese and 2 Milk

Ask Neighbours for 20 Norwegian Knives
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 2500 Coins, 190 XP

Yeah,, I feel sorry for him.  But you know what?  He just asked for some cheese and a knife!  I believe he can make it

To be Askelladen 8

Let's continue.: He went into the forest but when the Troll came he got out the cheese and crumbled it in his hand.  If you don't back off I'll kill you like I crumbled this white stone.

Cook 4 Norwegian  Wheat Porridge in the Stove House\
  Skip for 10 RC

Harvest 8 Apricots
  Skip for 8 RC

Prepare 8 Apricot Chutney
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Apricot and 1 White Vinegar

Reward: 2500 Coins, 190 XP

Yes, the  Troll even  helped him chop the trees afterwards.  I want to be a clever boy as well!

Special Reward:  Dog Pet Hair

To be Askelladen 9

Farmer, I really like Askelladen now, this super smart character!  Compared with his two older brothers, he's so brave!

Process 6 Crayfish in the Seafood House
  Skip for 6 RC

Prepare 8 Cream Cheese Bagels
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each  requires 1 Oat Bread and 1 Herb Cream Cheese

Prepare 8 Asparagus Bagels
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Cream Cheese Bagel and 1 Asparagus

Reward: 2500 Coins, 200 XP

The Troll asked him to  come to his house together after chopping  the trees.  What happens next?

To be Askelladen 10

When they got to the Troll's home, Askelladen was supposed to get the water for the porridge.  The Troll would kindle the fire, but...

Harvest 50 Cassava
   Skip for 12 RC

Produce 50 Bags of Cassava Flour
  Skip for 12 RC

Prepare 8 Chicken Tacos
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 2 Turkey and 1 Avocado

Reward: 2500 Coins, 200 XP

But the water buckets were too heavy for our little boy to carry... what can he do?

To be Askelladen 11

He found a solution.  He said, It's not worthy for me to carry these buckets, so I'll carry the whole well!  Guess what the Troll said?

Collect 20 Jars of Honey
  Skip for 12 RC

Transport  50 Jars of Honey to the Island Farm
  Skip for 10 RC

Prepare 6 Avocado Shrimp Salads
  Skip for 6 RC
  Each requires 1 Avocado and 1 Shrimp Meat

Reward: 2500 Coins, 210 RC

The Troll said, No, I can't lose my water well! and he carried the water instead of Askelladen.

To be Askelladen 12

Grandma's coming. Oh no, I can't let her know I'm still reading and didn't do the chores.  I need your help again, Farmer.

Craft 2 Wooden Planks
  Skip for 4RC

Craft 8 Wooden Cylinders
  Skip for 8 RC

Craft 2 Wooden Chairs
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 2500 Coins, 210 XP
Special Reward: Island Mission Gift Box

Woohoo!  We finished it so quickly!  I know I couldn't have done it without your help.  Thank you Farmer.

To be Askelladen 13

Where were we?  Ah at the Troll's house...Askelladen asked the Troll if he'd compete with him to see who could eat the most porridge.

Transport 8 Apricots to the Island Farm
  Skip for 8 RC

Produce 8 Apricot Pies
  Skip for 8 RC

Prepare 8 Orange Crumbles
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Batter and 3 Oranges
  (You will need 12 of these actually)

Reward: 2500 Coins, 220 XP

Askelladen won the competition, Farmer!  Let me tell you how he did it...

To be Askelladen 14

He put his leather bag in front of himself and used his knife to cut a big hole in the bottom of his bag.

Ask Neighbours for 20 Knapsacks
  Skip for 20 RC

Dig 8 Chests on the Path
  Skip for 8 RC

Prepare 12 Dishes of Sunrise Porridge
  Skip for 12 RC
  Each requires 1 Orange Crumble and 1 Cornmeal

Reward: 2500 Coins, 220 RC

The Troll said, Can't eat any more.  So Askelladen said, Do what I did and cut open your belly so you can eat as much as you want!

To be Askelladen 15

This Troll is so stupid!  The Troll did just what Askelladen told him to do, since he said it didn't hurt at all.  Every one can guess what happened next...

Harvest 60 Sugar Beets
  Skip for 15 RC

Produce 60 Caramel
  Skip for 15 RC

Prepare 6 Baked Tilapia
  Skip for 6 RC
  Each requires 1 Tilapia and 3 Wheat Flour

Reward: 2500 Coins, 230 XP

Askelladen?  He took all the silver and gold he found at the Troll's house back home.  With this treasure, the debts can be paid.

To be Askelladen 16

Farmer, the fairytale has ended and I really want to be a person who can face challenges bravely and sensibly by myself, just like Askelladen did!

Produce 60 Sugar Popcorn
  Skip for 15 RC

Produce 30 Caramel Popcorn
  Skip for 15 RC

Prepare 6 Tilapia with Chutney Sauce
  Skip for 6 RC
  Each requires 1 Apricot Chutney and 1 Baked Tilapia

Reward: 2500 Coins, 230 XP
Special Reward:  Troll Statue Decoration

Darryl:  Thank you forvall your help Farmer.  I hope we can read this book together again!

Collection Set

The Collection Set for this one is the Avocado Tree, the Chocolate Machine and the Troll Statue.  Register all items and claim Set in Lighthouse to obtain Clam Friendship Flower with 88 Green Mystrons and 1 RC.